valdez final

  1. 1 Why is it important to provide early interventions for young children with or at-risk disabilities (Ch. 12)?
    • a. Families can use these programs to help them recognize the child’s special needs.
    • b. These programs have been proven to provide great benefit in cognitive and overall development in children.
  2. 2)Why are CLDE underrepresented in gifted education (Ch. 14)?
    • a. Recruitment barriers-teacher referral, testing issues, policies, student choice, lack of family awareness & involvement, & community pressures
    • b. Retain barriers-lack of culturally responsive support services, underachievement, lack of multicultural education, & social-emotional needs, Barriers to recruiting & retaining:
    • c. Cultural misunderstanding- differences are equated w/deficits; negative stereotypes & prejudices inhibit teachers’ ability to see strengths in students different from them
    • d. Testing & assessment-exclusive reliance on test scores keeps demographics of G/T programs primarily European American & middle class; educators urged to use more than 1 test to make placement decisions .
  3. •3) Name two self-monitoring strategies that can be utilized/taught to students (Ch 11).
    • a. Countoons is a self-monitoring tool designed to address a specific behavior and desired behavior. Each frame on the box is for counting the desired behaviors, the undesired behavior.
    • b. MotivAider®, a device clipped to students that vibrates at a set time. Once the device vibrates the students are to note there behavior on a self-monitoring form.
  4. •4) Why is math particularly challenging for ELLs and how do we help CLDE students develop math skills (Ch. 10)?For ELLs the need to understand the math language and symbols precisely can be very difficult, We can help CLDE students develop math skills by:
    • 1) Use various modes of representation
    • 2) Consider appropriate structures for teaching specific concepts
    • 3) Consider the language of mathematics
    • 4) Integrate real world apps
    • 5) Provide explicit instruction
  5. •5) What is the five-step process to effective instruction (Ch. 9)?
    • o 1) Formal and informal assessment
    • o 2) Translating assessment data into instructional objectives
    • o 3)Standards and strategies
    • o 4)Progressive monitoring
    • o 5) Maintenance ; provide skills that can be added to previously learned skills generalization
  6. •6) What are some struggles CLDE students encounter during and after they have graduated from high school (Ch. 13)
    • a. During school they struggle with teachers not modifying the way they teach
    • b. school setting low expectations from them like setting them on a technical track rather than college placement
    • c. After school they have minimal skills and can only hold down a minimum paying job leading to poverty and substance abuse in most cases incarceration.
  7. •7) How can teacher’s help students with disabilities help utilize their strengths and address their weakness in order to achieve their goals (Ch. 13)?
    • o Teach self determinations skills
    • o modify the way they teach
    • o set realistic goals help in developing social skills
  8. 8) List three (3) benefits CLDE students get from well-developed community-based programs (Ch. 8).
    • 1. First Skills learned- Develop skills that will enhance social acceptance,
    • Physical activity Goal-seeking behavior, Teamwork skill though sport and recreational activates.
    • 2. Second. Learn important emotional skills as they experience both team success and failure, acquire important social skills and acceptance across the barriers of cultural, linguistic, and skill differences.
    • 3. Third-Opportunities to practice academic skills
  9. •9) Identify three strategies to help CLDE learners improve their writing skills (Ch. 10).
    • o 1) establish an exciting mood during writing time
    • o 2)Create an environment that makes students feel free to take risks when writing
    • o 3) ask students to share their work with each other
  10. •10 )What are two issues that CLD parents may have that prevents them from being involved in school (Ch. 6)?
    • 1. Trust issues with school and personnel
    • 2. Family perceptions ,such as the Anglo American has been set by society as the perfect model and if they are not this model they obviously they see themselves as less.
  11. •11) What are some recommendations for communicating effectively with CLD parents (Ch. 6)?
    • o Build good and respectful relationships
    • o communicate regularly with families
    • o handle angry situations constructively
    • o Skillfully relate to the culturally different family.
  12. •12) Name a possible effect of poverty among CLDE populations (Ch. 12).
    o children of poverty, particularly those from diverse background, are more likely to be incarcerated and less likely to be college graduates than non-CLD youth growing up under more affluent conditions.
  13. 13) Name two interventions to prevent reading failure (Ch. 12)
    • 1. Begin formal literacy in pre-k and no later than K
    • 2. Hold instruction time Sacred
  14. •14) What are the conditions that place infants and toddlers at risk (Ch 12).
    • o Cerebral palsy or sensory impairment
    • o Developing disabilities due to environmental factors (extreme poverty) or birthing conditions (low birth weight).
    • o Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
  15. 15) List 5 environmental elements, which are important and necessary in a dual-language setting (Gomez & Gomez Model).
    • 1. Alphabet in both languages
    • 2. Classroom labels in both languages (includes shelves, supplies, etc.)
    • 3. Student’s work displayed in both languages
    • 4. Materials, literature available in both languages
    • 5. Cooperative grouping classroom setting
  16. 16) `List 5 elements of a dual language classroom that impact the instructional process and student learning (Gomez & Gomez Model).
    • 1. No translation or clarification in L1; code-switching avoided during formal instruction
    • 2. Constructivist/Learner-Centered Strategies
    • 3. Challenging, Authentic, Interactive lessons
    • 4. Hands-on activities; manipulative
    • 5. High academic standards; expectations; challenging instruction
    • 6. Use of bilingual pairs and bilingual groups for instruction (minimal whole group instruction)
    • 7. Language of the Day (morning activities, transitions, daily news, journal writing, storytelling, etc.)
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