Sentinental Logic 2016

  1. Conjunctions
    P & Q

    • Sentences linked with and
    • and = &
  2. Disjunctions
    P V Q

    • Sentences linked with or, either...or
    • or = V
  3. Negations

    Phrases like: not, it is not the case that, it is false that = ~
  4. Conditionals
    P ⊃ Q

    If then statements = ⊃
  5. Biconditionals
    P ≡ Q

    If and only if = ≡
  6. P if Q
    Q ⊃ P
  7. P is necessary for Q
    Q ⊃ P
  8. P given Q
    Q ⊃ P
  9. P provided Q
    Q ⊃ P
  10. P is sufficient for Q
    P ⊃ Q
  11. P implies Q
    P ⊃ Q
  12. In order for P, Q
    P ⊃ Q
  13. P only if Q
    P ⊃ Q
  14. P unless Q
    ~Q ⊃ P
  15. And translations (6 different ways)
    • All below are translated to P & Q:
    • - Both P and Q
    • - P but Q
    • - P whereas Q
    • - P however Q
    • - P nevertheless Q
    • - P moreover Q
  16. It is false that P
  17. P if but only if Q
    P ≡ Q
  18. P just in case Q
    P ≡ Q
  19. Neither P nor Q
    • ~P & ~Q
    • or
    • ~(P V Q)
  20. It is not the case that both P & Q
    • ~(P &Q)
    • or
    • ~P V ~Q
  21. Truth-Functional Paraphrasing: James and John will go to the movies
    Both James will go to the movies and John will go to the movieh
  22. Truth-Functional Paraphrasing: James or John will go the movies
    Either James will go to the movies or Jogn will go to the movies
  23. Truth-Functional Paraphrasing: James will not go to the movies
    It is not the cast that John will go to the movies
  24. Truth-Functional Paraphrasing: I will go if you go
    If you go, then I will go
  25. Truth-Functional Paraphrasing: Jane is a bachelorette just in case Jane is an unmarried woman.
    Jane is a bachelorette if and only if Jane is an unmarried woman
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Sentinental Logic 2016
Sentinental Logic 2016