1. Gross profit margin
    measures the difference between what it costs to produce a product and the selling price
  2. SWOT analysis
    vehicle for collecting information on an organization's current strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  3. Mission statement
    specifics what the company does, who its customers are, and the priorities it ha set in pursuing its work
  4. Absenteeism
    time lost when employees do not come to work
  5. AD Hoc Arbitrator
  6. Agency Shop Clause
    don't join a union but still pay
  7. Alley doctrine
    neutral employer as strike breaker
  8. Alter Ego Doctrine
    employer secondary or neutral in labor dispute
  9. Arbitration
    determination made by 3rd party
  10. Associate membership
    membership outside traditional local union
  11. Authorization cards
    signed by 30% of employees
  12. Bargaining orders
    ULP exist may require bargain with the union (excepted by both parties)
  13. Bargaining orders
    ULP exist may require bargain with the union (excepted by both parties)
  14. Behavioral Observation Scale (BOS)
    measure behavior against level of performance and also measures the frequency with which the behavior occurs
  15. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARs)
    measure behavior against levels of performance
  16. Bias
    appraiser's values, beliefs, or prejudices distort ratings
  17. Binding arbitration
    occurs when a dispute is submitted to an arbitrator and the decision is mandatory and must be accepted by both parties
  18. BFOQ (Bona Fide Occupational Qualification)
    legitimate reason why an employer can exclude persons on otherwise illegal bases of consideration
  19. Cease and desist orders
    remedy for unfair labor practices - discontinue any illegal practices
  20. Central Tendency
    refers to a performance appraisal error in which an appraiser rates all employees within a narrow range, regardless of differences in actual performance (narrow range)
  21. Checklist
    appraiser is given a list of statement or words and checks the items which describe the characteristics and performance of an employee
  22. Closed shop
    condition of employment (join union before you can be hired)
  23. Coalition bargaining
    more than one employer negotiates with a union
  24. Collective bargaining
    management and labor negotiates over wages, hours and condition of employment
  25. Common situs picketing
    primary affect secondary (common premises)
  26. Compulsory arbitration
    law requires parties situation to be submitted to arbitration
  27. Consent election
    pre-election hearing
  28. Constructive discharge
    deliberately makes conditions intolerable so an employee will quit
  29. Strikes
    workers refuse to work
  30. Suggestion systems
    obtaining employee input and upward communication
  31. Survelliance
    an ULP focuses its survelliance efforts on union activity
  32. Sweetheart contracts
    outlawed by the Taft Hartley Act - company sponsored labor organizations
  33. Sympathy Strike
    expresses one union's support for another involved in a dispute
  34. Tardiness
    refers to time lost when employees report to work late
  35. Termination
    is the voluntary or involuntary discharge of an employee
  36. Threat of Reprisal
    threat that is intended to intimidate or coerce employees
  37. Tripartite Panel
    three member arbitration
  38. Unfair Labor Practices (ULP)
    violations of specific provisions of the NLRA that may be committed by either the employer or the union
  39. Union Shop
    employee join a union within 30 to 60 days after being hired (U = joined)
  40. Unlawful Circumvention
    employers attempts at direct communication with employees begin at the same time as contract negotiation
  41. Voluntary arbitration
    both parties agree to submit their differences to arbitration
  42. Voluntary retirement
    frequently offered with additional benefits to sweeten the choice, occurs when an organization anticipates layoffs and wants to reduce the numbers of affected employees
  43. Voter eligibility
    must be on payroll before the date of the election
  44. Wildcat strikes
    work stoppages without approval of union leadership in violation of a no-strike clause
  45. Yellow Dog Contract
    contracts that force employees to agree not to join a union or participate in any union activity
  46. Zipper Clause
    both parties waive the right to demand bargaining on any matter not dealt with in the contract
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PHR/SPHR Flashcards