Si ella desea vivir en la ciudad, tendrá una gran variedad de restaurantes para visitar.
If she wants to live in the city, she will have a great variety of restaurants to visit.
Si ellos viven en una casa, no les va a gustar mudarse a un apartmento.
If the live in a house, the are not going to like moving to an apartment.
Si no tienes un auto, puedes ir en autobús.
If you don't have a car, you can go by bus.
Si no te gusta tú barrio, busca uno en otrazona de la ciudad.
If you don't like your neighborhood, look for one in another are of the city.
Si + Hubiera + conditional
Hypothetical situations that most likely WILL NOT HAPPEN
Si + (hubiera + ADO/IDO) + (habría + ADO/IDO)
Hypothetical statements in the past. If i had done.. If i had been..
Si hubiera crecido en un pueblito, habría conocido a más personas.
If I had grown up in a small town, I would have known more people.
De tener suficiente pintura, pinturía todo el planeta.
If I had sufficient paint, I would paint the whole planet.
Ella habla como si supiera la verdad.
She talks as if she knew the truth.
Él conoce la ciudad como si fuera taxista.
He knows the city as if he were a taxi driver.
Él siempre comía como si hubiera tenido mucha hambre.
He always ate as if he had been very hungry.
Prefix: a/an (acéfalo)
Prefix: without
Prefix: dis (disentería)
Prefix: bad/with difficulty
Prefix: hiper (hipertension)
Prefix: excess of
Prefix: homo (homofóno)
Prefix: equally/similar
Prefix: meta (metamorfosis)
Prefix: change of form
Prefix: micro (microbio)
Prefix: small
Prefix: mono (monociclo)
Prefix: one
Prefix: poli (polifacético)
Prefix: many
Suffix: algia (neuralgia)
Suffix: pain
Suffix: cracia (democracia)
Suffix: power/control
Suffix: filla (germanofilia)
Suffix: love
Suffix: fobia (hidrofobia)
Suffix: fear
Suffix: patía (neuropatía)
Suffix: disease
Suffix: teo (ateo)
Suffix: god