E-5 Exam: Publications

  1. What is the primary purpose of technical publications?
    To help you perform your assigned maintenance tasks.
  2. Where can you find information concerning the technical manual program?
    Naval Air Systems Command Technical Manual Program, NAVAIR 00-25-100, and OPNAV Application Guide and Index for Navy Standard Technical Manual Identification Numbering System, OPNAV N0000-001-DX-000/TMINS.
  3. What are the two major types of technical manuals?
    Operational and maintenance.
  4. What is contained in operational manuals?
    Descriptions of weapons systems, with instructions for their use.
  5. What do maintenance manuals contain?
    A description of the weapons systems from the viewpoint of upkeep and repair.
  6. What are the two general styles of technical manuals?
    Military specifications and commercial.
  7. What are the two specific format styles of technical manuals?
    The "conventional" or topic-sectionalized manual and the newer "work package" (WP) concept manual.
  8. What are the three elements the usability of a manual has?
    Visible lock-on format, logical arrangement structure, and quick understanding or comprehension.
  9. What are the WPs called?
    Self-supported units of information.
  10. What does content format of WPs depend on?
    The specific task to be performed and the authorized depth of information required.
  11. What is the order of descriptive information and principles of opeational data of WPs?
    Order of operational signal flow or mechanical operating sequence by component.
  12. What are intermediate- and depot-level manuals based on?
    Component rather than system breakdown.
  13. What are the two methods technical manuals are updated?
    Changes and revisions.
  14. What is a change to a technical manual?
    The official release of correction pages to a part or portion of an existing manual and consists of providing replacement change pages for the area of the manual affected by the change action.
  15. What is a revision?
    The complete reissue of a replacement manual with all the change information incorporated.
  16. When does a revision usually take place?
    When more than 60 percent of the pages are affected by a single change or accumulated changes.
  17. What are changes issued as?
    Either routine or rapid action changes (RACs).
  18. Who determines when there is a requirement to change a manual and authorizes that the change be made?
    The Naval Air Technical Services Facility (NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC).
  19. When a change is issued, are existing page numbers, paragraph numbers, figure numbers, and table numbers changed?
  20. How are text and table changes, including new material on added pages, identified?
    Usually by a vertical line or change symbol in the margin.
  21. When are change symbols not used?
    For introductory material; Indexes and tabular data where the change cannot be identified; Blank space resulting from the deletion of text, an illustration, part of an illustration, or a table; Correction of minor inaccuracies, such as spelling, punctuation, and relocation of material, unless such correctin changes the meaning of information; and Replacement or addition of a complete part, chapter, or section.
  22. How are changes to illustrations, line drawings, and photographs normally identified?
    By a miniature pointing hand.
  23. What sheets allow data to be added to or changed without making a direct impact on the existing information?
    Difference data sheets.
  24. What determines the selection of the approach used for a change?
    The reproduction media (film, or paper).
  25. How is the text and tabular data affected by the change to a WP manual indicated?
    By the letter R or a change bar in the left margin for material chnged in the left column, and in the right margin for material changed in the right column.
  26. What is the function of Rapid Action Changes (RACs)?
    To expedite the preparation and issue of urgent/safety information.
  27. How much time do normal routine change actions require for contracting and processing?
    90 days or more.
  28. What do RACs apply to?
    Technical manuals covering maintenance; illustrated parts breakdown and calibration data; and subsystems, equipments, components, and accessories; weapons system checkout procedures and instructions, weapons loading and handling procedures for aeronautical weapons systems, and irborne weapons and armament.
  29. What does the numerical and alphabetical combination used for a NAVAIR technical manual number identify?
    The basic equipment, category, main group within the category, specific item of equipment, type of usage, type or model designation, and specific type of manual.
  30. What are the two numbering systems presently in use by NAVAIR?
    The older NAVAIR publication numbering system and the newer Technical Manual Identification Numbering System (TMINS).
  31. How many parts are there of the manual number?
    Three, separated by a dash (-).
  32. What is Part I of the publication number?
    The category, which designates the major category of the manual.
  33. What is Part II of the publication number?
    It is made up of numbers or numbers and letters which identifies either a basic aircraft model, the manufacturer, or the specific class, group, or subcategory of the manual.
  34. What does Part III of the publication number usually identify?
    A particular type of manual.
  35. What is the Technical Manual Identfication Numbering System (TMINS)?
    Part of the effort to standardize technical manual numbers for all ships, aircraft, and equipment. It provides a single user-oriented numbering and indexing system and meets the requirements of all system commands for identifying, referencing, and requisitioning technical manuals and changes. The system also makes it easier to identify and order manuals for the operating forces and other users.
