Chapter 8: Erythropoeisis and destruction

  1. name the stages of erythropoeisis using normoblast
    • pronormoblast
    • basophilic normoblast
    • polychromatic normoblast
    • orthochromic normoblast
    • reticulocyte
    • erythrocyte
  2. what contributes to the blue color of immature erythroblasts
  3. what are the general changes during RBC maturation (3)
    • cell size decreases
    • blue color decreases
    • nucleus condenses and is ejected out
  4. name the rubriblastic maturation stages
    • rubriblast
    • prorubricyte
    • rubricyte
    • metarubricyte
    • reticulocyte
    • erythrocyte
  5. how to ID stem cells as a precursor for RBC
    • RBC mature in groups and colonies called burst forming unit -erythroid (BFU-E) or colony forming unit - erythroid (CFU-E)
  6. what type of test distinguishes CFU-E and BFU-E's
    flowcytometry. bc cannot be visually distinguished
  7. How to ID RBC maturation
    • cell size
    • nucleus
    • cytoplasm color
  8. Name this cell
    • proerythrocyte
    • rubriblast
    • pronormoblast
  9. name the dark cell
    • proerthryocyte
    • rubriblast 
    • pronormoblast
  10. Name this cell
    • proerythroblast
    • pronormoblast
    • rubricyte
  11. Name this cell
    • proerythroblast
    • pronormoblast
    • rubricyte
  12. Name this cell
    • proeryrthrocyte
    • rubriblast
    • pronormoblast
  13. Name this cell
    • Basophilic normoblast
    • Basophilic erthroblast
    • prorubricyte
  14. Name this cell
    • Basophilic normoblast
    • Basophilic erythroblast
    • prorubricyte
  15. what is the percentage of polychromatic normoblast in the bone marrow
  16. what is the percentage of orthochromic normoblast in the bone marrow
  17. Name this cell
    • polychromatic erythroblast
    • polychromatic normoblast
    • rubricyte
  18. Name this cell
  19. Name this Cell
    • polychromatic normoblast
    • polychromatic erythroblast
    • rubricyte
  20. Name this cell
    • Orthochromic normoblast
    • orthochromic erythroblast
    • metarubricyte
  21. Name this cell
    • Orthochromic normoblast
    • Orthochromic Erythrocyte
    • Metarubricyte
  22. what is hypoxia
    lack of oxygen in the tissues
  23. what is erythropoeitin and function and where is it produced
    • Is the major stimulatory cytokine for RBC produced in the kidneys and bone marrow
    • reduces the time needed for reticulocytes in the bone marrow and prevents apoptosis.
    • amount increases when there is a decrease in RBC
  24. why do newborns have higher numbers of RBC than adults
    fetal Hb does not unload oxygen to tissues readily so newborns are slightly hypoxic thus they require more RBCs
  25. What are shift reticulocytes
    early released reticulocytes that are still slightly basophilic due to presence of erythropoeitin
  26. describe the two ways EPO increases circulating RBCs
    • decreasing apoptosis by allowing more precursor cells
    • early release of reticulocytes from the bone marrow
  27. how long does it take for RBC to be released from the bone marrow
    18 days
  28. what are senescent RBC
    cellular aging
  29. what is extravascular hemolysis
    normal hemolysis occuring in the spleen or within the tissues
  30. what is intravascular hemolysis
    hemolysis occuring in within the blood vessels due to mechanical stresses and traumatic environment
  31. where does erythropoeisis occur
    in the erythroid sinuses of the bone marrow
  32. what is fribronectin
    a type of protein that is involved with movement of RBCs toward the sinus
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Chapter 8: Erythropoeisis and destruction
based on ppt slides