Company Commander Required Knowledge

  1. 1st General Order
    To take charge of this post and all government property in view.
  2. 2nd General Order
    To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
  3. 3rd General Order
    To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
  4. 4th General Order
    To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.
  5. 5th General Order
    To quit my post only when properly relieved.
  6. 6th General Order
    To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Commanding Officer, Field Officer of the Day, Officer of the Day, and Officers and Petty Officers of the Watch.
  7. 7th General Order
    To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
  8. 8th General Order
    To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
  9. 9th General Order
    To call the Petty Officer of the Watch in any case not covered my instruction.
  10. 10th General Order
    To salute all Officers and all colors and standards not cased.
  11. 11th General Order
    To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
  12. Coast Guard Ethos
    • I am a Coast Guardsman
    • I serve the people of the United States
    • I will protect them
    • I will defend them
    • I will save them
    • I am their Shield
    • For them I am Semper Paratus
    • I live the Coast Guard Core Values
    • I am proud to be a Coast Guardsman
    • We are the United States Coast Guard
  13. Who is the Secretary of Homeland Security
    The Honorable John Kelly
  14. Who is the Commandant of the Coast Guard
    Admiral Zunkunft
  15. Who is the Deputy Commandant for mission support
    Vice Admiral Stosz
  16. Who is the Force Readiness Commander
    Rear Admiral Throop
  17. Who is the Commanding Officer
    Capt. Gibbons
  18. Who is the Executive Officer
    CDR Meuse
  19. Who is the Training Officer
    CDR Scott
  20. Who is the Regimental Officer
    LCDR Matthews
  21. Who is the Battalion Officer
    LTJG Parocha
  22. Who is the Battalion Commander
    SCPO Pace
  23. What is an E-1
    Seaman Recruit
  24. What is an E-2
    Seaman/Fireman Apprentice
  25. What is an E-3
  26. What is an E-4
    Petty Officer Third Class
  27. What is an E-5
    Petty Officer Second Class
  28. What is an E-6
    Petty Officer First Class
  29. What is an E-7
    Chief Petty Officer
  30. What is an E-8
    Senior Chief Petty Officer
  31. What is an E-9
    Master Chief Petty Officer
  32. What is a W-2
    Chief Warrant Officer Two
  33. What is a W-3
    Chief Warrant Officer Three
  34. What is a W-4
    Chief Warrant Officer Four
  35. What is an O-1
  36. What is an O-2
    LT Junior Grade
  37. What is an O-3
  38. What is an O-4
    LT Commander
  39. What is an O-5
  40. What is an O-6
  41. What is an O-7
    Rear Admiral Lower Half
  42. What is an O-8
    Rear Admiral Upper Half
  43. What is an O-9
    Vice Admiral
  44. What is an O-10
  45. What is the collar device for an E-4
    The collar device for an echo four is zero one gold chevron.
  46. What is the collar device for an E-5
    The collar device for an echo five is zero two gold chevrons.
  47. What is the collar device for an E-6
    The collar device for an echo six is zero three gold chevrons.
  48. What is the collar device for an E-7
    The collar device for an echo seven is zero one gold anchor.
  49. What is the collar device for an E-8
    The collar device for an echo eight is zero one gold anchor with zero one silver star.
  50. What is the collar device for an E-9
    The collar device for an echo niner is zero one gold anchor with zero two silver stars.
  51. What is the collar device for an E-9 with special pay
    The collar device for an echo niner with special pay is zero one gold anchor with zero three silver stars.
  52. What is the collar device for a W-2
    The collar device for a whiskey two is zero one gold bar with zero three blue breaks.
  53. What is the collar device for a W-3
    The collar device for a whiskey three is zero one silver bar with zero two blue breaks.
  54. What is the collar device for a W-4
    The collar device for a whiskey four is zero one silver bar with zero three blue breaks.
  55. What is the collar device for an O-1
    The collar device for an Oscar one is zero one gold bar.
  56. What is the collar device for an O-2
    The collar device for an Oscar two is zero one silver bar.
  57. What is the collar device for an O-3
    The collar device for an Oscar three is zero two silver bars.
  58. What is the collar device for an O-4
    The collar device for an Oscar four is zero one gold oak leaf.
  59. What is the collar device for an O-5
    The collar device for an Oscar five is zero one silver oak leaf.
  60. What is the collar device for an O-6
    The collar device for an Oscar six is zero one silver eagle.
  61. What is the collar device for an O-7
    The collar device for an Oscar seven is zero one silver star.
  62. What is the collar device for an O-8
    The collar device for an Oscar eight is zero two silver stars.
  63. What is the collar device for an O-9
    The collar device for an Oscar niner is zero three silver stars.
  64. What is the collar device for an O-10
    The collar device for an Oscar ten is zero four silver stars.
  65. What is the sleeve insignia for an  E-4
    The sleeve insignia for an echo four is zero one red chevron.
  66. What is the sleeve insignia for an E-5
    The sleeve insignia for an echo five is zero two red chevrons.
  67. What is the sleeve insignia for an E-6
    The sleeve insignia for an echo six is zero three red chevrons.
  68. What is the sleeve insignia for an E-7
    The sleeve insignia for en echo seven is zero three gold chevrons below zero one rocker.
  69. What is the sleeve insignia for an E-8
    The sleeve insignia for an echo eight is zero three gold chevrons below zero one gold rocker below zero one white star.
  70. What is the sleeve insignia for an E-9
    The sleeve insignia for an echo niner is zero three gold chevrons below zero one gold rocker below zero two white stars.
  71. What is the sleeve insignia for an E-9 with special pay
    The sleeve insignia for an echo niner with special pay is zero three gold chevrons below zero one gold rocker below zero three gold stars.
