E-5 Exam: AMR Maintenance Administration

  1. What is an important objective of the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP)?
    To achieve and maintain maximum material readiness, safety, and conservation of material.
  2. What is the primary effort of the aircraft maintenance department?
    To support the unit's mission.
  3. What is the aircraft intermediate maintenance department (AIMD)?
    A centralized local maintenance organization; AIMDs perform aviation maintenance functions that are beyond the capability of the operating squadron or unit.
  4. What are the two major types of maintenance?
    Rework and upkeep.
  5. What are the categories within the major types of maintenance?
    Standard rework and upkeep and special rework and upkeep.
  6. What is rework maintenance?
    The restorative or additive work performed on aircraft, equipment, and SE.
  7. What is standard rework?
    A comprehensive depot-level inspection of selected aircraft structures and materials, correction of critical defects, incorporation of certain technical directives, and limited removal and rework of scheduled removal components (SRCs).
  8. What is standard rework commonly known as?
    Standard depot-level maintenance (SDLM).
  9. What is special rework?
    Work done to aircraft, equipment, and SE to improve or change their capability to perform specific functions.
  10. What is upkeep maintenance?
    The preventive, restorative, or additive work performed on aircraft, equipment, and SE by operating units and aircraft SE activities.
  11. What is standard upkeep maintenance?
    The periodic or scheduled work performed on aircraft, equipment, and SE after (and as a result of) completion of a prescribed number of flying hours or calendar years.
  12. What is special upkeep?
    The work done to aircraft, associated equipment, and SE to improve, change, or restore their capability to perform specific mission functions.
  13. What is special upkeep also known as?
    Unscheduled maintenance.
  14. What are the three distinct levels of all aircraft maintenance functions?
    Organizational, intermediate, and depot.
  15. What does the maintenance activity refer to, to determine the extent to which a repair task can be undertaken?
    The maintenance instruction manuals (MIMs), the operating and service instruction manuals, or the technical directives (TDs) that pertain to each weapon system or component.
  16. What is organizational-level maintenance?
    Work performed by an operating unit on a day-to-day basis in support of its own operations.
  17. What does the maintenance include that is performed at the organizational level of maintenance?
    Line operations, such as servicing, preflight inspections, and minor adjustments that do not require shop facilities; and component removal and installation.
  18. What is intermediate-level maintenance?
    Work performed in centrally located facilities for the support of operating activities within a designated geographical area.
  19. What does intermediate-level of maintenance consist of?
    Calibration, off-equipment repair, or replacement of damaged or unserviceable components or assemblies; it also consists of the manufacture of nonavailable parts, periodic inspections, and technical assistance on aircraft components and equipment from supported units.
  20. What is the aircraft I-level maintenance department commonly referred to as?
    The SUPPORTING activity.
  21. What is the O-level maintenance activity (squadron) referred to as?
    The SUPPORTED activity.
  22. What is depot maintenance?
    Work that must be done in industrial-type facilities.
  23. Who sponsors and directs the NAMP?
    The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO).
  24. What is NAVAIR responsible for?
    Research, design, development, testing, acquisition, and logistic support of all naval aviation procurements relating to aircraft missile targets and associated material and equipments.
  25. What are the areas a maintenance department aids in improving?
    Performance and training of maintenance personnel; Aircraft, equipment, and system readiness; Maintenance integrity and effectiveness for all material; Safety; Use of maintenance, manpower, and materials; Planning and scheduling of the maintenance workload; Management and evaluation of work performance; Quality of the end product; Attaining and retaining the combat readiness of the unit; and Continuity during transfer of aircraft and personnel between commands.
  26. What is a line relationship (normally shown by a solid verical line on an organizational chart)?
    A relationship that exists between a superior and subordinate within both staff and line segments of the organization.
  27. What does the line relationship involve?
    The direct supervisory functions of assigning work to subordinates.
  28. What type of relationship exists between an advisory staff supervisor and a production line supervisor?
    A staff relationship.
  29. What is the sole concern of staff personnel?
    To service and support the production effort.
  30. Who is responsible to the commanding officer for the accomplishment of the aircraft maintenance department's mission?
    The aircraft maintenance officer.
  31. What are the functional management responsibilities assigned to the aircraft maintenance officer?
    Planning, control, and production; also, the aircraft maintenance officer estimated and programs facilities, equipment, manpower, and traning requirements.
  32. Who are the subordinate officers that assist the aircraft maintenance officer in the management of the maintenance department?
    Assistant aircraft maintenance officer; maintenance material control officer; and, aircraft maintenance division and branch officers.
  33. What activties are the main users and opertors of naval aircraft?
    Organizational maintenance activities (OMAs).
