Psychology Ch. 1

  1. In 1879, in psychology's first experiment, ________ and his students measured the time lag between hearing ball hit a platform and pressing a key.
    William Wundt
  2. A prominent psychology text was published in 1890. Its author was
    William James
  3. In the early twentieth century, _______ redefined psychology as "the science of observable behavior."
    John B. Watson
  4. The perspective in psychology that focuses on how behavior and thought differ from situation to situation and from culture to culture is the
    Social-Cultural Perspective
  5. In the history of psychology, a major topic has been the relative influence of nature and nurture. Nature is to as
    Biology is to experience.
  6. A psychologist using the behavioral perspective would be most likely to study
    the effect of school uniforms on classroom behaviors
  7. A psychologist treating emotionally troubled adolescents at a local mental health agency is most likely to be a
    Clinical Psychologist
  8. A psychologist conducting basic research to expand psychology's knowledge base would be most likely to
    observe 3- and 6-year-olds solving puzzles and analyze differences in their abilities.
  9. Hindsight bias refers to our tendency to
    Perceive events as obvious or inevitable after the fact.
  10. As scientists, psychologists view theories with curiosity, skepticism, and humility. This means that they
    Are willing to ask questions and to reject claims that cannot be verified by research.
  11. A newspaper article describes how a “cure for cancer has been found.” A critical thinker probably will
    Question the article, evaluate the evidence, and assess the conclusions.
  12. The predictions implied by a theory are called
  13. You wish to take an accurate poll in a certain country by questioning people who truly represent the country’s adult population. Therefore, you need to ensure that you question
    A random sample of the population
  14. A study finds that the more childbirth training classes women attend, the less pain medication they require during childbirth. This finding can be stated as a
    Negative correlation
  15. Knowing that two events are correlated provides
    A basis for prediction.
  16. Some people wrongly perceive that their dreams predict future events. This is an example of ______ correlation.
  17. Descriptive and correlation studies describe behavior, detect relationships, and predict behavior. But to explain behaviors, psychologists use
  18. A researcher wants to determine whether noise level affects the blood pressure of elderly people. In one group she varies the level of noise in the environment and records participants' bllod pressure. In this experiment, the level of noise is the
    independent variable
  19. The laboratory experiment is designed to
    re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions.
Card Set
Psychology Ch. 1
Psychology at NGU