Pharm-Comprehensive Review

  1. Drug
    Chemical used to diagnose, treat or prevent disease
  2. Pharmacology
    Study of drugs & their interaction w/ the body
  3. Classification
    Broad group to which a drug belongs
  4. Indication
    Conditions that make the admission of a drug appropriate
  5. Pharmacodynamics
    How a drug interacts with the body to cause its effect
  6. Side effect
    The drugs untoward or undesired effects
  7. Contraindication
    Conditions that make it inappropriate to give the drug
  8. Teratogenic Drug
    Drugs that may deform or kill a fetus
  9. Pharmacokinetics
    How a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized or excreted
  10. Affinity
    Force of attraction between drug & receptor
  11. Efficacy
    Drugs ability to cause the expected response
  12. Agonist
    Drug which binds to receptor site causing a desired effect
  13. Antagonist
    Drug which binds w/ a receptor site blocking it but not causing the desired effect
  14. Allergic Reaction
    Aka hypersensativity, the effect occurs as a drug is antigenic & activates immune sys
  15. What is the difference between anaphylaxis & an allergic reaction?
    An allergic reaction isnt necessarily life threatening where as anaphylaxis is
  16. Tolerance
    Decreased response to the same amt of drug after repeated administrations
  17. Cross tolerance
    Tolerance for a drug that develops after administration of a different drug. ie opiod b/c tolerance for 1 = tolerance for all
  18. Tachyphylaxis
    Rapidly occurring tolerance to a drug. May occur aft a single dose
  19. Cumulative Effect
    ^ effectiveness when a drug is given in several doses
  20. Drug Dependance
    Pt becomes accustomed to the drugs presence in his body & will suffer physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms upon its absence
  21. Drug Interaction
    The effects of 1 drug alters the response to another drug
  22. Drug Antagonism
    The effects of 1 drug block the response to another drug
  23. Summation (aka ____ ____)
    • Additive effect
    • 2 drugs w/ same effect given together. 1+1=2
  24. Synergism
    2 drugs given together having the same effect & producing a response > the sum of their individual responses. 1+1=3
  25. Potentiation
    • 1 drug enhances the effect of another
    • ie Promethazine enhances morphine
  26. Interference
    Direct biochemical interaction between 2 drugs; 1 drug effects the pharm of another
  27. Analgesic
    Absence of the sensation of pain
  28. Anesthetic
    Induces loss of sensation to touch or pain
  29. Sedation
    State of decreased anxiety & inhibition
  30. Hypnosis
    Instigation of sleep
  31. Parasympathomimetic
    Causes effects like the parasympathetic NS (cholinergics)
  32. Parasympatholytic
    Blocks the parasympathetic nervous sys
  33. Sympathomimetic
    Causes effects like those of the sympathetic NS
  34. Sympatholytic
    Blocks the action of the sympathetic sys
  35. Antidysrhythmic
    Drug used to treat or prevent abnormal cardiac rhythms
  36. What is a schedule I drug?
    • High abuse potential
    • No med indication
  37. Describe a schedule II drug.
    • High abuse potential
    • May lead to dependance
  38. Describe a schedule III drug.
    • Less abuse
    • Moderate dependance
  39. Describe a schedule IV drug.
    • Low abuse
    • Less dependance
  40. Describe a schedule V drug.
    • Low abuse
    • Limited dependance
  41. What are class 1 recs as per the AHA?
    Conditions for which there is evidence &/or general agreement that a given procedure or treatment is useful & effective
  42. What are class 2 AHA recs mean?
    Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence &/or a divergence of opinion about the usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treatment
  43. What are class 2a rec as per the AHA?
    Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy
  44. What are class 2b recs as per the AHA?
    Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion
  45. What are class 3 recs as per the AHA?
    Conditions for which there is evidence &/or general agreement the the procedure/treatment is nor useful/effective & in some cases may harmful
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Pharm-Comprehensive Review
Pharm comprehensive review