Cranial Nerves

  1. #1
    • Olfactory
    • Smell
    • Hint: you only have one nose.
  2. #2
    • Optic
    • Sense of vision
    • Test: Snelling card, peripheral vision test
    • Hint: You have two eyes.
  3. #3
    • Oculomotor
    • Pupil constriction/raises eye lids
    • Test: six cardinal gazes
  4. #4
    • Trochlear
    • Downward inward eye movement
    • Test: cardinal gazes
  5. #5
    • Trigeminal
    • Chewing & jaw movement
    • Sensation on face and neck
    • Test: clinch teeth, feel jaw, hard and soft on face
    • Hint: You have five senses. Senses=sensation
  6. #6
    • Abducens
    • Lateral eye movement
    • Test: cardinal gazes
  7. #7
    • Facial
    • Muscles of faces
    • Test: Makes faces, smile, puff cheeks
    • Hint: Seven dwarfs had puffy cheeks.
  8. #8
    • Acoustic/vestibulocochlear
    • Hearing
    • Test: whisper
  9. #9
    • Glossopharyngeal
    • gag reflex/swallowing
    • Test: Tongue depressor
  10. #10
    • Vagus
    • Swallowing and speaking
  11. #11
    • Accessory
    • Shrugging shoulders
    • Hint: "11" looks like two arms.
  12. #12
    • Hypoglossal
    • Movement and strength of tongue
    • Test: stick tongue out, left, right, pull back into mouth
Card Set
Cranial Nerves
The cranial nerves and what they innervate