
  1. In the anatomical position, the palms of the hands are facing:
  2. An accident report contains the following statement: "The victim suffered a severe blow to the mental region" The officer making this statement was a former student of anatomy. His statement there fore means:
    The victim had been struck on the chin
  3. A plane that divides the body into unequal left and right portions is:
  4. Serous membranes cover all of the following organs except for:
    the brain
  5. The pericardial cavity is situated in:
    the mediastinum
  6. A cut through the body that passes perpendicular to the long axis of the body and divides the body into a superior and inferior section is known as:
    transverse section
  7. The pituitary and thyroid glands are components of the:
    endocrine system
  8. Epithelial tissues can be classified into their various categories according to:
    cell shape
  9. Which of the following is more closely associated with the endocrine glands than with exocrine glands?
    blood vessels
  10. If a cell lacked ribosomes, it would not be able to:
    synthesize proteins
  11. all three types of fivers (collagen, elastic, and reticular) are found in which of the following tissues?
    Areolar connective tissue
  12. The tissue that contains erythocytes, leukocytes and plasma belongs to which tissue group?
    epithelial tissue
  13. The wrist is considered_____________ to the elbow?
  14. The membrane covering the surface of the lungs is called:
    parietal peritoneum
  15. Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary and contains branched cells, communicating (gap) junctions in structures called intracalated discs?
    smooth muscle
  16. Which is most superiorly located?

    E. cranial cavity
  17. The spleen, tonsils and thymus are all organs in which system?
    lymphatic and immune
  18. What are the four basic tissue types found in the body?
    • epithelial
    • connective
    • muscle
    • neural
  19. The three cell shapes making up epithelial tissue are:
    • cuboidal
    • squamous
    • cloumnar
  20. as a result of somatic cell division, each daughter cell has:
    exactly the same number odf chromosomes as the parent cell
  21. The membrane-filled spaces between cranial bones of an infant skull are called:
  22. an abdominal incision will pass through the skin, then subcutaneous tissue, then muscle, to reach which membrane lining the inside wall of the abdominal cavity?
    parietal peritoneum
  23. The tissue that contains the fluid matrix is
    connective tissue
  24. The three major types of cartilage in the body are:
    • Hyaline
    • Elastic
    • Fibrocartilage
  25. The type of epithelium that is found lining the internal body compartments and blood vessels is:
    simple squamous
  26. A transitional epithelium would be found in:
    lining the urinary bladder
  27. The primary function of the serous membranes in the body is:
    to minimize friction between opposing surfaces
  28. One would find qseudostratified columnar epithelium lining the:
  29. Two types of osseous tissues are:
    • compact bone
    • and spongy bone
  30. Which statement best describes connective tissue:
    usually contains large amounts of matrix
  31. The inguinal region is located:
    where the thigh joins the trunk
  32. Hormones are regulative proteins that are secereted by the __________ system?
  33. The axillary artery would be found in the region of the:
  34. The popliteal region is:
    the posterior surface of the knee
  35. Functions of the Golgi apparatus include all of the following reasons except:

    B. its so thick and rigid, it offers some protection to the cell.
  36. A type of connective tissue that is not a connective tissue proper is:
  37. Only one type of fiber in connective tissue can be stretched like rubber to 150% of its resting length and then return to that length.
    Elastic fiber
  38. Ligaments consist primarily of which kind of connective tissue?
    dense regular
  39. The type of cartilage that can withstand the stronges compression and tension forces is:
  40. Stem cells in the lowest layer of the epidermis divide to produce all other epidermis cells which then move progressively outward through the following layers: What is the proper order of these layers, deep to superficial?
    1. stratum spinosum
    2. stratum basale
    3. stratum corneum
    4. stratum lucidum
    5. stratum granulosum

    • stranum basale
    • stratum spinosum
    • stratum granulosum
    • stratum lucidum
    • stratum corneum
  41. As keratinocytes move to the surface they...
    they eventually die and are sloughed off
  42. What is the function of the integumentary system:
    • protection of the underlying tissue
    • execretion
    • maintenance of the body temperature
    • nutrition and storage
  43. The fibrous protein that forms the basic structural component of hair and nails is:
    keratin (protein)
  44. The two types of exocrine glands in the skin are:
    sebaceous and sweat glands
  45. The type of sweat gland that begins to function at puberty is:
  46. When one develops "goose bumps" on the skin, this is due to the action of:
    The arrector pili
  47. The state of maintaining a constant internal enviornment is called
  48. The__________region is the "front" of the knee:
  49. Endochondal ossification begins with a _____ model of bone.
    hylaline cartilage
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