Gov Ch 6&7

  1. How is Public Opinion situational?
    • opinion changes based on events that happen
    • If a view seems too risky to express, polticians keep it private until public opinion changes.
  2. What effects PO
    • Socio-economic status
    • Ethics
    • Religion
    • Gender
    • Education
    • they represent the "fickle public"
  3. Political Socialization
    the process and variables by which political views are formed.

    • Factors Affecting Socialization:
    • Religion
    • Race/Gender
    • Family
    • Education
    • Socio-economic status
    • Region
  4. Liberal
    • support gov't intervention
    • oppose intervention when it threatens liberties
    • gov't play active role in creating equal opportunities thruantidiscrimination laws, affirmative action, grants
    • commited to gov't bc it has financial resources and can promote equal treatment
    • taxes are a means of redistriubuting wealth to poor
    • Gov't responsible for preventing and ounishing corrupt market practices
    • its responsible for welfare
  5. Conservative
    • reduce role of gov't
    • want gov't to spend $ of defense not social programs (no welfare)
    • gov't gunctions to private sector
    • want prgrams downsized
    • individual liberites must be balanced ( no affirmative actions)
    • promote individual responsibility and independence from gov't
    • gov't is oppressing
    • religious- promote morality
  6. Measuring public opinion
    • Media outlets & politicl cartoons express PO
    • Polls measure
    • Gallup- 1st poll
    • Scientific & Straw Polls are the most common
    • politicians listen to them
  7. What has effected Public Opinon
    • 1941-Pearl Harbor
    • 1947-1950‟-McCarthyism
    • 1962-1967-JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X Assassinations
    • 1968-LBJ & the Tet Offensive
    • 1974-Watergate & Richard Nixon
    • 1979-Iran & Jimmy Carter
    • 1986-Iran/Contra Affair & Ronald Reagan
    • 1992-Lewinsky & Bill Clinton
    • 1999-Bill Clinton-The Comeback Kid
    • 2000-The "Contested Election"
    • 2001-9/11
    • 2002-Marching toward conflict…
    • 2003-Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan
    • 2004-Bush wins re-election
    • 2005-Hurricane Katrina….
    • 2006-Democratic Takeover of Congress
    • 2007-Historic Presidential Primary......Hillary vs. Obama…
    • 208-McCain vs. Obama, Economic Meltdown
    • 2009-Obama‟ Election & Government Takeover of Private Industries…historic shift…
    • 2010-Health Care Debate…BP Oil Spill…TEA Party Movement….Midterm Elections
  8. Press conferences
    the press may question a high-level government official.
  9. White House Press Corps
    regular reporters covering the President and White House
  10. News briefings
    officials make announcements or explain policy, decision, or action to the press. (Questions may be asked)
  11. News release
    ready-made story prepared for members of the press.
  12. Mass media & politics
    • President-80% of all U.S. TV coverage of government officials focuses on the president.
    • Presidents have to learn to use the media to their advantage:
  13. Media events
    • Media events-an event designed to reinforce an official‟ position on some issue.
    • Radio –FDR (fire side chats)
    • TV–Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, & Obama
    • The idea of using "media events" for public consumption…helping to promote policy agenda (s)
  14. Congressional Confirmation Hearings
    Constitution requires that SENATE approve presidential appointments…judges, Cabinet, etc.
  15. Congressional Oversight hearings
    • Oversight committees in both Houses review how the President carries out laws and specific programs.
    • Media will investigate heavily including personal issues-digging into the background of Congressional members.
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Gov Ch 6&7
public opinion and the mass media