  34. What is the maintenance administration?
    It provides administrative services for the maintenance department. It prepares maintenance-related correspondence that requires special attention by the aircraft maintenance officer or higher authority; maintains files of maintenance-related correspondence and nontechnical publications and instructions; ensures distribution of incoming messages, correspondence, and other data, including offcial and personal mail. It also coordinates department administrative security responsibilities with other departments and divisions; and maintains personnel assignment records fot the department.
  35. What is the idea of quality assurance (QA)?
    To prevent defects from occuring from the start of a maintenance operation to its finish.
  36. What does the achievement of the QA depend upon?
    Prevention, knowledge, and special skills.
  37. What are the three functional areas of the quality assurance/analysis (QA/A)?
    Quality management; quality verification; and, technical publications.
  38. What is quality management?
    It formulates, implements, and audits procedures, instructions, and operations to assure compliance with the governing instructions on quality assurance.
  39. What is quality verification?
    It assures that all materials processed by the maintenance department meet the prescribed quality requirements.
  40. What are technical publications?
    It operates the technical library in support of assigned aeronautical equipment according to the maintenance level of responsibility involved.
  41. Who is directly responsible to the aircraft maintenance officer for the overall productive effort and material support of the department?
    The maintenance material control officer (MMCO).
  42. What are the two areas of maintenance material control?
    One for maintenance control and one for material control.
  43. What is the maintenance control work center usually referred to as?
    Maintenance control or the maintenance control office.
  44. What does an effective aircraft maintenance department program depend upon?
    A cooperative working relationship between production and supply.
  45. What are the duties of personnel in the material control center?
    They make sure that proper parts, tools, and equipment are available to the production divisions in the required quantity and at the proper time; they also compile and analyze maintenance usage data; and, they also furnish technical advice and information to the local supply activity on the identity and quantity of supplies, spare parts, and materials necessary for the assigned workload.
  46. What are the four divisions of the production element of an O-level maintenance activity?
    Target Division, Aircraft Division, Avionics/Armament Division, and Line Division
  47. What are the branches of the aircraft division?
    The power plants branch, the airframes branch, the aviators life support equipment branch, and the inspection branch.
  48. What are the branches of the avionics/armament division?
    The electronics branch, the electrical and instrument branch, and the armament branch.
  49. What type of personnel are assigned to the line division?
    Aviation machinist's mates, metalsmiths, electricians, or personnel who are striking for the Storekeeper (SK) and Aviation Maintenance Administrationman (AZ) clerical ratings.
  50. What is the primary purpose of I-level maintenance?
    To support and supplement the work of O-level maintenance?
  51. Are intermediate maintenance activities (IMAs) assigned aircraft for operational purposes?
    No, they concentrate their efforts on repairing and testing aircraft components.
  52. What are the major concerns of the QA/A division?
    Safety of personnel and equpment; The need for training maintenance personnel in the most efficient and effective methods; The quality of workmanship and materials used in maintenance; The reliability of each equipment and its component parts and the procedures used in the maintenance of the equipment; and Qualifications of all quality assurance personnel, including collateral duty inspectors.
  53. What are the two work centers of the maintenance material control?
    Production control and material control.
  54. What is the central point of the entire maintenance effort?
    Production control.
  55. What are the production divisions responsible to production control for?
    The production efforts of their assigned work centers, scheduling components into work centers, and assigning priorities as directed by production control.
  56. What does maintenance material control together with the administration division and the QA/A division provide the intermediate aircraft maintenance officer with?
    A complete picture of the maintenance situation for any given time, and also makes recommendations for improvement.
  57. What are the six production divisions?
    Power plants, airframes, avionics, armament equipment, aviation life support equipment, and support equipment.
  58. What is the airframes division responsible for?
    The specified level of maintenance for the airframe and structural components; movable structures and surfaces, including their hydraulic and pneumatic control and actuating systems and mechnisms; air-conditioning, pressurization, visual improvement, oxygen, and other utility systems; and seat and canopy ejection systems and components.
  59. What are the three basic objectives of Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS)?
    To increase aircraft readiness by giving local maintenance and supply managers timely and accurate information that they require in their day-to-day management and decision-making process; To reduce the administrative burden of the fleet; and To improve the quality of up-line reported data.
  60. What determines the number and size of VIDS boads that a work center needs?
    The number of aircraft and systems.
  61. How often should the work centers verify their VIDS boards with the maintenance control VIDS board?
    At least once a day.
  62. What are the two forms that are displayed on the VIDS board?
    VIDS/MAF Maintenance Action Form (OPNAV 4790/60) and Signal Tabs.
