What are the four muscles of mastication
masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid muscles
The masticator space is a general term used to
include the entire area of the mandible and muscles of mastication
The muscles of mastication are responsible for
closing the jaws, moving the lower jaw forward or backward, and shifting the lower jaw to one side
These muscles of mastication work with the _______ to accomplish these movements of the mandible
temporomandibular joint
All the muscles of mastication are innervated by the
the fifth cranial or trigeminal nerve
What muscle is the most superficial and one of the strongest
Masseter muscle
The what two muscles of mastication has two heads
- masseter muscle and medial pterygoid muscle
- superficial and deep
Both heads of the masseter muscle originate from ______ and insert on ______
- from the zygomatic arch but from differing areas
- The deep part is partly concealed by the superficial part
- the external surface of the mandible
Contraction of the masseter muscle
- elevate the mandible, raising the lower jaw
- (closes the mouth)
- 1 Deep head of masseter
- 2 Ramus of mandible
- 3 Zygomatic arch
- 4 Superficial head of the masseter
_______fills the temporal fossa, superior to the zygomatic arch
The temporalis muscle
Where does the temporalis muscle originate
the entire temporal fossa on the temporal bone
The temporalis muscles inserts onto
coronoid process of the mandible at the border of the ramus
What action does the entire temporalis muscle perform
elevate the mandible, raising the lower jaw
If the posterior portion of the temporalis muscle contracts what does that do
- the muscle moves the lower jaw backward
- Moving the lower jaw backward causes retraction of the mandible
- 1 Inferior temporal line
- 2 Temporalis
- 3 Coronoid process of mandible
The larger head of the medial pterygoid muscle originates from the
the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
The smaller superficial head of the medial pterygoid muscle originates from the
palatine bone and maxillary tuberosity of the maxilla
Both heads of the medial pterygoid muscle pass ______, _______, and _______ to insert on the
- inferior, posterior and lateral
- medial surface of the ramus and angle of the mandible
The function of the medial pterygoid muscle is to
elevates the mandible, raising the lower jaw
The lateral pterygoid muscle is located _____ to the medial pterygoid
The entire mass of the lateral pterygoid muscle lies
within the infratemporal fossa, deep to the temporalis muscle
The superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle originates from
the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and passes inferiorly to insert on the temporomandibular joint disc and capsule
The inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle originates from
the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone and inserts on the condyle of the mandible
The pterygomandibular space is formed by the
lateral pterygoid muscle, medial pterygoid muscle and the mandibular ramus
The function of the lateral pterygoid is to
- assists in depressing the mandible
- protrusion of the mandible when both muscles contract
- lateral deviation of the mandible if only one muscle is contracted
What are the two categories of hyoid muscles
Name the anterior suprahyoid muscles
- the anterior belly of the digastric
- the mylohyoid
- and the geniohyoid
Name the posterior suprahyoid muscles
the posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid
The hyoid muscles assist in
the actions of mastication and swallowing through their attachment to the hyoid bone
Both groups of hyoid muscles (suprahyoid and infrahyoid) are attached to
the hyoid bone
The anterior and posterior belly of the digastric muscle are separated by a
loop-like tendon in the center
The digastric muscles runs from the
mastoid process (temporal bone) down and forward to hyoid and from there up to inferior surface of mandible
The anterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by the
fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve)
The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by
the seventh cranial (facial nerve)
The mylohyoid muscle form the _______ and helps _______and originates on _______
- floor of the mouth and helps elevate the tongue
- either side of mandible and inserts on hyoid
Midline fusion of the mylohyoid muscle is called the
The mylohyoid muscle is innervated by
the fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve)
The stylohyoid muscle originates and inserts ______
originates on styloid process and inserts on hyoid
The stylohyoid muscle is innervated by
a branch of the seventh cranial nerve (facial nerve).
What is the function of the stylohyoid muscle
Pulls hyoid bone back and up
The geniohyoid muscle is innervated by
the first cervical nerve (spinal nerve) which is conducted by way of the twelfth cranial or hypoglossal nerve
What is the function of the geniohyoid muscle
Aids in depressing mandible
Where does the geniohyoid muscle originate and inserted
- It originates from the medial surface of the mandible, near the mandibular symphysis at the genial tubercles, with both muscles in contact with each other.
- It then passes posteriorly and inferiorly to insert on the body of the hyoid bone
Name the infrahyoid muscles
- sternohyoid
- sternothyroid
- thyrohyoid
- and omohyoid muscles
All the infrahyoid muscles are innervated by
the second and third cervical nerves
What is the function of most of the infrahyoid muscles
depress the hyoid bone
The sternothyroid muscle originates from the ______ and inserts on the ______
- the sternum
- thyroid cartilage
The function of the sternothyroid muscle is to
pull the larynx down
The sternohyoid muscle runs from ____ to____
sternum up to hyoid
What is the function of the sternohyoid muscle
pull hyoid down
The two bellies of the Omohyoid are separated by
The Omohyoid muscle originates ____ and inserts ____
on scapula and inserts on hyoid
The function of the Omohyoid muscle is to
Pulls hyoid down
The thyrohyoid originates on the _____ and inserts ____
thyroid cartilage and inserts the hyoid bone; it appears as a continuation of the sternothyroid
What is the function of the thyrohyoid muscle
In addition to depressing the hyoid bone, it raises the thyroid cartilage and larynx