Guidance and behavior managment

  1. Behavior set
    A strategic teaching sequence used to maximize the learning of a lesson or any directive by encouraging the demonstration of behaviors important to the learning at the beginning of a lesson, during the lesson, and at the end of the lesson.
  2. Extensions
    strategies used to encourage extension or generalization of learning,
  3. SEL Lesson
    a formal lesson designed to teach social emotional behavior knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
  4. Teacher Affirmation Steps
    a sequence of teacher directed steps that promote positive social emotional behaviors such as caring, diligence, determination, tolerance
  5. Descriptive Commenting
    a play-by-play description of children's thoughts, fellings, and/or actions/behaviors designed to help regulate children's expressions of emotions, develop emotional and social literacy/understanding and encourage language development
  6. Behavior Stories
    tools for teaching behaviors to children by providing children with information about emotional and/or social situation. Can be written as a reaction to a behavior or thoughts or written as a proactive story to introduce a behavior
  7. Visual Cues
    pictures or illustrations designed to encourage or promote the learning of social emotional behavior skills.
  8. Auditory Prompting
    Music with educational lyrics that encourage or promote the learning of SEL behavior skills
  9. Gadget Guidance
    concrete, hands on, tangible manipulative designed to encourage or promote the learning of social emotional behavior skills
  10. Dramatic Guidance
    a theatrical response designed to encourage or promote the learning of social emotional behavior skills.
  11. Home Connection
    Activities designed for children to engage in activities about the school-based social emotional behavior lesson withing the home environment.
  12. Integrated Lesson
    A teaching method used when the teacher integrates teaching academic skills and SEL behavior skills within the same lesson.
  13. Awareness of feelings
    the capacity to accurately perceive and label one's feelings
  14. management of feelings
    the capacity to regulate one's feelings
  15. constructive sense of self
    the capacities to accurately perceive one's stengths and weaknesses and handle everyday challenges with confidence and optimism
  16. perspective takings
    the capacity to accurately perceive the perspectives of others
  17. personal responsibility
    the intention to engage in safe and healthy behaviors and be honest and fair in dealing with others
  18. respect for others
    the intention to accept and appreciate individual and group differences and to value the rights of all people
  19. social responsibility
    the intention to contribute to the community
  20. problem identification
    the capacity to identify situations that require a decision or solution and assess the associated risks, barriers, and resources
  21. social norm analysis
    the capacity to critically evaluate social, cultural, and media messages pertaining to social norms and personal behavior
  22. adaptive goal setting
    the capacity to set positive and realistic goals
  23. problem solving
    the capacity to develop, implement, and evaluate positive and informed solutions to problems
  24. active listening
    the capacity to attend to others both verbally and non-verbally to demonstrate to them that they have been understood.
  25. expressive communication
    the capacity to initiate and maintain conversations and to clearly express one's thoughts & feelings both verbally & nonverbally
  26. cooperation
    the capacity to take turns and share
  27. negotiation
    the capacity to consider all perspectives involved in a conflict in order to resolve the conflict peacefully and to the satisfaction of all involved
  28. refusal
    the capacity to make and follow through with clear "NO" statements, to avoid situations in which one might be pressured, and to delay acting in pressure situations until adequately prepared
  29. Help Seeking
    the capacity to identify the need for support and assistance and to access available and appropriate resources
  30. self awareness
    indentifying, recognizing, and understanding feelings/emotions
  31. social awareness
    perspective taking, empathy, repsect and concern for self/others
  32. responsible decision making
    identifying problems, solutions, consequences of solutions
  33. self management
    impulse control, emotional management, self-motivation
  34. relationship management
    communication, help-seeking, help-providing, social engagement, relationship building, cooperation, conflict management
Card Set
Guidance and behavior managment
Behavior management terms