Hist. ch 15

  1. what compromise agreement was made between the emperor and the Prodtestant Germans
    Peace of Augsburg
  2. another name for the society of Jesus
  3. which king of Portugal introduced the Inquisition to is country
    King John III
  4. Portugals greatest writer
    Luiz de Camoes
  5. what does the word Netherlands mean
    low lands
  6. which ruler was known for his Council of Blood
    Duke of Alva
  7. "Father of Dutch Liberties"
    William the Silent
  8. name of treaty that gave approval to the territorial state established churches of Germany
    Peace of Augsburg
  9. a rebellion of the poor in Germany that was crushed by the nobles
    Peasants Revolt
  10. council that brought back traditional roman doctrines and denied principles of the Protestant reformation
    Council of Trent
  11. who was known as "Bloody Mary"
    Mary Tudor
  12. what was Queen Elisabeth I nickname
    "Good Queen Bess"
  13. what did Queen Elisabeth use to try and settle her country's religious conflicts
    Elizabethan Settlement
  14. wha was the greatest event during tutor line of kings
    English Reformation
  15. Who was the leader of the Scottish Reformation
    John Knox
  16. Who did Elizabeth employ to build her navy
    Sir John Hawkins
  17. When did the English defeat the Spanish armada
  18. who is considered to possible be the greatest writer of all time
    William Shakespeare
  19. who wrote The Faerie Queene 
    Edmund Spenser
  20. large number of Frenchmen that were influenced by Calvin's teachings
  21. How many of the French nobles became Protestants by the 1500's
    nearly half
  22. two kings that persecuted the Huguenots
    • Francis I
    • Henry II
  23. which queen controlled Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III
    Catherine de Médicis
  24. who led the Catholics
    Guise family
  25. who led the Protestants
    Admiral Gaspard de Coligny
  26. most infamous episode of the French religious wars occurred
    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

  27. first Bourbon king of France
    Henry IV
  28. what stimulated that Huguenots could live wherever they wanted and only teach in designated areas
    Edict of Nantes
  29. When was the Thirty Years' War
  30. which king of Sweden turned the tide of the war in favor of the Protestants until he was killed in battle
    Gustavus Adolphus
  31. what brought the end of the Thirty Years' War
    Peace of Westphalia 

  32. what were the scientists called during the post reformation
    natural philosophers
  33. what means that the earth revolves around the sun
  34. who discovered the heliocentric view
    Nicolaus Copernicus
  35. what are the planetary motion
    planets orbit around the sun in an ellipses, oval shape

    planet moves faster when closer to the sun 

    time it takes a planet to orbit the sun based on its distance
  36. who discovered the three laws of planetary motion
    Johannes Kepler
  37. 1. what law states that tithe seen of a body falling in a vacuum accelerates (increases) uniformly with time

    2. what law explains the relationship between the time it takes a freely swinging mass to travel in its arc and the distance between the mass and its connecting point 

    3.who discovered these laws
    • 1. was of uniform acceleration 
    • 2. laws of the pendulum 
    • 3. Galileo Galilei
  38. who contributed more tho the scientific progress of mankind than any other individual

    "Father of Modern Science"
    Isaac Newton
  39. "Father of Anatomy"
    Andreas Vesalius
  40. "Father of Modern Chemistry"
    Robert Boyle
  41. "After of Microbiology"
    Anon van Leeuwenhoek
  42. Who wrote the first great English science book
    William Gilbert
  43. who formulated the modern scientific method
    Francis Bacon
  44. Puritan clergyman who founded the Philosophical College and formed the Royal Society
    John Wilkins
  45. first permanent scientific society of the Modern Age
    Royal Society
  46. what country became the musical center of the world during the Post-Reformation Era
  47. who wrote Madrigals and church music
    Heinrich Schütz
  48. who is known for composing The Christmas Oratorio, St. Matthew Passion, The Well-Tempered Clavier, and Brandenburg Concertos
    Johann Sebastian Bach
  49. who composed The Messiah and the "Hallelujah Chorus"
    George Frederick Handel
  50. who marked the climax of the classical style of music
    Ludwig van Beethoven
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Hist. ch 15
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