English Vocab

  1. Impudence
    The imbecility of men is always inviting the impudence of power.
    • Noun
    • Rudeness, insolence
  2. Pungent
    "There was a pungent smell of blood in the air. The murderer was very close..."
    • Adjective
    • sharp, stinging
  3. Captious
    "She was asked a captious question."
    • Adjective
    • critical, inclined to stress faults
  4. Sanguine
    "a sanguine disposition; sanguine expectations."
    • Adjective
    • cheerful, optimistic
  5. Prenatural
    • Adjective
    • supernatural
  6. Virulent
    • Adjective
    • Aggressively malicious
  7. Malevolent
    • Adjective
    • Malicious
  8. Homily
    • Noun
    • Moralizing Lecture
  9. Tenor
    • Noun
    • Substance, gist
  10. Truculent
    • Adjective
    • Fierce, defiant
  11. Perfidious
    • Adjective
    • Treacherous
  12. Approbation
    • Noun
    • Praise
  13. Despicable
    • Adj
    • Deserving to be despised
  14. Salient
    • Adj
    • Strinklingly noticeable
  15. Venerable
    • Adj
    • Worthy of respect by reason of age or historic association
  16. Zenith
    • Noun
    • The highest or greatest point
  17. Physiognomy
    • Noun
    • Facial features, especailly when considered as an indication of character
  18. Sentient
    • Adjective
    • Capable of experiencing sensation or feeling
  19. Gregarious
    • Adj
    • Socialable
  20. Neophyte
    • Noun
    • Novice
  21. Presentiment
    • Noun
    • Feeling that something is about to happen
  22. Tacitum
    • Adj
    • Not inclined to speak very much
  23. Saturnine
    • Adj
    • Gloomy, morose
  24. Acriomny
    • Noun
    • Sharpness or bitterness in disposition, manner, or tone
  25. Sagacity
    • Noun
    • Quality of having wisdom, sound judgement, and kean perception or discernment
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English Vocab
jane eyre vocab quiz vocabulary words