Cell Unit Test

  1. What is the formula for Photosynthesis?
    6H2O+6CO2+Sun Energy=C6H12O6+6O2
  2. What is the formula for Cellular Respiration?
    C6H12O6+6O2=Chemical Energy+6H2O+6CO2
  3. In what organelle does the process of cellular respiration occur?
  4. In what organelle does the process of Photosynthesis occur?
  5. Who are the two men that disproved the theory of spontaneous generation and what did they expirement with?
    Louis Pasteur-Broth

    Franscesco Redi-Meat and Flies
  6. What type of cell has a nucleus?
  7. What type of cell has the DNA located in the cytoplasm?
  8. What is Passive and Active transport? Name examples.
    • Passive Transport-Movement of materials without the use of energy. EX.Diffusion and Osmosis
    • Active Transport-Movement of Materials with the use of energy. EX.Diffusion and Osmosis
  9. Who was the first man to discover cells?
    Robert Hooke dicovered the first cells (dead) in a piece of cork.
  10. Who was the first man to discover living cells?
    Aton Von Leeuwenhoek discovered living cells and called them "animalcules".
  11. What stores materials in a cell?
  12. What organelle breaks up food?
  13. What are the three types of cell sizes and what do they mean?
    • Hypertonic-the cell is too small
    • Isotonic-the cell size is normal
    • Hypotonic-the cell is too big
  14. What does endocytosis and exocytosis mean?
    • Endocytosis-materials move out
    • Exocytosis-materials move in
  15. Whenever there is an imbalance between materials in and out of the cell the cell uses transport to achieve ____________.
  16. What is diffusion?
    The movement of any materials except for water.
  17. What is osmosis?
    The movement of water across the cell membrane.
Card Set
Cell Unit Test
Review of Cells