aedificium, aedificiī (gender?)
building, structure (n)
mulier, mulieris (gender?)
woman (f)
ventus, ventī (gender?)
wind (m)
līberālis, līberāle
of, relating to a free person; worthy of a free man, decent, liberal; generous
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum
to walk
lībō, lībāre, lībāvī, lībātum
to pour a libation of, on; pour ritually; sip; touch gently
oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātum
to fight against, attack, assault, assail
pernoctō, pernoctāre, pernoctāvī, pernoctātum
to spend or occupy the night
iniūria, iniūriae (gender?)
injustice, injury, wrong (f)
trānsitus, trānsitūs (gender?)
passing over, transit; transition (m)
cupidus, cupida, cupidum
desirous, eager, fond; or desirous of, eager for (+gen.)
necessary, inevitable
experior, experīrī, expertus sum
to try, test;, experience
opórtet, oportḗre, opórtuit (+infin.)
it is proper, right, necessary
ōrnō, ōrnāre, ōrnāvī, ōrnātum
to equip, furnish, adorn
trānseō, trānsīre, trānsiī, trānsitum
to go across, cross; pass over, ignore