Biology-Rowdy Newcomers in the Great Lakes 1.1

  1. What are eyes made of many facets?
    HINT: Dragonflies have them!!
    Compound eyes
  2. How do scientists collect info about the planets and other objects in space?
    optical telescopes [such as the Keck Telescope on Muana Kea, Hawaii. It has 36 hexagonal mirrors]
  3. What is the science of life??
    • Biology!!!
    • gave you an easy one (:
  4. What trouble-making mollusk arrived in the Great Lakes in the 1980's?
    Zebra Mussels
  5. What is ballast?
    • Ballast is water pumped into the hold of a ship to add weight and help steady the seagoing vessel.
    • *Zebra mussels are believed to have traveled to america in a freshwater ballast of European cargo ships
  6. What is the problem with zebra mussels??
    • They reproduce too much! Atleast 400 per year! But if all the eggs survived, one female could produce 40,000 per year!!
    • And they attach to objects and can block pipes.
  7. Where do zebra mussles live for their entire life?
    They attach themselves to a rock or other solid object with their tiny hairs, and will spend the rest of their lives there!
  8. What is the approach to get rid of the zebra mussels????
    Scrape them off their moorings (:
  9. Define bios in Greek parts.
    Life/ way of life
  10. What is an ORGANISM?
    ANYTHING capable of carrying on life processes!
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Biology-Rowdy Newcomers in the Great Lakes 1.1
My first section in my biology book ((: