
  1. R hemisphere affected (L hemiparesis) - name - 8
    • Quick & impulsive
    • Poor judgement affecting personal safety
    • L sided neglect (diminished body image)
    • Irratibility
    • Short attention span
    • Cannot attain info, diff learning individual steps
    • Poor spatial relationships
    • Poor hand-eye coordination
  2. L hemisphere affected (R hemiparesis) - name - 6
    • Apraxia
    • Difficulty starting & sequencing tasks
    • Easily frustrated w/high levels of anxiety
    • Cautious & slow
    • Perseveration
    • Inability to communicate verbally
  3. Anterior inferior cerebral artery infarct - S/S - 6
    • U/L deafness
    • U/L Horner's syndrome (ptosis, constricted pupil, loss of sweating)
    • Loss of pain/T on CONTRA side
    • Paresis of lateral gaze
    • Ataxia
    • Vertigo
  4. Anterior cerebral artery infarct - S/S - 4
    • LE
    • Mental confusion
    • Aphasia
    • Contralateral neglect
  5. Middle cerebral artery infarct - S/S - 4
    • UE - Loss of sensation in arm & face
    • Aphasia - global
    • Apraxia
    • Homonymous hemianopsia
  6. Posterior cerebral artery infarct - S/S - 4
    • Persistant pain syndrome (CONTRA pain & T loss)
    • Thalamic pain syndrome
    • Homonymous hemianopsia
    • Aphasia
  7. Posterior inferior cerebral artery infarct - syndromes - 2
    • Wallenberg's syndrome 
    • Horner's syndrome
  8. Wallenberg's syndrome - S/S - 7
    • Infarct in posterior inferior artery
    • DEC sensation in IPSI face/CONTRA torso/limbs
    • Ptosis
    • Hoarseness
    • Dysphagia
    • Vertigo
    • Nausea
  9. VBI - Vertebrobasilar insufficiency - S/S - 3
    • Vertigo
    • “Drop attacks” - sudden weakness at knee (knee buckling)
    • Double vision
  10. Horner's syndrome S/S - 3
    • INFERIOR arteries - Anterior & Posterior
    • Ptosis of eyelid
    • Constriction of pupil
    • Sweating of IPSI face
  11. Bulbar palsy - define; which mms? (4); complication; how does pt communicate?
    • Weakness/paralysis of mms innervated by lower brainstem
    • MMs of face, tongue, larynx, pharynx
    • INC jaw jerk
    • Complication - Aspiration pneumonia
    • “Locked-in state” - pt communicates by blinking only
  12. Bulbar palsy - examine what? (2) S/S
    • Voice quality - dysphonia (hoarse­ness/nasal)
    • Glossopharyngeal/vagal paralysis:
