Test 1

  1. Whats going on with Angina
    - not enough
    - usually associated with
    - precipitating factors
    • - myocardal supply
    • - atherosclerosis,arteriosclerosis, vasospasm, myocardialhypertrophy, severe anemia, respiratory disease,tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, increased forceof contraction as seen with HTN
    • - Running, going upstairs, getting angry, respiratoryinfection with fever, exposure to cold weather,eating large meals
  2. what do we see (with angina)
    - recurrent, intermittent
    - usually triggered by
    - pain described as
    - may have
    - vary in...and lasts
    • - brief episodes of substernal chest pain
    • - physical or emotional stress
    • - “tightness or pressure in the chest, may radiate to neck or left arm.
    • - pallor, diaphoresis, nausea
    • - severity and lasts a few seconds to minutes
  3. Treatment for Angina
    - have pt
    - sit in
    - admin
    - check
    - if no hx, call 911 after
    - if hx give...if no relief...
    • - patient rest, stop activity
    • - upright position
    • - NTG (sublingual); oxygen if needed pulse oximetry <95%
    • - pulse/respirations
    • - should call 911 after 2minutes if pain not relieved on its own
    • - NTG X 3, 5 minutes apart if needed, if norelief treat as AMI, Call 911
  4. NTG
    - for angina use waht form
    - pill under toungue should
    • - fast acting
    • - fizz
  5. Acute Coronary Syndrome
    - S/S of
    - unstable
    - NSTEMI
    - STEMI
    - sudden reduction of
    • - myocardial ischemia:
    • - angina
    • - non ST segment elevation MI
    • - ST segment elevation MI
    • - blood flow to the heart
  6. Unstable Angina
    - causes
    - S&S
    - Dx
    - Tx
    • - Partial thrombus or intermittent occlusion of coronary artery
    • - Pain with or without radiation to arm, neck or epigastric region •SOB, Diaphoresis,lightheadedness,tachycardia, decreased arterial oxygen saturation and rhythm abnormalities
    • - ST depression or T wave inversion on ECG •Cardiac Biomarkers not elevated
    • - Oxygen to maintained >90%•NTG or Morphine to control pain•Beta blockers, ace Inhibitors, Statins on admit and DC clopiodogrel (plavix) unfractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparin, and glycopaclin Ib and IIb inhibitor
    - causes
    - S&S
    - Dx
    - Tx
    • - Thrombus partially or intermittently occludes coronary artery
    • - Same as unstable angina Pain is longer in duration and more severe than unstable angina
    • - Same Changes on ECG* Cardiac biomarkers are elevated
    • - Same as unstable angina* Cardiac Catherization and possible PCI with STENTS for patient with ongoing pain, unstable,increased risk of worsening of clinical outcomes
  8. STEMI
    - causes
    - S&S
    - Dx
    - Tx
    • - Thrombus fully occludes coronary artery
    • - Same as NSTEMI but also have irreversible tissue damage (infarction)occurs if perfusion not restored
    • - ST elevation or new LBBB on ECG•* Cardiac biomarkers are elevated
    • - Same as NSTEMI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, within 90minutes MD evaluation Fibrolytic therapy within 30 minutes of arrival
  9. Who is at risk for AMI, unstable angina
    - non modifiable
    - modifiable
    • - (age, sex, family history, ethnicity or race): Men > women, men over 45; women over 55; Anyone with first degree male or female relative who developed heart disease before age of 55 or 65
    • - Increased serum cholesterol, LDL’s, Triglycerides; Decreased level of HDL; DM II, Smokers, Obesity, HTN, Stress, Sexual activity, Sedentary life style, Hyperthyroidism, Methamphetamine or cocaine use
  10. S&S of ACS
    - degree to which coronary artery is occluded typicallycorrelates
    - recognizable classicsymptom of ACS
    - frequency and intensity can increase if not resolved with
    - may last longer than....and may not
    - along with CP may have...
