
  1. ________ is a disorder of language?
  2. Name this disorder.
    Patients lost their ability to speak but could read and write normally (but not gramatically) and comprehend everything said to them. They could utter isolated sounds and sing a melody without difficulty. Lesion takes place in left frontal lobe.
    Broca's aphasia
  3. Name this disorder
    -lesion of left temporal lobe
    -patents could speak but not comprehend
    Wernicke's aphasia (somebody check me on this)
  4. Condition where Broca's and Wernicke's area are spared, but the fiber pathway that connects them (arcuate fasciculus) is destroyed.
    Conduction aphasia
  5. What is a functional unit of the nervous system. They consist of ______ ________, _________, and __________.
    • neurons.
    • cell bodies, axon, and dendrites
  6. _________ are non-neuronal cells that play a supporting role to aid and modulate the neuron's activities.
    Glia or neuroglia

    note: during development, glia guide neurons to final destination
  7. The ___________ is an elaborate series of nerve cells that carry information to and from the brain via the _________ and ____________.
    • nervous system
    • spinal cord and peripheral nerves
  8. The _______ nervous system comprised of cells and nerve fibers that convey sensory infor to the CNS, and motor nerve fibers that project to skeletal muscle.
  9. ________ consists of all neurons that receive messages from or send commands to the various organs of the body, including the heart, digestive system, sex organs, blood vessels and glands.
    Autonomic nervous system
  10. __________ axons carry info from sensory to the brain.

    __________ carry info from the brain to the body.
    • 1. afferent axons
    • 2. efferent axons
  11. Several axons running together in the PNS form a nerve, while in the CNS they are called a
    • 1. tract
    • 2. leminiscus,
    • 3. fasciculus
    • 4. column (funiculus)
    • 5. peduncle
    • 6. capsule
    • 7. brachium
  12. 1._________ matter is composed of axons and __________, an insulating material with high fat content.

    2. _________ matter appear _____ as they are areas where capillary blood vessels and cell bodies predominate.
    • 1. white/myelin
    • 2. grey (2x)
  13. 1. ________ are groups of cell bodies in the PNS. Name 2.

    2. Generally, in the CNS, goups of cell bodies are called ________.

    3. Gray matter on the surface of the brain is called _________.
    4. True or false. Basal ganglia are found within the cerebral hemisphere (in the CNS)
    • 1. Gangli
    • 2. nuclei
    • 3. cortex
    • 4. True
  14. Precentral Gyrus= _______ output
    Postcentral Gyrus= _______ output

    These gyri are separated by what structure?
    • Motor output
    • Sensory input
    • Central sulcus
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Neurophysiology Lecture 2