The periodontium consists of the supporting apparatus of the tooth, including the
gingiva, cementum, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament
The function of the periodontium is to
support the tooth in the alveolus
Cementum is the part of the periodontium that _______ by _______
- attaches the teeth to the alveolar bone
- anchoring the periodontal ligament
The cementum covers the
entire root
Cementum is a hard tissue that is thickest at the ______ and thinnest at _______
- thickest at the apex and in the interradicular areas of multirooted teeth
- the CEJ
Cementum receives its nutrition from the
the periodontal ligament
Like dentin, cementum can form
throughout the life of a tooth
Mature cementum is ____% mineralized inorganic material, ____% organic material and ____ water
The percentage of crystalline formation in cementum most closely resembles
Cementum forms on the root after
the disintegration of Hertwig’s root sheath
After the disintegration of Hertwig’s root sheath the undifferentiated cells of the ______ to come in contact with the newly formed root dentin, inducing the mesenchymal cells to become _______
laying down cementoid
cementoblasts can become entrapped by the __________ becoming ________
- the cementum they produce
- cementocytes
Cementum is composed of a
mineralized fibrous matrix and cells
The fibrous matrix may consist of both
Sharpey’s fibers and nonperiodontal fibers (collagen fibers of the matrix).
Sharpey’s fibers are a portion of the ______ from the ____ that are each
collagen fibers from the periodontal ligament partially inserted into the outer portion of the cementum
Each cementocyte lies in its _______. The lacunae also have _______
All the canaliculi are oriented toward the periodontal ligament and contain cytoplasmic processes to
obtain nutrients from the periodontal ligament
In ____% of cases, the cementum overlaps the enamel at the CEJ
In ___% of the cases, the cementum and enamel meet end to end
In about ____% of the time, there is a gap between the cementum and the enamel
Similar to bone, cementum undergoes histological removal within the tissue as a result of trauma. This involves resorption by odontoclasts resulting in
reversal lines
Apposition of cementum can be noted by its layers of ______ or _____
Two basic types of cementum are formed by cementoblasts:
Acellular cementum consists of the _______ and is called _______
- the first layers of cementum deposited at the dentinocemental junction
- primary cementum
Acellular cementum is formed at a ____ rate
Cellular or _______ cementum consists of the _________ deposited over the acellular cementum, mainly in the _______
- secondary
- last layers of cementum
- apical 1/3 of the root
The width of cellular cementum _______ during the life of the tooth
The portion of the jaw bone that contains the roots of the teeth is called the
alveolar bone, alveolar process, or alveolar ridge
The portion apical to the roots of the teeth is called ________ which forms the ______
- basal bone
- body of the maxilla or mandible
The alveolar bone is divided into the ______ and _____
alveolar bone proper and the supporting alveolar bone
The alveolar bone proper is the
lining of the tooth socket or alveolus
The alveolar bone proper is also called the
cribriform plate
The alveolar bone proper is also called _______ because ________
- bundle bone
- Sharpey’s fibers are inserted into it
A portion of the alveolar bone proper is seen on radiographs as the radiopaque
lamina dura
The alveolar crest is the _______ the alveolar bone proper
most cervical rim of
In a healthy situation, the alveolar crest is slightly apical to the CEJ by about
1 to 2 millimeters
The supporting alveolar bone consists of ________ and ________
cortical bone and trabecular bone
The cortical bone, or cortical plates, consists of ________ on the _________
- plates of compact bone
- facial and lingual surfaces of the alveolar bone
The trabecular bone consists of ______ bone that is located between the _______ and the ________
- cancellous
- alveolar bone proper
- plates of cortical bone
Only the portions of trabecular bone _________and ________ are ever seen on any type of radiographs
between the teeth and between the roots
The alveolar bone between two neighboring teeth is called the ______ or _______
interdental septum or interdental bone
The interdental septum consists of both the
compact bone of the alveolar bone proper and cancellous bone of the trabecular bone
The alveolar bone between the roots of the tooth is called the ______ or _______
interradicular septum or interradicular bone
The periodontal ligament (PDL) is that part of the periodontium that provides __________
for the attachment of the teeth to the surrounding alveolar bone by way of the cementum
The PDL appears as the periodontal space of _________ on radiographs
0.4 to 1.5 millimeters
The first bone to go in periodontal disease is the ______ bone
The periodontal ligament is an
organized fibrous connective tissue
The roles of the periodontal ligaments are to transmit ________ and act as a ________
- occlusal forces from the teeth to the bone
- shock absorber for the soft tissue structures around the teeth such as the nerves and blood vessels
