med terms.txt

  1. allograft
    a graft from an allogeneic donor of the same species as the recipient
  2. alogia
    asphasia; speechlessness
  3. amenorrhea
    absence of menustration
  4. angina
    a severe constricting pain in the chest
  5. anhedonia
    absence of pleasure from acts that otherwise would be pleasurable
  6. arrythmia
    loss of rhythm; denoting especially an irregularity of the heartbeat
  7. arteriostenosis
    narrowing of the arteries
  8. asepsis
    a condition in which living pathogenic organisms are absent
  9. aspermia
    inability to secrete or ejaculate semen
  10. asystole
    the absence of contractions of the heart
  11. bacteremia
    presence of viable bacteria in the circulating blood
  12. bactericide
    an agent that destroys (kills) bacteria
  13. calciuria
    presence of calcium in urine
  14. chronotropic
    affecting the rate of rhythmic movements such as the heart beat
  15. cyanosis
    blue skin
  16. dysmenorrheal
    a condition marked by painful mestruation
  17. dyspepsia
    disturbed digestion; indigestion
  18. dysuria
    difficulty/pain in urination
  19. enuresis
  20. expectorant
    promoting secretion from the mucous membrane of the air passages
  21. gingivitis
    gum inflammation
  22. halitosis
    bad breath
  23. hematogenesis
    blood cell formation
  24. hyperhidrosis
    excessive sweat
  25. hypothermia
    low body temp
  26. inotropic
    influencing the contractility of muscular tissue
  27. insidious
    denoting a disease that progresses with few or no symptoms to indicate its gravity
  28. ketonuria
    ketone bodies in urine
  29. mastication
  30. miosis
    pupil contraction
  31. mydriasis
    pupil dilation
  32. ototoxic
    having toxic action upon the ear
  33. pediculicide
  34. postcoital
    after intercourse
  35. priapism
    persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal
  36. pyuria
    pus in urine
  37. quackery
    fraudulent claim to medical knowledge
  38. rhinorrhea
    runny nose
  39. steatorrhea
    presence of fat in feces
  40. uniparous
    female who has had only one child
  41. xerostomia
    dryness of the mouth resulting from diminished or arrested salivary secretion
  42. xerotes
  43. zoonosis
    the transmission of a disease from an animal or nonhuman species to humans. the natural reservoir is a nonhuman animal
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med terms.txt
Med Terms