1. Pathological Physiology

  1. What are some of the basic signs and symptoms of an infectious disease?
    • Systemic-
    • Blood composition- (titer for Leukocyte counts)
    • CNS- Confusion, memory loss, difficulty concentrating
    • Fever- Normal regulated by hypothalamus, above 104 (delirium, convulsions, cell damage)
    • Abcess- soft tissue or bone, exudate, ruptures bad
    • Rash with fever-
    • Red streaks- blood poisoning, move towards lymph nodes,
    • Inflammed lymph nodes-
    • Joint Effusion-
  2. What happens in agin that effects infectious disease?
    • Involution of thymus
    • Altered T-cell immunity (decreases)
    • Increase antibody production to self-antigens
    • Reactivation of dormant infections
    • Decreased antibody response to influenza
    • Thin Skin
    • Achlorhydria
    • Decreased cough gag reflex
    • Decreased bronchiolar elasticity and mucociliary activity
    • Underlying mental health
    • Underlying physical activity
    • Nutritional status
    • Presence of chronic disease
    • Decline in personal hygiene
    • Acute infections cause confusion
  3. Define infection.
    Process in which an organism establishes a parasitic relationship with its host involving reproduction of the microorganism. Organisms reproduction may cause injury due to toxins or intracellular multiplicaiton, also competes with host's metabolism.
  4. What are the steps of infection?
    • Transmission
    • Incubation
    • Latent infection
    • Period of communicability
Card Set
1. Pathological Physiology
UNLV DPT 742 - Pathological Physiology