    • - presenting symptoms and with change incardiac markers, ECG changes
    • - Angina or Chest Pain
    • - rest, NTG, orboth
    • - 15 min; radiate
    • - SOB, Diaphoresis, Nausea, Lightheadedness, change in V/S, Tachycardia, tachypnea,HTN, Hypotension, decreased sao2, Cardiac rhythm abnormalities
  11. Atypical ACS symptoms
    - women
    - frequently present with
    - tend to experience
    - report as
    • - SOB, fatigue, lethargy,indigestion, anxiety prior to AMI
    • - palpitations, pain in the back rather than substernal or in the left side
    • - numb, tingling, burning, stabbing pain
  12. Atypical ACS symptoms
    - silent ischemia
    - occurs w/out
    - 50% dx with AMI did not have or exhibit classic sx of...
    • - s/s
    • - Chest Pain, especially diabetics,women, older adults with history of heart failure
  13. Dx with ACS
    - h/p
    - cardiac troponin T & I most specific for cardiac muscle damage; may predict
    - if cant do troponin at facility then do....which is...
    - myoglobin, heme protein not cardiac specific. But 1st to increase after; increases withn
    - ECG
    - Unstable Angina and NSTEMI will have ST
    - ST elevation in 2 contiguous leads is dx
    - Abnormal Q wave appears in presence
    - once have Q wave
    • - present symptoms, biomarker levels and ECG
    • - degree of thrombus formation and micro vascular embolism
    • - get CK-MB; less accurate, with more false +
    • - damage to myocardium; 3 hours and the Troponin willnot be increased yet
    • - 12 lead within 10 minutes arrival to ED, can tell ischemia, injury or infarction locate affected area, assess related conduction abnormalities
    • - segment depression, invertedT wave, ST depression resolves when ischemia or pain resolves but mayhave a persistent T wave inversion
    • - of STEMI; may also have T waveinversion, normally subsides within hrs of the AMI
    • - MI due to alterations inelectrical conductivity of Myocardial cells,
    • - will alwayshave a Q wave so not signal AMI but can indicate an old MI
  14. Initial meds used with Angina
    - MONA (not in that order!)
    Asprin, oxygen, ngt, morphine sulfate
  15. with angina give what first
  16. Asprin for CP (agina)
    - dose
    - when
    - contraindicated in
    - s/s for asprin toxicity
    - works by
    • - 165-325 mg orally, chew, crush, can place under the tongue then 81-325 mg daily
    • - ASAP after onset of symptoms; unless contraindicated
    • - GI bleed active ulcer disease bleeding disorder allergy to aspiriGI bleed, disease, disorder, aspirin
    • - tennitus, ringing in ears
    • - inhibiting platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction by preventing production of thromboxane
  17. oxygen admin in angina
    - dose
    - be alert for
    - works to...
    • - 2-4 L/min via nasal cannule keep SaO2 > 90%
    • - S/S of hypoxia
    • - increase the amount of oxygen that goes to myocardium thus decreases pain associated with myocardial ischemia
  18. Asprin admin
    - inhibits
    - contraindications
    - SE
    • - platelet aggregation
    • - Don’t give to children (Reyes), allergy,bleeding disorders, GI ulcers
    • - used for platelet aggregations; bleeding, epigastricdistress
  19. Nursing implications for asprin admin
    - potential for toxicity higher in
    - give with
    - do not take when
    • - older adults and children
    • - mild or full glass of water to decrease GI irritation
    • - one week prior to invasive procedure, notify MD
  20. Morphine Sulfate
    - action
    - use for
    - contraindication
    - SE
    - toxicity
    • - dilates coronary artery; interacts at specific receptor binding sites
    • - pain; decreases anxiety, therefore decreases myocardial oxygendemands with pain from ACS
    • - hypersensitivity, head injury, hepatic renal dysfunction
    • - most serious respiratory depression, most common confusion,orthostatic hypotension, constipation, tolerance with long term use
    • - coma, respiratory depression, pinpoint pupils
  21. Nursing Implications with Morphine admin
    - assess
    - document using
    - reversal agent
    • - pain, v/s prior to dose
    • - strict inventory assessment of narcotics
    • - naloxone (narcan)
  22. with acs give morphine until
    pain is gone (2-4mg IVP every 5 to 15 min)
  23. Clopidogrel (plavix)
    - indicated for
    - non ST segment elevation ACS
    - give
    - ST segment MI
    - give
    - SE
    - teaching
    • - single 300 mg oral loading dose then 75 mg/Q day and start ASA 75-325 mgdaily
    • - 75 mg daily with ASA 75-325 mg/day with or without thrombolytic may be startedwith or without the loading dose
    • - Most common bleeding; Most severe TTP(Occurs within or < 2 weeks)
    • - take as ordered, monitor platelet count, hold 3-7 days before invasive procedure
  24. when pushing fluids after dye is given make sure they are...