  36. How many parts make up the standard TMINS number?
    Two separted by a slash (/)?
  37. What is the first part of the TMINS called?
    The publication identifier (PI).
  38. What is the second part of the TMINS called?
    The suffix.
  39. What are the two major components of the publication identifier (PI)?
    The hardware/subject identifier and the technical manual (TM) identifier.
  40. What do the first seven characters of the PI identify?
    The specific hardware (such as an aircraft) or subject (such as an airborne weapons system) to which the technical manual applies.
  41. What are the remaining six characters of the PI called?
    The technical manual (TM) identifier.
  42. How is the Maintenance Instruction Manual (MIM) identified?
    By the number 2 in part III of the NAVAIR publication number. (For example, the first numeral 2 in NAVAIR 01-75PAA-2-2.3 identifies the MIM for the P-3A aircraft).
  43. Why should you consult the MIM, before you attempt any task on an aircraft, for that particular model of aircraft?
    Because by using the MIM properly, you may prevent possible aircraft damage and save time.
  44. What volume is primarily designed for the plane captain?
    The General Information and Servicing volume.
  45. How many sections are there of the specialized system volumes of the MIM?
  46. What is Section I of the specialized system volume?
    The same in all volumes for a particular aircraft MIM and it introduces the manual and usually supplies a list of the changes that apply to the particular volume.
  47. What is Section II of the specialized system volume?
    It describes the system and its components, as well as their operation.
  48. What is Section III of the specialized system volume?
    It covers such maintenance as the removal and installation procedures and troubleshooting charts for organizational-level maintenance.
  49. What does Section IV cover of the specialized system volume?
    Component repair procedures for intermediate-level maintenance.
  50. What volumes do the Illustrated Parts Breakdown normally consist of?
    Several individual volumes; one for each functional element of the aircraft and one volume that is the Master Parts Index.
  51. How is the IPB useful?
    In identifying and ordering parts and to identify failed or worn parts.
  52. Where are all aeronautic publications, changes, technical directives, and forms issued by NAVAIRSYScom cataloged?
    In the Naval Aeronautic Publications Index (NAPI).
  53. How many sections are there of the NAPI?
  54. Who should maintain a complete NAPI?
    Normally the quality assurance/analysis (QA/A) division in its technical library.
  55. What contains information concerning the parts of the NAPI?
  56. What is the purpose of NAVAIR 01-S3AAA-0, the Technical Manual List?
    To provide information concerning the availability and applicability of technical manuals for the maintenance of the particular aircraft model.
  57. What does it mean if, when using the Technical Manual List, you you see the term not required in any column for any particular level of maintenance in either section III or IV?
    That a manual is not required for that level of maintenance and no future requirement is anticipated.
  58. What does it mean if you see the term not available used in any column for any particular level of maintenance in either section III or IV?
    That a manual is required for that level of maintenance, bu it is not yet available.
  59. What is contained in the Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) flight manual?
    The complete operating instructions for a specific aircraft and its operational equipment; it also contains emergency as well as normal operating instructions.
  60. How are NATOPS manuals issued?
    By the direction of NAVAIR under a Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) letter of promulgation.
  61. What are the two types of changes that keep NATOPS flight manuals up-to-date?
    Routine changes and interim changes.
  62. What are functional check flight checklists?
    They are used during a functional check flight. They are used to verify the phased-maintenance effort and ensure that aircraft are safe for flight and capable of mission accomplishment.
  63. What are tactical manuals?
    It supplements the flight manual; it provides information to the pilot and crew on how to "fight" the aircraft; and provides information on tactics, weaponry, and air combat maneuvering, with procedures and techniques based on tactical situations and mission assignments.
  64. What are stores reliability cards (SRCs)?
    Pocket-size, laminated cards that cntain information to ensure the aircraft is ready to receive the weapon, the weapon is ready to be loaded, the weapon is properly loaded, and to show the final steps to prepare the weapon for flight and intended use.
  65. What is covered by the general engineering series manual?
    Standard aviation maintenance practices that apply to all aircraft rather than to a particular aircraft.
  66. What are the two basic formats of Aircraft Maintenance Instruction Manuals (MIMs)?
    Conventional and work package.
  67. What is the Work Unit Code (WUC) Manual?
    It is used as a maintenance aid and recording guide along with the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) and identifies assigned system-related equipment codes pertaining to various servicing and maintenance functions.
