Employment Testing

  1. Types of employment tests. (6 types)
    • 1. Drug tests
    • 2. Medical exams
    • 3. Polygraphs
    • 4. Psych tests
    • 5. Intelligence tests
    • 6. Ability tests
  2. Drug testing is used... (5 different situations)
    • 1. Before hiring
    • 2. As part of medical exams
    • 3. To verify that drug rehab attendees are clean
    • 4. After suspicious behavior
    • 5. Randomly
  3. Are there any rules that apply to whether an employer may use drug testing and under what circumstances?
  4. About... of all states have drug-testing laws.
  5. .... states ban it or limit it to certain safety-related industries, but.... state prohibits all drug testing.
    10, no
  6. Random drug testing of union members is a topic of...., and depends on the....
    mandatory bargaining, Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
  7. Random drug testing by.... employers is prohibited by the 4th Amendment to the U.S.Constitution, prohibiting unreasonable search and seizure, and some state constitutions. But.... employers may drug test for.... jobs or upon....
    public, public, safety-sensitive, reasonable suspicion.
  8. Drug and alcohol testing of employees in....-related jobs is required.
  9. The 4 most common procedures required by state statutes are that employees must be given....
    • 1. Written notice that drug testing is required
    • 2. Copies of employer’s policy
    • 3. Test results in writing
    • 4. Opportunity to explain result
  10. In drug-testing procedures, an employer must use.... to analyze samples/ perform.... tests, if requested, or allow employees samples for their own tests/ collect samples with.... for employees’ privacy/ and keep the results of drug tests....
    licensed laboratories, confirmatory, due regard, confidential
  11. Firms that contract with the federal government must comply with the...
    Drug Free Workplace Act
  12. The DFWA requires that employers: .... and.... policies concerning drug use, sale or possession in the workplace/ inform employees about the.... of drug use and options for counseling and treatment/ establish.... for drug use violations/ and report any....
    develop, communicate, dangers, penalties, drug use convictions
  13. Under this statute, an employer must not fail to promote, terminate, or otherwise discriminate against an employee who has undergone treatment for drug addiction and is no longer using drugs.
    Americans w/Disabilities Act
  14. The inquiry, w/former drug addicts, must be whether the employee is able to perform the essential functions of the job, with or without....
    reasonable accommodation.
  15. Smart practices for drug testing.
    • 1. Notify employees if they are subject to testing.
    • 2. Notify employees of circumstances under which testing will occur.
    • 3. Notify employees of consequences of testing positive.
    • 4. Carefully label specimens
    • 5. Document chain of custody for samples.
    • 6. Respect the privacy of employees being tested.
  16. Courts are.... to protect at-willemployees from termination based on drugtests, even if conducted improperly.
  17. .... claims are possible if the drug test results of otherwise similarly situated employees lead to one being fired and the other given more lenient treatment based on his protected class characteristic.
    Disparate treatment
  18. Employers should treat test results as....
  19. Any procedure or test that seeks information about an individual’s impairments or health.
    Medical exam
  20. Which test is a medical exam is not always...
  21. If a test is a “medical exam,” then it is covered by the....
  22. Under the ADA, prior to making a conditional offer of employment, an employer is prohibited from requiring applicants submit to....
    medical exams.
  23. Medical exams following conditional offers of employment are.... in scope, and may inquire into physical and mental health of applicants which are NOT....
    unrestricted, job-related
  24. Medical exams of current employees are limited to.... inquiries.
  25. As a practical matter,.... should be the last tests performed in the hiring process.
    medical exams
  26. An HIV test may not be conducted until after a.... has been made.
    conditional offer of employment
  27. Because a person who is HIV positive is disabled under the ADA, a positive test cannot be used to...., unless the person cannot.... of the job, even with accommodation, or is a....
    deny employment, perform the functions, direct threat.
  28. Except for few jobs, employers should not conduct.... tests. They can rarely be used and may result in a claim of....
    HIV, discrimination.