    peeing the fluid out as not to OVERLOAD them
  25. reperfusion therapy
    - recommended for
    - includes
    - goal
    • - pt with STEMI
    • - PCI, fibrinolytic drug therapy
    • - restore blood flow to myocardium (PTCA, STENT, arthrectomy)
  26. reperfusion therapy
    - PCI indicated if
    - PCI in how long
    - post care
    • - onset symptoms occurred within 3 hours,fibrolytic therapy contraindicated for some reason, patient ishigh risk HF, STEMI diagnosis not absolute
    • - 90 minutes from medical evaluation
    • - frequent monitoring, v/s, rhythm, pulse, pain,insertions site, i/o
  27. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors
    - examples
    - indicated for
    - work by
    - dose (load, infusion)
    - reopro
    - integrilin
    - angioplasty
    - aggrastat
    • - Eptifibatide (Integrilin), Tirofiban (Aggrastat), Abciximab (ReoPro)
    • - AMI, Unstable Angina, Angioplasty
    • - inhibiting platelet aggregation
    • - load – 0.25 mg/kg IVP; Infustion 0.125 ug/kg/min up to 10 ug/min IV X 12 hours
    • - load 189 ug/kg; Infusion 2 ug/kg/min IV X 72 hours;
    • - Angioplasty-load 135 ug/kg IV prior to procedure; Infuse 0.5 ug/kg/min IV X 24 hours
    • -Load 0.4 ug/kg/min for 30 minutes; Infusion (AMI 48-108 hours; Angioplasty 12-24 hours)
  28. Fibrolytics
    - do what
    - examples
    - give within
    - initiate within
    - contraindication
    - complication
    • - administer clot bustingdrugs dissolve existing thrombus
    • - alteplase (activase); reteplase (retavase) tenecteplase (TNKace)
    • - 3 hours of symptoms although can give up to 12 hours but giving after 24 hoursCan be harmful.
    • - 30 minutes of medical evaluation
    • - bleeding disorder; recent ischemic stroke; CVA disease; uncontrolled HTN, brain tumor
    • - Bleeding, hemorrhage
  29. Alteplase (activase)
    - weight dependent
    - half life
    - dosing
    • - yes
    • - 4-8 min
    • - IV bolus, 90 min continuous infusino
  30. Reteplase (retavase)
    - weight dependent
    - half life
    - dosing
    • - no
    • - 13-16 min
    • - 2 rapid bolus of 10 units each 30 min apart
  31. Tenecteplase (TNKace)
    - weight dep
    - half life
    - dosing
    • - yes
    • - 20-24 min
    • - single IV bolus
  32. Nursing Assessment with Reperfusion therapy
    - monitor
    - ECG
    - have IV
    - SaO2
    • - s/s (asymptomatic, CP, Dyspnea); v/s q 15 min till stable then Q 4hrs
    • - serial; monitor bedside or telemetry
    • - access
    • - continuous, keep >90
    • - hourly or >30ml/hr
Card Set
Test 1
Acute MI