
  1. Bandage
    piece of gauze or other material used to cover a wound
  2. Débridement
    cleaning away devitalized tissue and foreign matter from a wound
  3. Dehiscence
    separation of the layers of a surgical wound; may be partial, superficial, or a complete disruption of the surgical wound
  4. Dermis
    layer of the skin below the epidermis
  5. Desiccation
    dehydration; the process of being rendered free from moisture
  6. Dressing
    protective covering placed over a wound
  7. Epidermis
    superficial layer of the skin
  8. Eschar
    a thick, leathery scab or dry crust that is necrotic and must be removed for adequate healing to occur
  9. Evisceration
    protrusion of viscera through an incision
  10. Exudate
    fluid that accumulates in a wound; may contain serum, cellular debris, bacteria, and white blood cells
  11. Fistula
    an abnormal passage from an internal organ to the skin or from one internal organ to another
  12. Granulation tissue
    new tissue that is pink/red in color and composed of fibroblasts and small blood vessels that fill an open wound when it starts to heal
  13. Ischemia
    deficiency of blood in a particular area
  14. Maceration
    softening through liquid; overhydration
  15. Necrosis
    death of cells and tissue
  16. Pressure ulcer
    any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure that results in damage to underlying tissue
  17. Scar
    connective tissue that fills a wound area
  18. Shearing force
    force created when layers of tissue move on one another
  19. Wound
    injury that results in a disruption in the normal continuity of a body tissue
Card Set
Sin Int & Wound Care