1. What is genetic transformation?
    • -a process that allows insertion of foreign DNA into cells.
    • -literally, it means a change caused by genes. insertion of a gene to change organism's trait(s).
  2. How do you genetically transform an organism?
    ALL cells of that organism must be transformed (with the gene of interest)
  3. Why use E. coli for genetic transformation in lab?
    • 1. grow quickly (simple, only one cell)
    • 2. easy to maintain (limited resources and space)
    • 3. easy diets (simple broth (liquid) or agar (solid)).
  4. What does Luria Bertani comprise of?
    • AKA "LB" not to be confused with LC.
    • 1. Amino acid
    • 2. vitamins
    • 3. minerals
    • 4. NaCl
  5. Plasmids
    small circular pieces of DNA
  6. T/F
    plasmid DNA is useless in terms of benefiting bacterial survival.
    false. it may be beneficial.
  7. T/F
    plasmids can be transferred for sharing.
    TRUE :D yay i know you got it right.
  8. gene
    a piece of DNA that is the instructions for protein making.
  9. Origin of Green Fluorescent Protein (GTP)
    bioluminescent jellyfish - Aequorea victoria
  10. Bacteria is green color under U.V.
    transformed or not?
  11. Where can the activity of the protein be controlled at?
    • 1. transcriptional level (DNA to RNA)
    • 2. translational level (RNA to protein)
    • 3. post-translational (modifications)
  12. T/F
    gene expression (transcription and translation) doesn't require that much energy
    FALSE. it requires significant energy input from a cell.
  13. Why do we need to use inducible promotors?
    to control gene regulation
  14. 5' UTR
    • region that is non-coding (untranslated) upstream of start codon in DNA sequence.
    • contains promotor
Card Set
Lab 2: Recombinant DNA technology