    • Phonation
    • Articulation
    • Gag reflex
    • Swallowing
    • Palatal action
  13. Bulbar palsy - Tx - 4
    • Elevate head of bed
    • Soft foods/liquids
    • Suctioning oral care
    • Maintain respiratory function - open airway
  14. UE Flexion synergy
    • Scapular - Elevation & retraction
    • Shoulder - ABD/ER
    • Elbow - Flexion
    • Forearm - Supination
    • Wrist - Flexion
    • Fingers - Flexion
  15. UE Extension synergy
    • Scapular - depression & protraction
    • Shoulder - ADD/IR
    • Elbow - Extension
    • Forearm - Pronation
    • Wrist - Flexion
    • Fingers -
  16. LE Flexion synergy
    • Hip - flex/ABD/ER
    • Knee - flexion
    • Ankle - DF, inversion
    • Toes - Extension
  17. LE Extension synergy
    • Hip - Extension/ADD/IR
    • Knee - extension
    • Ankle - PF, inversion
    • Toes - PF
  18. LE synergy & ankle - flex/ext
    • Flexion - DF & Inversion
    • Extension - PF & Inversion
  19. LE synergy & hip - flex/ext
    • Flexion - Flexion/ABD/ER
    • Extension - Extension/ADD/IR
  20. UE synergy & forearm - flex/ext
    • Flexion - Supination
    • Extension - Pronation
  21. UE synergy & scapular - flex/ext
    • Flexion - Elevation & retraction
    • Extension - Depression & Protraction
  22. Strongest component in LE synergies - flex/ext
    • Flexion - Hip flexion
    • Extension - Hip ADD/knee ext/ankle PF
  23. Strongest component in UE synergies - flex/ext
    • Flexion - Elbow flexion
    • Extension - Shoulder ADD & IR
  24. Which component is the strongest in LE flexion synergy?
    Hip flexion
  25. Stages of recovery post stroke - 6
    • I - flaccid; no limb movement
    • II - synergies may appear; spasticity develops; min voluntary movement
    • III - spasticity severe; synergies appear
    • IV - spasticity begins to decline; some movement IND of synergies
    • V - movement becomes more complex
    • VI - Spasticity is gone; Coordination & movement approach normal
  26. In what stage do synergies no longer dominate?
  27. In what stage does spasticity begin to decline?
  28. In what stage is there movement independent of synergies?
  29. In what stage does spasticity become severe?
  30. In what stage does spasticity appear?
    2 after flaccid stage
  31. In what stage do synergies appear?
  32. Inhibition techniques - 9
    • Inhibitory casting
    • Deep P to tendons
    • Very low frequency vibration
    • Rocking/rolling - Slow repetitive 
    • Limb movements emphasizing rotation
    • Icing - Prolonged 
    • Static mm stretch - prolonged
    • Slow stroking
    • Reflex inhibiting postures
  33. Facilitation techniques - 5
    • Stretching - Quick 
    • Tapping of mm belly or tendon
    • Vibration - High frequency
    • Icing - Quick 
    • Spinning/rolling - Fast
  34. Spastic mm - do what?
    Facilitation techniques to non-spastic ones - reciprocal inhibition
  35. Joint approximation facilitates what?
  36. Do what to normalize tone?
    Joint compression & facilitation
  37. To INC activation of inactive mms do what?
    • Resistance of functioning mms
    • Isometric holding
  38. Oromotor activities - help w/sucking?
    Deep P to neck above thyroid notch
  39. Oromotor activities - help w/swallowing?
    Firm P to anterior 1/3 of tongue - stimulates posterior elevation of tongue for swallowing
  40. Oromotor activities - posture - 4
    • Head - Not extended or tipped back
    • Upright sitting w/hips well back
    • Symmetrical WB
    • Feet flat on floor
  41. Oromotor activities & food prep
    Initially semimoist
  42. Ramistes - @ hip
    Resistance to hip ADD/ABD of noninvolved extremity results in same motion of involved extremity
  43. Homolateral limb synkinesis - define
    Flexion of UE cause flexion of LE
  44. Souque’s - describe
    • Raising involved UE above 100 degrees & elbow ext will ext/ABD fingers
    • Used for finger flexor spasticity?
  45. Frontal lobe damage - deficits - R vs L
    • L hemisphere - Broca’s aphasia
    • R hemisphere - lose their original personality + more impulsive + combative = SAFETY issues
  46. Temporal lobe damage - deficits - 1
    L hemisphere - Wernecke’s aphasia
  47. Occipital lobe damage - deficits - 1; IPSI vs CONTRA
    • Homonymous hemianopsia
    • Ipsilateral
  48. Parietal lobe damage - deficits - 2
    • Somatosensory
    • Hemiparesis, w/upper extremity more affected than lower extremity
  49. Damage to basal ganglia - problems w/what? - 3
    • Motor planning
    • Scaling of movements
    • Postures
    • Ex: PD
  50. Cerebellar dysfunction - movement disturbances - 3
    • Dyssynergia
    • Dysmetria
    • Dysdiodokinesia
    • Movement decomposition is velocity dependent - w/greater disturbances in movement control at higher speeds
  51. Cerebellar damage - what impairments are seen? - 4
    • Difficulty w/movement
    • Postural control
    • Eye-movement
    • MM tone
  52. Pusher syndrome
    • Pt will use non-involved side to push over to involved side
    • To minimize - have pt clasp hands together
  53. CVA - bed positioning in flaccid stage on hemiparetic side - scapula, elbow, forearm, wrist
    • Scapula - protraction
    • Elbow - extension
    • Forearm - supination
    • Wrist - neutral
  54. Homolateral hemianopsia - damage to what?
    W/damage to occipital lobe
  55. Wernecke's aphasia - 2 other names; loss of what; can do what; PT
    • Fluent or Receptive (bc can speak)
    • Spontaneous speech is preserved - Able to speak
    • Auditory comprehension impaired - written or spoken form
    • PT - Gestures
  56. Broaca's aphasia - 2 other names; loss of what; can do what; PT
    • Non-fluent or Expressive
    • Loss of ability to produce language (spoken or written)
    • Able to understand
    • PT - "yes" or "no" responses
  57. With global aphasia do what?
    Use symbolic gestures
  58. With expressive aphasia do what?
    • Verbal cues - Yes & No answers
    • Understanding of verbal cues is intact but motor production is impaired
  59. With receptive aphasia do what?; why?
    • Demonstrate & gesture
    • Spontaneous speech is preserved & flows smoothly
    • Auditor comprehension is impaired
  60. CVA - factors contributing to shoulder subluxation & pain in hemiplegia - 2
    Traction acting on depressed, downwardly rotated scapula
  61. CVA - LE dominant synergies - do what to break up?
    Bridging = breaks up hip extension from extensor synergy w/knee flexion from flexor synergy
  62. CVA - UE spastic hypertonia - involved what? - 4
    • Sh ADD
    • Forearm pronation
    • Elbow flexion
    • Wrist/hand flexion
  63. L cerebral damage - what impairments are seen? - 1jQuery110109029431338461216_1483381597079? what else?
  64. R cerebral damage - what impairments are seen? - 1jQuery110105064054652873653_1483383381748? what else?
    L sided neglect
  65. What follows flaccidity?
    Spasticity, hypereflexia & synergies
  66. What is present early?
    Flaccidity with no voluntary movement
  67. What can affect tone?
    Changes in body position
  68. Hypertonicity - S/S - 4
    • Spasticity
    • High tone
    • Hyperactive reflexes
    • DEC thoracic mobility
  69. Risk w/hypotonicity
    Risk of dislocation of atlantoaxial jt (SCI), hip, knee, shoulder, elbow
  70. Description of hypotonicity - 3
    • Floppy
    • Low tone
    • Flaccid
  71. Mobility activities & upright activities - 3 in proper order
    • Holding a posture (stability)
    • Moving in a posture (controlled mobility)
    • Dynamic challenges to balance (in sitting, initially maintain proper pelvic alignment)
  72. Mobility activities focus on what? - 6 in proper order
    • Rolling
    • Sitting up
    • Bridging
    • Sitting
    • Standing
    • Transfers
  73. Respiratory activities & diaphragmatic breathing - 2
    • Use word repetition
    • Manual cues
  74. Respiratory activities & chest expansion - 3
    • Manual contacts
    • Resistance
    • Stretch to chest wall segments
  75. Thalamic pain - describe; injury to what artery
    • Continuous, intense pain occurring on CONTRA hemiplegic side
    • Injury to Posterior cerebral artery
  76. Decerebrate rigidity - describe + injury to what?
    • Full extension of upper & lower limbs
    • Injury to brainstem
  77. Decorticate rigidity - describe posture
    • Flexion of UE
    • Extension of LE
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