  72. What is the shoulder board for a W-2
    The shoulder board for a Whiskey Two is zero one half inch gold band with zero three blue breaks.
  73. What is the shoulder board for a W-3
    The shoulder board for a Whiskey Three is zero one half in gold band with zero two blue breaks.
  74. What is the shoulder board for a W-4
    The shoulder board for a Whiskey Four is zero one half inch gold band with zero one blue break.
  75. What is the shoulder board for an O-1
    The shoulder board for an Oscar One is zero one half inch gold band.
  76. What is the shoulder board for an O-2
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Two is zero one half inch gold band below zero one quarter inch gold band.
  77. What is the shoulder board for an O-3
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Three is zero one half inch gold band below zero one half inch gold band.
  78. What is the shoulder board for an O-4
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Four is zero one half inch gold band below zero one quarter inch gold band below zero one half inch gold band.
  79. What is the shoulder board for an O-5
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Five is zero one half inch gold band below zero one half inch gold band below zero one half inch gold band.
  80. What is the shoulder board for an O-6
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Six is zero one half inch gold band below zero one half inch gold band below zero one half inch gold band below zero one half inch gold band.
  81. What is the shoulder board for an O-7
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Seven is zero one silver star.
  82. What is the shoulder board for an O-8
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Eight is zero two silver stars.
  83. What is the shoulder board for an O-9
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Niner is zero three silver stars.
  84. What is the shoulder board for an O-10
    The shoulder board for an Oscar Ten is zero four silver stars.
  85. What is the 1st Firearm safety rule
    Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.
  86. What is the 2nd Firearm safety rule
    Always maintain proper muzzle control.
  87. What is the 3rd Firearm safety rule
    Keep your finger off the trigger until on target and ready to shoot.
  88. What is the 4th Firearm safety rule
    Know your target and what is beyond it.
  89. What are the four parts of the fire tetrahedron
    • Heat
    • Oxygen
    • Fuel
    • Uninhibited chemical chain reaction
  90. Describe a Class Alpha Fire
    • Ordinary combustibles - wood, paper, plastics, etc...
    • Smoke Color: White or Grey
    • Extinguishing option: Water, AFFF
  91. Describe a Class Bravo Fire
    • Combustible liquids - gasoline, diesel, paints, fuels, solvents, grease, etc...
    • Smoke Color: Black or Brown
    • Extinguishing option: PKP, AFF, Halon
  92. Describe a Class Charlie Fire
    • Energized electrical equipment.
    • Smoke Color: Blue or White
    • Extinguishing option: CO2, secure the source of electricity - converting it into an Alpha fire.
  93. Describe a Class Delta Fire
    • Combustible metals, such as magnesium or titanium
    • Smoke Color: Varies, depending on metal being burned.
    • Extinguishing option: Jettison, advanced training needed.
  94. What five former agencies formed the Coast Guard
    • Lighthouse Service
    • Revenue Cutter Service
    • Steamboat inspection Service
    • Life-Saving Service
    • Bureau of Navigation
  95. Who is known as one of the greatest lifesavers in Coast Guard History
    • Joshua James
    • He saved 540 lives during the last 13 years of his life.
  96. Who is considered to be the father of the Coast Guard
    • Alexander Hamilton
    • He passed the Revenue Act, which created the Revenue Cutter Service.
  97. Who is the only Coast Guardsman to receive the Medal of Honor
    • Signalman First Class Douglas Munro
    • He was fatally wounded while supporting United States Marine Corps at Guadalcanal on 27 Sept 1942.
  98. What year and what two former Services combined to create the United States Coast Guard
    • 28 Jan 1915
    • Revenue Cutter Service
    • Life-Saving Service
  99. When and how was the USCGC Tampa destroyed and how crew were killed
    • 26 Sept 1918 a German U-boat used a torpedo.
    • All 111 on board were killed.
  100. Who was LT Elmer Stone and what did he accomplish
    He was the co-pilot of the U.S. Navy's NC4 which made the first transatlantic flight in May 1919.

  101. When and where were the first lifesaving stations
    • 1871
    • Long Island New York, and New Jersey
  102. What is Ida Lewis most known for
    • She saved 18 lives during her 39 years of service.
    • She served at Lime Rock Light House
    • Received the Gold Lifesaving Medal
  103. What is Nathan Bruckenthal known for
    • He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device and the Purple Heart.
    • He was killed while intercepting a waterborne suicide attack on an offshore oil terminal by Iraq in 2004
  104. Who became the first females to serve in the U. S. Coast Guard, and when
    Genevieve and Lucille Baker in 1918
  105. What did Rasmus S. Midgett do in 1899
    Single-handedly rescued 10 people from the grounded ship Priscilla.
  106. Who was Dorothy Stratton
    • Director of the SPARS during WWII
    • recruited and led 10,000 enlisted women and 1,000 commissioned officers
  107. What is the Company Commander Creed
    These Recruits are entrusted to my care. I will train them to the best of my ability. I will develop them into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Coast Guard men and women. I will demand of them, and demonstrate by my own example, the highest standards of personal conduct, morality and professional skill.
  108. What is TRACEN's Mission
    We transform the Recruits of today into Coast Guardsmen of tomorrow.
  109. What is TRACEN's Vision
    The Coast Guard’s Hometown: recognized for being the best place to live, work and visit in the Coast Guard, and for setting the standard of professionalism and selfless service… one graduate at a time.
  110. What is TRACEN's Values
    Honor, Respect, Devotion to Duty
Card Set
Company Commander Required Knowledge
Company Commander required knowledge