Benefits of exercise
- improves mood
- fights chronic disease
- increase lifespan
- increase energy level
- better sleep
- increase sexual arousal
- increase socializing
Guidelines for US dept of health
- 2.5 hrs a week
- aerobic activity at least 10 min
- adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities 2 or more times a week
HIstory of exercise
- Paleolithic - did not need gyms
- civilizations - less activity
- industrialization - even less activity
- food environment has increased need for exercise even more
- muscularity tied to beauty/health
- exercise science
physical activity that is occurring less than needed to maintain cardiovascular health, fitness, flexibility, and strength
Physical consequences of underexercising
- coronary artery disease
- hypertension
- cerebral vascular accidents
- type II diabetes
- osteoarthritis
- osteoporosis
- impaired muscle strength
- obesity
- gallbladder disease
- sleep apnea
- cancers
Categories of exercise
- Excessive
- compulsive
- obligatory
Signs of excessive exercise
- beyond requirements for good health
- exercise despite injury
- fanatical about weight and diet
- work, school, relationships suffer
- loses the fun of it all
- define self-worth based on performance
- never satisfied with achievement
- doesn't victory
Excessive factors
- number or how many
- frequency or how often
- duration or how long
- intensity or how hard
- is it appropriate for age, circumstances, and/or health status
Compulsive exercise
- person feels compelled to exercise a certain way at a ceratin time
- more ritualistic type
Obligatory exercise
- person must exercise no matter what the circumstances
- can be both compulsive and obligatory
Exercise abuse
- reliance on physical activity as the primary means of coping with stress
- exercise continued even when ill or injured
- withdrawal symptoms - insomnia, change in apetite, trouble concentrating, moodiness
Physical consequences of excessive exercise
- Sex hormone levels
- bone health, increase risk of fractures
- overuse injuries
- decreased immune funtion
- dehydration or heat stroke
- hyponatremia - hyperdydration
AN and excessive exercise
- Exercise -> AN : often childhood athlete are more active than others their age
- AN- -> exerscise : exercise as an additional weight loss method
ED and excessive exercise
- prevalence of excessive exercise among eating disorder patients range from 33-over 80%
- patients who excessively exercise are more likely to have other, more severe ED symptoms
- patients who excessively exercise need a long period of recovery
Activity anorexia (study with rats)
- LInk b/w starvation and exercise
- Low leptin level -> triggered increase in activity
- Rat wheel running
- food restriction + excessive exercise = death
BN and excessive exercise
- BN-nonpurge -> use exercise to compensate for overeating
- athletes at greater risk?
- prevalence underestimated
Exercise and ED study
- patients with ED tended to underreport amount of weekly-to-vigorous physical activity
- dliberate underreporting due to fear of increase in meal plan?
- different understanding of exercise?
ED in athletes
- sports and body image satisfaction
- unusual eating patters socially acceptable in athletes
- striving very low body fat percentages
- 15-62% of college athletes show signs of disordered eating
Predictors of disordered eating in female athletes
- drive for thinness and performance
- social pressure on body shape
- social pressure on eating
- performance perfectionism
- team trust
Male vs female athletes
- 62% of females wanted to lose 5 lbs
- 23% of males " "
Female athlete triad
- disordered eating
- amenorrhea
- osteoporosis
Overtraining syndrome (staleness)
- Experience physical or psychological problems
- belief that decline in performance is due to not training hard enough
ED risk factors for athletes
- belief that lower weight improves performance
- imbalance b/w energy input and output resulting in weight loss
- low self-esteem, genetic history, physical abuse, chronic dieting, peer pressure
- coaches who focus only on success and performance rather than on the athlete as a whole person
- performance anxiety
- social influences
- changes in body weight or muscle mass
- personality characteristics: disciplined, perfectionistic, control seeking
- competition
Signs of possible ED in athletes
- weight loss below ideal competitive weight
- trains despite injury
- inability to complete workouts
Signs of unhealthy exercise in athletes
- primary means of coping
- exercise despite injury
- withdrawal
- overuse injuries
- stress fractures
- loss of bone density
- decreased immunity
- frequent colds
- decrease in sport performance
- 'overtraining syndrome"
Dancing, gymnastics, and figure skating
- focus on body - pressure to look a certain way
- subjectivity of the judging system
- authoritarian clothes
- negative comments
- over-dominant
- obligatory running
- fear of fat
- restricted diet
- undue influence of body shape or weight on self-evaluation
- personality characteristics common to AN
Potential role of the coach
- plays role in physical and psychological health of your athletes
- key figure in creating training environments conducive to successful athletic performance as well as emotionally rewarding sport experiences
- notice physical changes or shifts in unhealthy attitudes and behaviors
- involve athlete's family whenever appropriate
- take warning signs and eating disordered behaviors seriously
Prevention for athletes
- positive, person-oriented coaching style
- social influence and support from teammates with healthy attitudes
- coaches who emphasize factors that contribute to personal sucesse