Science - The Organisation of Humans

  1. List the different human systems
    1. Nervous System

    2. Circulatory System

    3. Endocrine System

    4. Digestive System

    5. Respiratory System

    6. Immune System

    7. Excretory System

    8. Reproductive System

    9. Musculoskeletal System
  2. State the functions of the nervous system
    1. Sends electrical impulses or messages to and from the brain

    2. Picks up information for your senses

    3. Controls the body

    4. Controls the heartbeat
  3. What are the functions of the circulatory system?
    1. Transports substances around the body

    2. Heart pumps blood around the body
  4. List the functions of the digestive system
    1. Takes in and digests food

    2. Absorbs nutrients into bloodstream

    3. Glands release digestive juices into bloodstream to help break down food
  5. State the function of the immune/defence system
    To protect the body against harmful bacteria and viruses
  6. What is the function of the endocrine system?
    To release hormones which help control the body's functions
  7. List the function of the respiratory system
    To put oxygen into the blood and get rid of carbon dioxide out of the blood
  8. State the function of the reproductive system
    To produce babies or young
  9. What are the functions of the muscular system?
    1. Allows movement as the muscles contract and relax

    2. Gives the body posture
  10. List the functions of the skeletal system
    1. Protects organs eg. heart

    2. Provides shape and support

    3. Allows movement

    4. Bone marrow produces blood cells
  11. State the functions of the excretory system
    1. Filters blood

    2. Removal of waste that the body does not need

    3. Releases sweat
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Science - The Organisation of Humans
The Organisation of Humans