  68. What does the Weight and Balance Data Manual, NAVAIR 01-1B-40 provide?
    A means of maintaining a continuous, current record of the aircraft’s basic weight, balance, and loading data.
  69. What type of aircraft are crew station and in-flight maintenance manuals designed for?
    Large, high-density avionics aircraft with sophisticated, computer-controlled, integrated weapons systems.
  70. How is the Structural Repair Manual (SRM) used?
    As a guide in making structural repairs to the airframe.
  71. What type of information is contained in the SRM?
    Information on airframe sealing, control surface rebalancing, general shop practices, damage evaluation and support of structure, and a description of the structure.
  72. How can you identify the SRM?
    By a -3 in the manual code.
  73. What are the four volumes of the SRM?
    Structural repair, corrosion control, nondestructive inspection, and an illustrated parts breakdown (IPB).
  74. What are the three sections of the IPB?
    An introduction, a group assembly parts list, and a numerical index.
  75. What are the three basic types of engine manuals TMINS numbering system?
    One for each intermediate maintenance, depot maintenance, and an IPB.
  76. What are the most common types of aeronautical component and equipment manuals?
    Accessory (03 series); Instrument (05 series); Armament/Ordnance (11 series); Electronics/Avionics (11 series); Tools and Test Equipment (17 series); and Ground Support Equipment (19 series).
  77. Are accessories considered an integral part of the airframe or engine?
  78. What is done to determine what manuals are available for a particular accessory?
    If you know the model, type, or part number, you should use the NAVAIR 00-500A, and locate the available manual for the accessory in the alphanumeric listing; or, If you know one of the manufacturer’s code number, publication number, and stock number that all manuals applicable to a particular accessory have, you can find the complete title of the available manuals in NAVSUP 2002.
  79. What is the Standard Preservation and Package Information.?
    It provides instruction for the initial preservation treatment, procedures for maintaining preservation, procedures for depreserving aircraft, uninstalled aircraft engines, and dangerous materials; it also contains instructions for long-term, extended shipment, short-term (fly away), and water damage or fire-fighting chemical damage types of preservation.
  80. What do the 17 series (machinery, tools, and test equipment) and 19 series (ground servicing and mobile equipment) of the aeronautic technical publications cover?
    Most types of support equipment (SE).
  81. How are automation-type technical manuals used?
    To monitor the operation of the equipment.
  82. What does the Planned Maintenance System (PMS) publications consist of?
    Maintenance requirements cards (MRCs), periodic maintenance information cards (PMICs), checklists, and sequence control charts and cards (SCCs).
  83. What are Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs)?
    They provide the instructions required for the efficient performance of scheduled maintenance tasks. Each MRC contains the task for a particular system, subsystem, area, or component by using a logical sequence for accomplishments. They also identify the recommended rating or military occupational safety (MOS), performance interval, and the work area or zone involved.
  84. Are nonscheduled maintenance tasks, such as repair, adjustment and calibration, included on MRCs?
  85. What does the checklist format for inspections provide maintenance personnel with?
    Abbreviated requirements for turnaround and preoperational inspections.
  86. What are Sequence Control Charts/Cards (SCCs)?
    They aid in the planning and accomplishment of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks during inspections; they also indicate which MRCs are to be complied with, numbers and specialties of personnel required, times during which the separate jobs are scheduled for completion, POWER/AIR OFF or ON condition required during the work, and the area where the work is to be performed.
  87. Who publishes the Naval Aviation News monthly?
    The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and NAVAIRSYSCOM.
  88. What does the Naval Aviation News provide?
    Information about aircraft training and operations, space technology, missiles, rockets, aviation ordnance developments, aeronautical safety, aircraft design, power plants aircraft recognition, technical maintenance, and overhaul procedures.
  89. Who publishes Approach, the Naval Aviation Safety Review monthly?
    The U.S. Naval Aviation Safety Center.
  90. What does Approach provide?
    The most accurate information currently available on the subject of aviation accident prevention; it also reports the results of accident investigations and for those accidents that are maintenance-induced, it describes what was done wrong and how it should have been done; suggests corrective measures to prevent future accidents resulting from these causes; and, when appropriate, cites aeronautic technical publications that provide authority for changes in techniques or materials to improve the maintenance product.
  91. What is the purpose of the Naval Aviation Safety Program, OPNAVINST 3750.6?
    To preserve human and material resources.
  92. What manual is a valuable reference for planning a predeployment training program to qualify maintenance personnel for carrier operations?
    The Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19.
