KIN 494: 12 Lead ECG

  1. Uses for ECG Monitoring?
    • Monitor HR
    • Evaluate the effects of disease or injury on heart function
    • Evaluate pacemaker function
    • Evaluate response to medications
    • Obtain baseline recording before, during and after medical procedure
  2. What information does ECG Monitoring Provided?
    • Orientation of the heart in the chest
    • Electrical effects of medications and electrolytes
    • Mass of cardiac muscle
    • Presence of ischemic damage
  3. What is an ECG lead and how many are there?
    • different views of the heart
    • there are 12
  4. What are the different types of views?
    • Three standard limb leads
    • Three augmented limb leads
    • Six precordial limb leads
  5. P Wave, normal Findings? (Duration, Amplitude, Upright, Inverted, Variable)
    • Duration: 0.10 sec (2.5 small boxes)
    • Amplitude: 0.5 and 2.5 mm (half to 2.5 small boxes)
    • Upright: I, II, avF, V4, V5, V6
    • Inverted: aVR
    • Variable: III, avL, V1, V2, V3
  6. what does the ecg record?
    electrical activity between two electrodes
  7. What are the two planes of view?
    • Frontal
    • Horizontal (transverse)
  8. What are the Standard limb leads?
    • I - left lateral - right shoulder to left hip
    • II - inferior - top to bottom
    • III - inferior - top to bottom
  9. Augmented limb leads
    • AVR - none
    • AVL - lateral
    • AVF - inferior
  10. Precordial Leads?
    V1 – V6
  11. What are the frontal plane leads?
    • View: inferior, superior, right and left
    • Bipolar Leads I, II, III
    • Unipolar leads aVR, aVL, aVF
  12. What are the horizontal plane leads?
    anterior, posterior, right, left
  13. From what position do all 12 leads view the ventrical?
    from the position of its positive electrode
  14. What is it when you have a Wave of depolarization is towards (+) lead?
    then = positive (upright) deflection
  15. Two deflections of movement away from baseline (+
    or -)?
    • Biphasic: partly + and –
    • Isoelectric: rests on or near abseline
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KIN 494: 12 Lead ECG