7th grade math 701

  1. Image Upload 2How many leaves are there in the whole set?
  2. Image Upload 4How many leaves are in the shaded subset? How many are in the non-shaded subset?
    • 6
    • 2
  3. The elements in the set {a, g, d, t} are:
    a, g, d, t
  4. In a Venn diagram, what shape represents the universal set?
    A rectangle
  5. In a Venn diagram, subsets of the universal set are represented by what shape?
    a circle
  6. Image Upload 6
    Answer the question below given the following information. Set R has a total of
    10, set S has a total of 7, and set T shows that S and R have 4 objects in

    How many students in set R are not in S?
  7. Image Upload 8
    Answer the question below given the following information. Set R has a total of
    10, set S has a total of 7, and set T shows that S and R have 4 objects in

    How many total students are in R and S? (Think carefully about this!)
  8. Image Upload 10
    Answer the question below given the following information. Set R has a total of
    10, set S has a total of 7, and set T shows that S and R have 4 objects in

    Why are there not 17 total students in R + S?
    Because you don't want to add the same students twice.
  9. A member of a set is called an _____________ of the set
  10. How would you write an abbreviated set containing the counting numbers from one to fifty, inclusive? (Choose one option below)
    {1, 2, 3, 5, ...}
    {1, 3, 5, 9, ... 50}
    {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 50}
    {1, 7, 11, 13, 33, ... 50}
    {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 50}
  11. {1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 100}.
    In the example above, the three dots are called ____________ , and they represent the ________ ______ _________.
    • ellipsis
    • numbers not listed
  12. There are two common ways of expressing sets. One method is called the ______
    method, and the other the ________ method.
    • rule
    • roster
  13. The ________ method uses a sentence or phrase that describes the elements of the set.
  14. The ________ method actually lists the elements, or enough to show the set by using ellipsis.
  15. Writing the set {1, 2, 3, 4} as a rule, we would see
    {whole numbers between zero and five}.
  16. Writing the set {1, 2, 3, 4} as a rule, we would see, {whole numbers between zero and five}. Note 0 and 5 were not included in the set. If you wanted to include the numbers 0 and 5 in the set, how would you have written the rule?
    {whole numbers between zero and five, inclusive}
  17. The symbol below means ____ ____ ___________ ____.

    Image Upload 12
    is an element of
  18. The symbol below means _____ ______ ______ _____________ ____
    Image Upload 14
    is not an element of
  19. True or false: A set containing only the number {0} is a null set
  20. The symbol below is for a set with no ___________ at all, and is called the ______ _____
    Image Upload 16
    • elements
    • null set
  21. Classify the following set as finite, infinite, or empty.
    {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
  22. Classify the following set as finite or infinite.
    {9, 10, 11, 12,...,100}
  23. Classify the following set as finite or infinite.
    {all the fractions between 0 and 1}
  24. Classify the following set as finite or infinite.
    {the empty set}
  25. Classify the following set as finite or infinite.
    {the whole numbers}
  26. The symbol below means _______ ___ _______ __
    Image Upload 18
    is a subset of
  27. A set whose members belong to a given set is called a ______________
  28. a subset that has fewer elements than the given set is called a __________ subset
  29. A subset that has the same elements as the given set is called an ____________ subset
  30. What kind of subset is represented in the following question?
    Given: C = {red, white, blue}, D = {the colors of the United States flag}.What kind of subset is D?
  31. The _______ ________ is a subset of any set
    null set
  32. In the set F = {ten, eleven}, what kind of subset is E, if E = Image Upload 20?
  33. If H = {3, 2, 1}, what kind of subset is G, if G = {1, 2, 3}?
  34. Which of the following are subsets of the following set. C = {Matthew}

    Empty set
    • empty set
    • {Matthew}
  35. The statement A Image Upload 22 B means:
    A is a subset of B
  36. The symbol below means ____ ____ ___ _________ ____

    Image Upload 24
    is not a subset of
  37. Find the answer set for 10-5 and 3-2 (be sure to remember proper punctuation and symbols)
    • {5, 1}
    • (Brackets enclose the set, and there is a comma and space between elements)
  38. Which of the following is true for the statement: x > 6 (whole numbers)
    Image Upload 26
    {7, 8, 9, 10, . . .}
  39. Which of the following is true for the statement: 3x > 9 (whole numbers)
    Image Upload 28
    {4, 5, 6, 7, . . .}
  40. Which of the following is true for the statement: x < 8 (whole numbers)
    Image Upload 30
    {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
  41. Which of the following is true for the statement: 4x < 16 (whole numbers)
    Image Upload 32
    {0, 1, 2, 3}
  42. Image Upload 34
    This is Line AB, which is an ________________ set. There are an _____________ number of points between A and B, though they are not all listed. (Both blanks have the same word.)
    infinite (We know it is infinite because of the arrows)
  43. Image Upload 36
    Line AB can be symbolized with what symbol?
    Image Upload 38
  44. Image Upload 40is the set of points between ___ and ____, ____________
    • C
    • D
    • inclusive
  45. Image Upload 42can be represented by what symbol?
    Image Upload 44
  46. Two or more sets with no elements in common are known as ____________ sets
  47. Sometimes two (or more) sets have common elements. When this happens, the sets are said to _______________
  48. Find the intersection of the sets A = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9} and B = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}.
    {7, 8, 9}
  49. The symbol below means ________________
    Image Upload 46
    intersect or intersection
  50. If this statement is true:
    C Image Upload 48D = Image Upload 50, then C and D are ___________ sets
  51. When the intersection of two or more sets contains a common element (or elements), the intersection is a ____________ .
  52. The symbol below means ________

    Image Upload 52
    union (of sets)
  53. Sometimes two (or more) sets are combined. When this happens, the action performed is called a:
    union of sets
  54. Find the union of sets A = {1, 2} and B = {2, 3}.
    {1, 2, 3} (Note that each element is written only once, even if it appeared in both sets.)
  55. Which choice is the correct match for "improper subset?"
    Image Upload 54
    {1, 2} Image Upload 56 {1, 2}
  56. Which choice is the correct match for "set?"
    Image Upload 58
    A collection of items
  57. Which of the following is the correct match for "proper subset?"
    Image Upload 60
    {x, y} Image Upload 62 {x, y, z}
  58. Which of the following is the correct match for "infinite set?"
    Image Upload 64
    {1, 2, 3,...}
  59. Which of the following is the correct match for "finite set?"
    Image Upload 66
    {a, b, c}
Card Set
7th grade math 701
sets and diagrams