- as many men (80%) as women want to change their weight
- ration b/w female to male ED is 3:1
- one study found rate for EDNOS to be 16%M and 5.9%F
- 12th graders with disordered eating behavior 31%M and 57%F
ED cause for men and women
- sociocultural influence
- media
- genetics
- family background
- self judgements
- drive for thinness
- trauma
- perfectionist tendencies
- escape, coping
- diet/exercise behaviors that becomes obsessive
4 reasons why men develop ED
- athletic performance
- avoid medical illness father had
- gay relationships
- result of childhood teasing
Consequences of disliking the way you look
- poor body image
- low self-esteem
- weight prejudice
- disordered eating
- substance abuse
- self-harm
- too much or too little exercise
- confusion about healthy eating
- conflicts about sexuality
- relationship problems
Why men don't seek treatment
- shame/stigma for having womens problem
- male ED are not even on the radar
- diagnostic criteria unclear or gener biased
- unaware they have a problem
- denial or machismo
- men's nature to fix things on their own
- lack of insurance coverage
Generalities about treating males
- early intervention has best chance for success
- men have less resistance to weight gain
- much less familiar with ED than women
- men like to fix problems
- men may feel less comfortable talking about problems
Expand communication for male patients
- men and women speak a different language
- men need to learn how to express feelings
- establish connections
- address body image and sexuality issues
- clear up misunderstandings about healthy levels of exercise
- heal scars of childhood
- explain genetics of weight and shape
Set point
- weight is not a number, its a range of 5-10 pounds
- set point is the natural weight which is most healthy for you
- based on heredity, age, food choices, general health, and activity level
- body fights to maintain its set point
- metabolism increases with extra calories