The periodontal ligament also serves as the _________ for the cementum and alveolar bone
Cells in the periodontal ligament also participate in the
formation and resorption of the hard tissues of the periodontium
The periodontal ligament and its nerve supply provide a very efficient _______ allowing us _______ and ___________
- proprioceptive mechanism
- feel even the most delicate forces applied to the teeth and any displacement of the teeth due to these forces
The periodontal ligament also transmits _____, _______, _______ and _______
pain, touch, pressure and temperature sensations
The periodontal ligament also has a vascular supply, lymphatics and nerve supply, which enter the _________ of the tooth to supply the pulp
apical foramen
Two types of nerves are found within the periodontal ligament
- myelinated afferent or sensory nerve
- autonomic sympathetic
The ________ is the most common cell in the periodontal ligament
The periodontal ligament also has cells not found in other connective tissues, such as
a line of cementoblasts along the cemental surface
The periodontal ligament has what kind of cells
osteoclasts and cementoclasts as well as odontoclasts and odontoblasts
What group of epithelial cells are located in the periodontal ligament
Epithelial rests of Malassez
Most of the fibers of the periodontal ligament are
principal fibers
The ends of the principal fibers that are within either cementum or alveolar bone proper are called
Sharpey’s fibers
The main principal fiber group is the _________, which consists of what five fiber groups
- alveolodental ligament
- alveolar crest
- horizontal
- oblique
- apical
- interradicular
The alveolar crest group of the alveolodental group originates in the ________ and fans out to insert into the _______
- alveolar crest of the alveolar bone proper
- cervical cementum
The function of the alveolar crest group is to
resist tilting, intrusive, extrusive and rotational forces
The horizontal group of the alveolodental group originates in the _________ and inserts into the ________
- alveolar bone
- cementum in a horizontal manner
The function of the horizontal group is to
resist tilting forces, which try to force the tooth to tip either mesially, distally, lingually or facially, as well as rotational forces
The _______ group of the alveolodental group is the most numerous of the fiber groups and covers the _______
- oblique
- apical two-thirds of the root
The oblique group originate in the _______ and extend ______ to insert _________
- alveolar bone proper
- apically
- more apically into cementum in an oblique manner
The function of the oblique group is to
resist intrusive forces, which try to push the tooth inward, as well as rotational forces
The apical group of the alveolodental group radiates from the _________ to insert into the _______
- apical region of the cementum
- the surrounding alveolar bone proper
The function of the apical group is to
resist extrusive forces, which try to pull the tooth outward, as well as rotational forces
The interradicular group of the alveolodental group is found
only in multirooted teeth
The interradicular group is inserted in the ________ superficial to ________
cementum of one root to the cementum of the other root(s) superficial to the interradicular septum and thus has no bony attachment.
The interradicular group works together with the ______ and _____ groups to _______
- alveolar crest and apical groups
- resist intrusive, extrusive and tilting as well as rotational forces
Another principal fiber other than the alveolodental ligament is the _____ or ____
interdental ligament or transseptal ligament
The interdental ligament inserts _______ into the ______
- mesiodistally or interdentally
- cervical cementum of neighboring teeth over the alveolar crest
Transseptal fibers travel from cementum to cementum without
any bony attachment
The function of the transseptal fibers is to resist
rotational forces and thus to hold the teeth in interproximal contact
Another group of fibers called the ______ do not support the teeth, but function to support the _______
- the gingival fiber group
- marginal gingival tissues to maintain their relationship to the tooth
The gingival fiber group is found within the
lamina propria of the marginal gingiva
What are the four GINGIVAL FIBER GROUP
- Circular fibers
- Dentogingival fibers
- Alveologingival fibers
- Dentoperiostial fibers
The circular ligament ______
encircles the tooth and serves to maintain gingival integrity
The dentogingival ligament inserts in the ______ and extends into ________
- cementum on the root, apical to the epithelial attachment
- the lamina propria of the marginal gingiva
The dentogingival ligament has _______ to the cementum
only one mineralized attachment
The dentogingival ligament works with the ________ to maintain gingival integrity
circular ligament
The alveologingival fibers extend from the ______ into the _________
- alveolar crest of the alveolar bone proper and radiate coronally
- overlying lamina propria of the marginal gingiva
The alveologingival fibers help to attach the _____ to the _______
gingiva to the alveolar bone
the dentoperiosteal fibers, which course from the
cementum near the CEJ, across the alveolar crest