- Amelanchier arborea
- Rosaceae; serviceberry, shadbush, sarvis, Juneberrry
- Fruit: pome (food for crows, squirrels, humans
- "ground is soft enough
- Carya glabra var. glabra (smooth -referring to rachis)
- Juglandaceae (Walnut family); pignut hickory
- *fruit: nut (thin husk, pig snout)
- squirrels, chipmunks, wood ducks eat nut
- wood sold as "pecan" (furniture)
- striking tool handles, railroad ties, charcoal,
- excellent firewood
shaggy bark can be peeled from ends
5 or 7 leaflets
*spherical nut
- Carya glabra var. ordataJuglandaceae; red hickory, false shagbark hickory
- *fruit: nut (spherical)
- some dendrologists classify as separate species Carya ovalis
hairy rachis
*nut has thick husk
rounded bark ridges
5-9 leaflets, usually 7
- Carya tomentosa (densely woolly - referring to rachis)
- Juglandaceae; mockernut hickory, white hickory
- *fruit: nut (thick husk)
- food for squirrels, crows, humans
- aromatic hairs
- striking tools, pecan wood
- Chionanthus virginicus (of VA)
- Oleaceae (Olive family); fringetree, old man's beard (both refer to flowers)
- fruit: drupe
- no wood value, maybe landscaping
leaves opposite, entire
veins arcuate (follow margins)
flower bud at branch tip
bark has small cobbles
- Cornus florida (flowering)
- Cornaceae (Dogwood); flowering dogwood, dogwood
- fruit: red drupe
- grouse, turkey, songbirds
- rabbits eat inner bark
- dense wood formerly used to make shuttles for weaving
- many are dying from dogwood anthracnose
grows in colonies, 2-3 ft tall
similar to blueberries
yellow resin under leaves!
- Gaylussacia frondosa (?)
- Ericaceae (Heath); dangleberry, huckleberry
- fruit: berry
- eaten by songbirds, upland game birds, humans
milk sap from leaf stem
pubescent underside
some leaves very large, round
- Morus rubra (red)
- Moraceae (Mulberry); red mulberry
- fruit: drupelets
- eaten by songbirds, raccoons, opossum, squirrels, humans
single main stem, w/ 90 deg. branches
gray bark cobbles with age
often hollow trunk
diaphragmed twig
- Nyssa sylvaticaCornaceae or Nyssaceae; blackgum
- similar to persimmon, but leaf more obovate (fatter towards tip)
- fruit: drupe
- black bear, woodpeckers eat fruit
- bee tree
- hollow trunk good for wildlife and for making troughs
- low commercial value
- Pinus echinata (spiny)
- Pinaceae; shortleaf pine
- *small cone, weak prickles
- same lumber and wildlife value as loblolly
- wood is denser
ski trails in bark
deeply lobed leaves
feathery canopy
*acorn cap folds in, scale tips aligned
- Quercus coccinea (scarlet - fall color)
- Fagaceae (Beech); scarlet oak
- *fruit: nut
- young shoots and acorns poisonous to livestock
- raw acorns should not be eaten by humans
- numerous dead branches, low commercial value
bark rough, furrowed
young leaves fat w/ loose hairs,
sun leaves lobed, glabrous
*edge of nut cap slightly fringed
- Quercus velutina (velvety - young leaf hairs)
- Fagaceae; black oak, quercitron
- *fruit: nut
- wood and wildlife value similar to other red oaks
- Inner bark produces yellow dye
silver bark (sometimes w/ vertical lines)
tasty leaves
chambered pith
alternate leaves look whorled
- Symplocos tinctoria (containing dye)
- Symplocaceae (Sweetleaf); sweetleaf, horse-sugar
- fruit: green drupe
- leaves, fruits, inner bark contain yellow dye
- deer browse foliage
tree-like shrub forms colonies
twigs brown ALL around
flaky bark
- Vaccinium arboreum
- Ericaceae (Heath); sparkleberry, farkleberry
- fruit; berry (tasteless)
- our largest blueberry
- least wildlife value
twigs green for several years
small shrub
small, alt, simple leaves
small red buds
- Vaccinium sp.
- Ericaceae; blueberry
- fruit: berry (blue, black, rarely red)
- grouse, songbirds, black bear, chipmunks, humans like fruit
- deer eat foliage
forms colonies
<6ft shrub
opposite SOFT leaves, 3-lobed "maple" leaf or NO lobes
- Viburnum acerifolium (maple leaved)
- Adoxaceae or Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle); maple-leaf viburnum
- fruit: drupe (cyme)
- fruits eaten by wildlife in late fall/winter, after others are gone
- our most common viburnum