PSY 101

  1. Central Nervous Sytem:
    (CNS) the brain & the spinal cord.
  2. Amygdala:
    a part of the limbic system associated with fear responses.
  3. Werricks’ Area:
    A temporal lobe brain area related to language comprehension.
  4. Temporal Lobe:
    Areas that include the sites on each side of the brain where hearing registers in the brain.
  5. Reticular Formation:
    a network within the medulla and the brainstem; associated with attention, alertness, and some reflexes.
  6. Hypothalamus:
    A small area at the base of the brain that regulates many aspects of motivation, and emotion especially, hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior.
  7. Occipital Lobe:
    Portion of the cerebral cortex where vision registers in the brain.
  8. Motor Cortex:
    A brain area associated with control of movement.
  9. Pons:
    An area on the brain stream that acts as a bridge between the medulla and other structures.
  10. Parietal Lobe:
    Area of the brain where body sensations register.
  11. Medulla:
    The structure that connects the brain with spinal cord and controls vital life functions.
  12. Neuron:
    an individual nerve cell.
  13. Thalamus:
    a brain structures that relays on sensory information to the cerebral cortex
  14. Limbic System:
    A system in the force brain that is closely linked with emotional response.
  15. Frontol Lobe:
    A brain area associated with movement, the sense of self, and higher mental functions.
  16. Hippocampus:
    A part of the limbic system associated with emotion and the transfer of information from short-term memory to long-term memory.
  17. Action Potential:
    The nerve impulse.
  18. Pituitary Gland:
    The “master gland” whose hormones influence other endocrine glands.
  19. Broca’s Area:
    A language area related to grammer & pronunciation.
  20. Cerebral Cortex:
    The outer layer of the cerebral.
  21. Brainstorm:
    Method of creative thinking that separates the production and evaluation of ideas.
  22. Adrenal Glands:
    Endocrine glands that arouse the body, regulate salt balance, adjust the body to stress and affect sexual functioning.
  23. Sympathetic Nervous System:
    a branch of the ANS that arouses the body for action.
  24. Endocrine System:
    Glands whose secretions pass directly into the bloodstream or lymph system.
  25. Dendrite:
    Neutron fibers that receive incoming messages.
  26. Parasympathetic Nervous System:
    A branch of the ANS that quiets the body.
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PSY 101