  63. What does maintenance control do after they complete the required blocks of the VIDS/MAF?
    They forward copies 1 and 5 to the work center for discrepancies found on the aircraft/SE.
  64. What does it mean when the supervisor signs the VIDS/MAF?
    That the maintenance action is complete, that tool control inventories have been conducted at the proper intervals, that quality assurance measures have been met, and that the documentation is complete and correct.
  65. What happens when a component goes to an AWP status and after appropriate entries have been made on the VIDS/MAF?
    The component should be properly packaged and preserved; then, it is sent to the AWP unit or its equivalent.
  66. What is indicated by a supervisor's signature on the VIDS/MAF?
    Maintenance actions have been completed; Tool control inventories have been held at the appropriate times; The component has been adequately preserved/secured for routing to the AMSU; Documentation is correct; and Quality assurance measures have been met.
  67. How do O- and I-level maintenance activities use the VIDS/MAF?
    To report on equipment maintenance actions; also to document the removal and processing of a repairable component or item to AIMD.
  68. How are copies of the VIDS/MAF used and distributed at the O-level of maintenance?
    Copy 1 - work center register, control, and processing copy; Copy 2 - QA/A suspense file copy; Copy 3 - maintenance control register; Copy 4 - aircraft discrepancy book (right side) copy; and Copy 5 - work center MDR verification copy.
  69. How are copies of the VIDS/MAF used and distributed at the I-level maintenance?
    Copy 1 - work center register, control, and processing copy; Copy 2 - supply department VIDS copy; Copy 3 - production control register; Copy 4 - RFI/BCM copy; and Copy 5 - work center MDR verification copy.
  70. What is the Monthly Production Report (MDR-2)?
    It summarizes, by work center, all maintenance actions, TD compliance, and data entered in the Failed/Material block of the VIDS/MAF.
  71. What is the organization code?
    A three-character, alphanumeric code that identifies an activity within a major command.
  72. What is the Permanent Unit Code (PUC)?
    A six-character, numeric code assigned to each aircraft reporting custodian for identification.
  73. What is the Work Center Code (WCC)?
    A three-character, numerc code that is used to identify work centers within an organization.
  74. What is the Type Equipment code (TEC)?
    A four-character, alphabetic code that identifies the end item of equipment on which work is performed, such as aircraft, engine, or SE.
  75. What is the Julian date?
    A four-character, numeric code used to show the date. The first character of the code is the last digit of the year, and the last three characters of the code show the day of the year.
  76. What is the job control number (JCN)?
    A 9-, 10-, or 11-character, alphanumeric code used to separately identify each maintenance action.
  77. What is identified by the JCN suffix?
    A subassembly or subassembly repair action completed separately from the major component repair action.
  78. What is the work unit code (WUC)?
    A one-, three-, five-, or seven-character numeric or alphanumeric code and normally identifies the system, subsystem, set, component, and part of the end item being worked on.
  79. What is the Action Taken code?
    A one-character, alphabetic or numeric code that descibes what maintenance was performed on an item identified by a Work Unit Code.
  80. What is the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE)?
    A five-position code assigned to manufacturer's and nonmanufacturer's organizational entities and contractors of items procured by agencies of the Federal Government and is commonly called the Manufacturer's code.
  81. What is the Malfunction Description code?
    A three-character, alphanumeric code used to describe the malfunction occuring on or in an end item.
  82. What is the Technical Directive code?
    A 12- or 13-character code used to identify a specific technical directive by type number, revision, amendment, part and kit number.
  83. What is the Technical Directive Status code?
    A one-character, alphabetic or numeric code used to describe the type of work accomplished.
  84. What is the When Discovered code?
    A one-character, alphabetic code that identifies when the need for maintenance was discovered.
  85. What is the transaction code?
    A two-character, numeric code that shows the type of data being reported.
  86. What makes up the Time/Cycle block?
    A prefix and four numbers.
  87. What is the Awaiting Maintenance Reason code (AWM)?
    A one-digit, numeric code used to show the reason no maintenance is being performed.
  88. How is the SE Custody and Maintenance History Record, OPNAV 4790/51 used?
    To record acceptance information, custody and trasnfer, rework, preservation and depreservation, and TDs.
  89. How can managers determine their capability for doing unscheduled work?
    By scheduling predictable maintenance.
  90. When is the Monthly Maintenance Plan distributed?
    By the 25th of the month prior to which it applies.
  91. What does the monthly meeting provide that is held by the AIMD/IMA officer?
    The planning and coordination needed to improve the overall maintenance program.
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E-5 Exam: AMR Maintenance Administration
E-5 Exam Study Guide