wound care quiz Sec 1

  1. Which of the following is related to a fragile wound bed?

    A. Contact Layer
  2. Albumin measures _______

    A. Visceral Protein
  3. f epiboly occurs at wound margins:

    B. Wound healing will stop.
  4. Dry stable intact eschar on heel is best treated with:

    A. Dry Dressing
  5. Dehiscence is a complication when internal organs protrude though an open wound.
  6. Your patient has a very large sacral wound that has 50% necrotic tissue and tendon exposed. The wound is infected, and needs to be debrided. What would be the best choice of debridement?

    C. Sharps
  7. Aggressive sharp debridement is recommended for necrotic palliative wounds.
  8. When sweat and sebum mix on the skin they produce

    D. Acid Mantle
  9. Safe irrigation pressures are 3 - 25 PSI.
  10. A term associated with the outer aspect of ankle:
    Lateral malleolus
  11. Fistulas can drain bile, stool, or urine. This can pose a problem for the perifistular area. What could you use that would protect the perifistular area?

    A. Pouches, Skin Barriers, Petroleum/Zinc Based Ointments
  12. Half life for Albumin is:

    B. 18 - 21 days
  13. Transferrin is another laboratory test that measures visceral protein stores. This test however is not recommended in patients who have:

    A. Iron deficiency
  14. The process of a delivering a fluid or cleansing solution to the wound by means of a specific mechanical force is cleaning a wound. Normal Saline is the preferred cleansing agent; however commercial cleansers are used as well. Commercial cleansers contain surface active agents known as:

    A. Surfactants
  15. What Stage? Pressure area to sacrum that is 100% covered with black eschar.
  16. The dressings that provide an environment for autolytic debridement are:

    B. Alginates, hydrocolloids and transparent dressings.
  17. Prevalence is:

    B. One time only "snap shot" of the number of cases at a given time
  18. Pyoderma Gangrenosum is a rare chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology with painful skin ulcers. Clinically their appearance is:

    D. Irregular, jagged, raised wound edges that are violet or bluish in color
  19. Oxandrin is the only oral anabolic agent approved by the FDA to promote weight gain after involuntary weight loss.
  20. Patient admitted to ER complaining of abdominal pain, upon examination the lower right quadrant of the abdomen appears red, swollen, and hot to touch. Over the course of hours the skin becomes blue gray with fluid-filled blisters. The patient has symptoms of:

    C. Necrotizing Fasciitis
  21. Compression improves the efficiency of the calf pump and helps control edema.
  22. A patient presents with multiple painful necrotic lesions located on her legs and torso. Lab results reflect elevated serum calcium, elevated serum phosphate and elevated BUN and creatinine levels. These characteristics suggest:

    B. Calciphylaxis
  23. When diagnosing arterial occlusion, what is considered to be the "Gold Standard"?

    C. Angiogram
  24. A full thickness wound would include skin loss through the epidermis, dermis into the subcutaneous and possible bone, muscle and tendon. This type of wound will move through four overlapping phases of healing. These phases are:

    C. Hemostasis, Inflammatory, Proliferative, Maturation
  25. An ABI can be used to rule out significant arterial occlusion and determine the amount of compression that can safely be applied. Which of the following indicates a normal ABI reading?

    B. ≥ 1.0
  26. There is no one specific laboratory test that indicates the diagnosis of osteomyelitis; however, three labs done together with positive or increased results could be indicative of osteomyelitis. What three tests would be obtained?

    D. CBC,ESR, C-Reactive Protein
  27. Compression is contraindicated for which of the following patients?

    D. All of the Above
  28. Colonization can be described as:

    C. Presence of replicating microorganisms which do not cause injury to the host.
  29. What are the three types of wound closure?

    D. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
  30. The skin is comprised of two layers, the epidermis and the dermis. Each layer consists of numerous cells. Which of the following cells would you find in the dermis?

    A. Macrophage, Fibroblast, Mast Cells
  31. What Stage? Full thickness tissue loss, subcutaneous fat may be visible but bone, tendon, or muscle are not exposed.
    Stage 3
  32. Pre-Albumin is a more sensitive measure of visceral protein stores, providing a more current picture of protein status. What is the half life and at-risk level for Pre-Albumin?

    A. 1 - 2 days, < 16 mg/dl
  33. The Dermis contains an important cell called the fibroblast. What does a fibroblast produce?

    C. Collagen and Elastin
  34. Which is best used for a partial thickness pressure ulcer in the sacral area of an incontinent patient?

    C. Hydrocolloid
  35. Which of the tools listed below is used to determine pressure ulcer healing?

    B. PUSH
  36. Radiation burns are treated with hydrogel.
  37. A patient diagnosed with colon cancer develops candida rash under her breasts. The most appropriate treatment would be:

    D. Miconazole
  38. Upon assessment of a wound it is observed to have nodular cauliflower-shaped tissue in the wound bed with heavy seropurulent exudate accompanied by a pungent odor. These characteristics suggest:

    C. Fungating wound
  39. Your patient has Venous Hypertension and a history of ulcers. She comes to you once again with an ulcer, this time to the R medial malleolar area. You receive an order to obtain ABI and compress. Which of the following results would permit compression?

    D. ≥ 0.6 - 1.0
  40. This occurs when a patient develops a tissue reaction in a previously irradiated field following the administration of a chemotherapeutic agent.
    Radiation recall
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wound care quiz Sec 1
wound care quiz Sec 1