U.S History Ch 1

  1. Having no fixed home, moving from place to place according to seasons and availability of food and water.
  2. Native American people that settled in the valley of Mexico in the 1200s a.d. and later developed a powerful empire.
  3. Native American group that lived on the mesa tops, cliff sides, and canyon bottoms of the four corners region (where the present-day states of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah meet) from about a.d. 100-1300.
  4. A group of Native American people--descendants of the Anasazi--inhabiting the deserts of the Suthwest.
  5. A group of Native American people inhabiting the woodlands of the Northeast.
  6. A west African kingdom that flourished in the Niger Delta region (in what is now Nigeria) from the 14th to the 17th century.
  7. A group of small Kingdoms along the Zaire River in West-Central Africa, united under a single leader in the late 1400s.
  8. A religion founded in Arabia in a.d. 622 by the prophet Muhammad; its believers are called Muslims.
  9. A religion based on life and teachings of Jesus Christ
  10. A religious movement in 16th century Europe, growing out of a desire for reform in the Roman Catholic Church and leading to the establishment of various Protestant churches.
  11. A period of European history lasting from about 1400-1600, during which renewed interest in classical culture led to far-reaching changes in art, learning, and views of the world.
  12. ...mariner, set out on an expedition: to find a route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. Took La Niña, La Pinta, and La Santa Maria (the three ships).
    Christopher Columbus
  13. Native American people of the Caribbean Islands--the first group encountered by Columbus and his men when they reached the Americas.
  14. The 1494 treaty in which Spain and Portugal agreed to divide the lands of the western hemisphere between them.
    Treaty of Tordesillas
  15. The transfer--beginning with Columbus's first voyage--of plants, animals, and diseases between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere.
    Columbian Exchange
  16. One of the Spaniards who traveled to the Americas as an explorer and conqueror in the 16th century.
  17. Conquered the Aztecs and captured Montezuma, he was in search of gold in 1519 in Mexico.
    Hernando Cortes
  18. Aztec emperor, thought Cortes was a god, and agreed to give him gold. Was later captured by Cortes and stoned to death by his people who believed he was a traitor.
  19. ...of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry.
  20. A system in which Spanish authorities granted colonial land lords the service of Native Americans as forced laborers.
  21. The Spanish built a vast empire, included Mexico and part of Guatemala.
    New Spain
  22. Spains northern holdings, from Santa Fe to Mexico City.
    New Mexico
  23. Worked for the Virginia Company that was starting an English colony in North America.
    John Smith
  24. Settled in a small, defensible peninsula. 1st english colony in North America named after king.
  25. Businesses in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose.
    Joint-Stock Companies
  26. A person who has contracted to work for another for a limited period. Often in return for travel expenses, shelter, and sustenance.
    Indentured Servant
  27. A member of a group that wanted to eliminate all traces of the Roman Catholic ritual and traditions in the Church of England.
  28. Puritan leader who expressed the sense of mission that bound the Puritans together.
    John Winthrop
  29. A conflict, in the years 1675-1676, between New England colonists and Native American group allied under the leadership of the Wampanonag chief Metacom.
    King Philip's War
  30. Was given land as a payment from King Charles II, later names Pennsylvania.
    William Penn
  31. A member of the Society of Friends, a religious group persecuted for its beliefs in 17th century England.
  32. An economic system in which nations to seek to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by establishing a favorable balance of trade.
  33. A series of laws enacted by parliament, beginning in 1651, to tighten England's control of trade in its American colonies.
    Navigation Acts
  34. The transatlantic system of trade in which goods and people, including slaves, were exchanged between Africa, England, Europe the West Indies and the colonies in North America.
    Triangular Trade
  35. The voyage that brought enslaved Africans to the West Indies and later to North America.
    Middle Passage
  36. An 18th century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method as means of obtaining knowledge.
  37. ...Embraced the notion of obtaining truth through experimentation and reason. Discovered lightning - by flying a kite in a thunderstorm.
    Benjamin Franklin
  38. A revival of religious feeling in the American colonies during the 1730s and 1750s.
    Great Awakening
  39. Sought to revive the fervor of the original Puritan vision. Religious scholar, preached it was no enough for people to go to church. To be saved, they must feel sin and God's love for them. -Sermon in 1741
    Jonathan Edwards
  40. A conflict in North America, lasting from 1754-1763, that was a part of a worldwide struggle between France and Britain and that ended with the defeat of France and the transfer of French and Canada to British.
    French and Indian War
  41. Selected by King George II to run his government in 1757. the elder, an energetic, self-confident politician. British and colonial troops finally began winning battles.
    William Pitt
  42. Led by...Native Americans captured eight British forts in the Ohio Valley and The Great Lakes area.
  43. An order in which Britain prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains.
    Proclamation of 1763
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U.S History Ch 1
Chapter 1 Study Guide