What does Javascript do
- Create, modify and remove elements in a page dynamically
- Change all the HTML elements in the page
- Change all the HTML attributes in the page
- Change all the CSS styles in the page
- Remove existing/add new HTML elements and attributes
- React to all existing HTML EVENTS in the page
- Create new HTML events
Dom tree
describes the relationships among elements
Node Properties
- parentNode
- childNodes[nodenumber]
- firstChild
- lastChild
- nextSibling
- previousSibling
DOM Collections
- Groups of related objects on a page
- -links, images, forms, and anchors
What is jQuery
- Cross-browser JavaScript library, which aims to simplify JavaScript programming
- Free, open source software
Core features of jQuery
- DOM element selection and minpulation
- Handling events
- Creating animations
- Ajax applications
Advantages of jQuery
- Separation of JavaScript and HTML
- Brevity and clarity
- Elimination of cross-browser incompatibilties
- Extensibility
jQuery Syntax
Basic Selectors
jQuery manipulating HTML