  29. This act forbids employers from acquiring genetic information regarding applicants and employees.
    Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
  30. Narrow exceptions permit employers to monitor the.... of toxic substances at work.
    biological effects
  31. Family medical history is...., but conditions or traits already manifested by employees are not protected by....
    genetic info., GINA
  32. Employers may violate GINA by requesting....
    information to health care providers.
  33. The EEOC has suggested “safe harbor” language for employers seeking.... information.
    health insurance
  34. GINA requires that pre-employment exams must not include the taking of a.... or other forms of genetic information gathering.
    family medical history
  35. GINA also prohibits the use of genetic information in making.... decisions.
  36. The act that forbids private employers from requiring a pre-employment polygraph or other truth-telling devices, including voice stress analyzers.
    Employee Polygraph Protection Act
  37. Regarding polygraphs and honesty tests, exceptions exist for... employers in certain industries.
  38. For all employers, polygraphs and honesty tests are permitted after.... or other.... event.
    an employee theft, serious
  39. .... honesty tests are permissible.
    Pencil and paper
  40. Scored tests of ability are designed to screen out candidates with.... traits or to hire those with.... traits.
    undesirable, desirable
  41. 6 things that cored tests of ability measure.
    • 1. Intelligence
    • 2. Aptitude
    • 3. Job skills/knowledge
    • 4. Work-related attitudes
    • 5. Personality traits
    • 6. Strength/fitness
  42. Scored tests of ability must not be....  .If test items relate to.... characteristics, they should not be used.
    discriminatory, protected class
  43. Persons who score better on tests of ability are the ones that are....
  44. To avoid discrimination, compare the.... composition of an applicant pool to the group that passed the test.
    protected class
  45. To determine the significance of the difference in test results, EEOC follows the.... rule.
  46. States that "if the % of applicants to pass the test (and continue to be considered) for one protected group is less than 80% (4/5ths) of the selection rate for the protected group that was most successful, this is evidence of discriminatory effect.
    The four-fifths rule
  47. The 4/5ths rule is a rule of thumb, and not an.... legal requirement.
  48. The four-fifths rule is valid only if there is a large enough....
    applicant pool
  49. Employers must monitor and maintain records on the effects of.... procedures.
  50. Even if a test has an adverse discriminatory impact, it may be used if the employer can establish that it is ....-related and consistent with....
    job, business necessity.
  51. With job-related tests, an employer must establish....
  52. 2 ways to establish the validity of job related tests.
    • 1. Content validity
    • 2. Criterion validity
  53. A test has.... validity if it requires the performance of the same behaviors and skills as the job in question.

    Ex: word processing test for clerical position
  54. Content validation cannot be used to validate tests of.... traits such as intelligence and personality.
  55. Testing that screens out people who could perform the job following minimal on-the-job training are not.... and consistent with....
    job-related, business necessity.
  56. Use.... validation tests as much as possible, but don't use them to assess.... characteristics. Also, don't use this type of validation test for tasks that could readily be learned on the job.
    content, intangible
  57. .... refers to a measure of job performance.
  58. Criterion validation requires a demonstrated statistical association between performance on a.... and performance on the....
    test, job
  59. Criterion validation studies may be.... or....
    predictive, concurrent
  60. A typical measure of association in criterion validity is the.... .A positive correlation indicates a link with....
    correlation coefficient, job performance.
  61. A.... study provides evidence that a test is related to job performance and it must be based on a job analysis.
  62. Although not required by law, it is wise for an employer to establish validity before....
    using a test.
  63. Tests may be scored.... and passing scores may be....
    pass/fail, ranked.
  64. Employers may not use “....” or otherwise adjust scores based on protected class characteristics.
    race norming
  65. In determining appropriate cut-off levels, an employer should not set the bar artificially high, with.... effects.
  66. “Banding” of similar test scores (82-86) and treating them similarly is....
  67. The legal responsibility to provide accommodation to the disabled during testing begins....
  68. Unless the disability is obvious, the employer is not responsible for providing accommodation during testing unless.... .However, employers should tell candidates about the.... that will be used.
    it's requested, types of tests
  69. Employers should document.... for accommodation.
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Employment Testing