DLEE Anatomy 2 Equine Quiz 1

  1. The _____________ of the External oblique M. may be evident, especially in horses suffering from heaves.
    Musculoaponeurotic boundary
  2. Superficial border of the internal oblique m forms a ______________.
    Caudoventral ridge
  3. The superficial thoracic vein aka._________ may be obvious in the abdominal region.
  4. "Abdominal Press" aids:
    Defacation, micturition, parturition etc when Larynx is closed.

    Breathing, coughing, sneezing etc when Larynx is open.
  5. The order of the rectus sheath dorsal to ventral is:
    • Parietal Peritoneum
    • Transverse Abd M.
    • Rectus Abdominis M.
    • Internal Abd Oblique M.
    • External Abd Oblique M.
    • Yellow Abdominal tunic
    • Skin
  6. A mere slit in the aponeurosis of the external oblique m is the
    superficial inguinal ring
  7. The supeficial inguinal ring has two crura
    medial and lateral crura
  8. The medial ________ of both superficial inguinal rings are very close.
  9. The stomach is found where in the abdominal cavity?
    Dorsal left half of the cranial part of the abdominal cavity
  10. The Stomach is remarkably flexed and know as _____
    deep angular notch
  11. The cranial (parietal) surface of the stomach makes contact with the _____ and ______.
    Diaphragm and left lobe liver.
  12. True or False. The stomach is inaccessible by rectal palpation or through flank incision.
  13. The ___________ divides the proximal nonglandular stomach from the distal glandular stomach.
  14. Where and how does the esophagus enter the stomach?
    Enters the lesser curvature obliquely at the cardia: Cardiac sphincter is very thick and effective (which is probably why horses cannot vomit)
  15. Of the two pyloric sphincters of the stomach which is more developed?
    Caudal pyloric sphincter
  16. Name the parts of the Greater Omentum:
    • Gastrosplenic Ligament
    • Gastrophrenic Ligament
  17. Name the four parts of the duodenum
    • 1.) Cranial part (sigmoid flexure)
    • 2.) descending
    • 3.) caudal flexure (transverse duodenum)
    • 4.) ascending
  18. The bile and pancreatic ducts open into the
    major and minor duodenal papillae
  19. The duodenum is the only fixed part in the small intestine because
    the mesoduodenum is very short
  20. Loops of jejunum can get strangulated in the
    epiploic foramen
  21. The transverse colon is cranial to what artery?
    The cranial mesenteric artery
  22. Where are modifications of the GI done?
    In the ascending colon and cecum
  23. Unlike the dog and ox, the horse has sacculations aka ______ and longitudinal bands aka_______
    • Haustra
    • Taeniae Coli
  24. What attaches the body of the cecum to the right ventral colon?
    Cecocolic fold
  25. Can the base of the cecum be palpated per rectum?
  26. Where does the right ventral colon begin?
    Caeco-colic Junction at the base of the ribs, runs ventrally and cranially on right body wall and abdominal floor to the xiphoid area.
  27. The right ventral colon flexes and turns on itself at the ______ to move to the left and become the left ventral colon
    sternal flexure
  28. At the pelvic inlet area the left ventral colon moves dorsally, flexes upon itself very sharply and diameter narrows. This is called the____.
    pelvic flexure
  29. The transverse colon is what shape?
    Funnel- shaped
  30. What is the Telephone number to remember the taeniae coli
  31. What is the easiest way to identify the descending colon apart from the jejunum?
    Fecal balls
  32. Which flexure is the most dangerous?
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DLEE Anatomy 2 Equine Quiz 1