  93. What is the purpose of the NAVAIROSH Requirements for the Shore Establishment, NAVAIR A1-NAOSH-SAF-000/P500-1?
    To provide, in one document, guidance on acceptable work place safety and health standards ashore that are to be implemented within the Naval Air Systems Command.
  94. What are the two styles of technical directives (TDs)?
    Formal TDs (letter) and interim TDs (message).
  95. What are formal TDs?
    They direct the accomplishment and recording of modifications to weapons, weapons systems, support equipment, trainers, and related equipment.
  96. What is an interim TD?
    A document issued as a bulletin, interim change, RAMEC, or as an amendment or revision.
  97. What is a bulletin?
    An interim document that comprises instruction and information that directs an initial inspection to determine whether a given condition exists.
  98. What is recession?
    The process by which TDs are removed from active files after requirements have been completed.
  99. What is a rapid action minor engineering change (RAMEC)?
    A message TD, which provides for quick action on minor changes that offer significant advantages to the operating forces.
  100. Where can you find complete instructions for RAMEC and other TDs?
    In NAVAIRSYSCOM Technical Directives System, NAVAIR-00-25-300.
  101. What is an amendment?
    A document that contains information that clarifies, adds to, deletes from, makes minor changes in requirements to, or cancels an existing technical directive.
  102. What is a revision?
    A completely new edition of the existing directive.
  103. What is a supersedure?
    The process by which interim changes are removed from active files after a formal TD has been issued.
  104. What is a cancellation?
    The process by which a TD is removed from the active files.
  105. When is a TD cancelled?
    If it is determined that a previously issued TD is not to be incorporated.
  106. How are TDs cancelled?
    By an amendment to the TD.
  107. Who issues all TDs?
    NAVAIR or NATSF, except in cases where the time delay in obtaining approval is unacceptable; in such cases, the controlling custodians are authorized to issue interim TDs to prevent unacceptable risks to personnel or equipment.
  108. How are technical directives assigned a category?
    According to the importance and urgency of accomplishing the work involved.
  109. When are immediate TDs issued?
    When an uncorrected, unsafe condition exists that could result in fatal or serious injury to personnel, or extensive damage to or destruction of valuable property.
  110. Why are urgent TDs issued?
    To balance combat necessity against hazardus conditions that could result in injury to personnel, damage to valuable property, or unacceptable reductions in operational efficiency.
  111. How are routine action TDs used?
    To authorize, accomplish, or modify only.
  112. When are routine action TDs used?
    When conditions embody risks acceptable within broad time limits.
  113. How is Record Purpose used?
    To confirm a modification that has been completely incorporated by the contractor or in-house activity in all accepted equipment (before issuance of the TD).
  114. When is the Record Purpose category not used?
    To formalize interim changes, assign message TDs, or to assign bulletins.
  115. What are the two functions the aeronautical technical publications library (TPL) serves?
    First, it serves as a centralized source of up-to-date information for all mechanics and technicians. Second, it gives all personnel an excellent source of reference material to help with personal training and individual improvement.
  116. Who is responsible for determining the activity's publication needs?
    The Central Technical Publications ibrary (CTPL).
  117. What are the libraries called when an activity with a cental library has other technical libraries within the command?
    Dispersed technical publications libraries (DTPL).
  118. What is initial outfitting?
    A onetime supply acion for the technical manuals of a weapons system.
  119. What does the CTPL use to order additional copies of the selected publications or changes?
    The Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MILSTRIP) format.
  120. What does the central library submit for mission-essential publications?
    The automatic distribution requirements listing (ADRL).
  121. What are the two types of publications initial outfitting allowance list?
    The General Aeronautical Publications List and the Aeronautical Publicatons By Weapons System List.
  122. How often does the QA/A division audit the CTPL?
    At least annually.
  123. When does the QA/A do additional audits of the CTPL?
    When any change in mission of aircraft assignment occurs, when a CTPL clerk is replaced, or when directed by higher authority.
  124. How often does the central library audit dispersed libraries to ensure that their publications are current and in good material condition?
    At least quarterly.
  125. How is the Technical Publication Deficiency Report (TPDR) used?
    To improve the quality and accuracy of technical manuals.
  126. What form is used to report all routine technical publication deficiencies?
    The Technical Publications Deficiency Report, OPNAV Form 4790/66.
  127. How should changes of an urgent nature be submitted?
    Directly to the NATOPS advisory group member, through the chain of command, by priority message.
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E-5 Exam: Publications
E-5 Exam Study Guide