Biog 2: Species + Distribution + Niche (10), species distributions

  1. Charles Darwin Quote:
    "...I was much struck how entirely vague and arbitrary is the distinction between species and varieties"
  2. How do we define a species?
    In a room of 'n' biologists, there will be n+1 definitions
  3. Ernst Mayr Quote:
    "... the species is as important a unit of biology as is the cell at a lower level of integration."
  4. Species:
    • groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations
    • reproductively isolated from other such groups
    • Produce viable offspring
  5. Why are donkeys and horses not the same species?
    their offspring (mules) can't reproduce
  6. Napoleon Dynamite quote:
    abt Ligers: "It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic."
  7. Naming mixed species like Liger:
    • Male lion (1st part of word)
    • Female tiger (2nd part of word)
  8. Biological Species Definition:
    *** Groups of actually or potentially interbreeding, natural populations, which are reproductively isolated from other such groups
  9. Why aren't lions and tigers a species?
    • Have viable offspring BUT live in different places (reproductively isolated)
    • Lions- grassland cooperative hunters
    • Tigers- woodland individual hunters

    Only reproduced when coerced by humans
  10. Range/Distribution of a species:
    • area where a species can be found (expected to be found)
    • mapped with red dots for organisms and their space/range with a blue line around them
  11. Members of a species share a common...:
    Ecological Niche and continue to interact through interbreeding
  12. Range Graph:
    • Main Range
    • Discontinuous Range (Isolated populations)
    • Extirpated populations
  13. Extirpation
    species dies out in a specific area, but still exists elsewhere
  14. Temporary Populations:
    individual adult animals moving around
  15. Animal/Plant Population definition:
    all organisms of the same species who live in the same geographical area
  16. Population
    all organisms of the same species who live in the same geographical area
  17. Population Density:
    # of individuals within a unit area
  18. Bears pop. density in Glacier National Park:
    • 230 grizzly bears/1500 sq. miles
    • 0.15 bears per sq. mile
    • (each grizzly needs 6.7 sq. miles of its own)
Card Set
Biog 2: Species + Distribution + Niche (10), species distributions