1. Cannabinoids
    • Pharmacologically active compounds
    • Over 60
  2. Hashish
    • Dried resin from top of female plant
    • THC usually 2-5%, but up to 15%
  3. Hash oil
    • Organic extraction from hashish
    • THC 10-20%, but up to 70%
  4. Absorption
    • Very lipid soluble
    • Good absorption if smoked
    • Half life -> 1-10 days
    • Rapid peak
    • Slow absorption with oral
  5. Metabolism and clearance
    • Rapid initial drop due to redistribution to fat
    • Slower metabolism in liver
    • Metabolites may persist for a week
  6. Effects of low-moderate dose
    • Disinhibition, relaxation, drowsiness
    • Feeling of well-being, exhilaration, euphoria
    • Sensory-perceptual changes
    • Recent memory impairment
    • balance/stability impaired
    • Decreased muscle strength
    • Poor on complex motor tasks
  7. Effects with high doses
    • Pseudohallucinations
    • Synethesias
    • Impaired judgement, poor reaction time
    • Pronounced motor impairment
    • Disorganized thoughts, confusion
    • Not lethal
  8. Withdrawal
    • irritability, anxiety, depression
    • sleep disturbances, aggressiveness, decreased appetite
    • Rodents- must give antagonist to get withdrawal
  9. Sensitization
    • Stereotyped behaviors
    • Locomotion
    • Cross sensitive w/ amp and morphine
  10. Long term effects
    • Amotiviational syndrome
    • cancer and immune function
    • memory problems
    • mental illness
  11. Potential medical uses
    • Glaucoma
    • antiemetic
    • anticonvulsant
    • enhance appetite
    • analgesic
  12. Development of synthetic cbs
    • delta9-THC binds weakly and not full agonist
    • 1986-1990s - CP and WIN series of compounds and agonists
    • 1988 - first binding experiments
    • 1990 - first localization
    • 1990 - CB1 cloned
    • 1993 - CB2 cloned
  13. Cb receptor localization
    • Conserved across mamalian species
    • Similar to cAMP
    • Binding inhibited by cAMP analogues
    • CB1 and 2 G-protein coupled
    • Receptor density high
  14. Anandamide
    • Endogenous Cb
    • Similar actions to cb
    • inhibit cAMP
    • inhibit binding of cb
    • only partial agonist at CB1
    • decrease motor activity
    • antinociceptive effects
  15. 2-arachidonyl glycerol
    • endogenous cb
    • full agonist at CB1
    • in brain in higher concentration than anandamide
  16. Locus of actions
    • Memory effects - hippocampus
    • Reward - mesostriatal DA system
    • Motor activity - basal ganglia, cerebellum
    • Analgesic effects - spinal cord and peripheral tissue
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lecture #8