Module 13 Study

  1. Digestion
    The process by which an organism breaks down its food into small units which can be absorbed
  2. Vitamin
    A chemical substance essential for the normal working of the human body.
  3. label each part of the digestive system.
    • a. salivary glands
    • b. esophagus
    • c. pancreas
    • d. large intestine
    • e. liver
    • f. small intestine
    • g. rectum
  4. In which organ does most of the absorption of nutrients occur?
    The small intestine.
  5. In which organ is the bolus turned into chyme?
    the stomach
  6. In which organ is the undigested food turned into feces?
    the large intestine
  7. Which organ produces the sodium bicarbonate that neutralizes the stomach acid in the chyme?
    the pancreas
  8. Which organ produces bile?
    the liver
  9. Which organ produces saliva?
    the salivary glands
  10. Which organ moves the food around in the mouth to form the bolus?
    the tongue
  11. What does the epiglottis do?
    the epiglottis covers the larynx when you swallow to make sure that food goes the down the esophagus only.
  12. For the following vitamins:
    vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitaminK
    a. which is water-soluble?
    b. which can be absorbed by the body even if they are not in any food that is eaten?
    c. which are the most likely to build up toxic levels if you take too many vitamin pills?
    • a. vitamins c, b6
    • b. vitamins d, k
    • c. vitamins d, e , k
Card Set
Module 13 Study
Hard Science