abbrevs flashcards.txt

  1. ac
    before meals
  2. ABC
    airway, breathing, circulation
  3. ADA
    American diabetes association
  4. ADD
    attention deficit disorder
  5. ADE
    adverse drug event
  6. ADH
    antidiuretic hormone
  7. ADHD
    attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  8. ADL
    activities of daily living
  9. ADP
    adenosine diphosphate
  10. ADR
    adverse drug reaction
  11. AF
    atrial fibrillation
  12. AFB
    acid fast bacilli
  13. AIDS
    acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  14. Alb
  15. ALL
    acute lymphocytic leukemia
  16. AMA
    against medical advice
  17. AOM
    acute otitis media
  18. BBB
    Blood Brain Barrier
  19. ARF
    acute renal failure
  20. BC
    birth control
  21. BG
    blood glucose
  22. bid
    twice daily
  23. BM
    bowel movement
  24. BMI
    body mass index
  25. BMR
    basal metabolic rate
  26. BP
    blood pressure
  27. BPH
    benign prostatic hypertrophy
  28. BSA
    body surface area
  29. c
  30. BUN
    blood urea nitrogen
  31. cAMP
    cyclic adenosine monophosphate
  32. C/O
    complaining of
  33. CABG
    coronary artery bypass graft
  34. CAD
    coronary artery disease
  35. CAT
    computer axial tomography
  36. CBC
    complete blood count
  37. CDC
    Centers for Disease Control
  38. CF
    cystic fibrosis
  39. CFU
    colony forming units
  40. CHF
    congestive heart failure
  41. CI
    cardiac index
  42. CKD
    chronic kidney disease
  43. CO
    cardiac output
  44. COPD
    chronic pulmonary disorder
  45. CrCl
    creatinine clearance
  46. CRD
    chronic renal disease
  47. C&S
    culture and sensitivity
  48. CTA
    clear to auscultation
  49. CTZ
    chemoreceptor trigger zone
  50. DAW
    Dispense as Written
  51. CVA
    cerebral vascular accident
  52. DIC
    disseminated intravascular coagulation
  53. D5W
    5% dextrose in water
  54. DKA
    diabetic ketoacidosis
  55. DM
    diabetes mellitus
  56. DMARD
    disease modifying antirheumatic drug
  57. DOC
    drug of choice
  58. DOE
    dyspnea on exertion
  59. DPN
    diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  60. DTs
    delirium tremens
  61. DUR
    drug utilization review
  62. DVT
    deep vein thrombosis
  63. EBV
    Epstein-Barr virus
  64. Dx
  65. ECF
    extracellular fluid
  66. ECG
  67. ECT
    electroconvulsive therapy
  68. ED
    erectile dysfunction
  69. EENT
    eyes, ears, nose, throat
  70. EGF
    epidermal growth factor
  71. EMR
    electronic medical record
  72. EOMI
    extraocular muscles intact
  73. EPS
    extrapyramidal syndrome
  74. ESRD
    end-stage renal disease
  75. EtOH
  76. et al
    and others
  77. FAS
    fetal alcohol syndrome
  78. FBG
    fasting blood glucose
  79. FFA
    free fatty acid
  80. FH
    family history
  81. FSH
    follicle stimulating hormone
  82. FVC
    forced vital capacity
  83. GAD
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  84. Fx
  85. GERD
    gastroesophogeal reflux disease
  86. GFR
    glomerular filtration rate
  87. GI
  88. G6PD
    glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
  89. gtt
  90. HA
  91. GVHD
    graft versus host disease
  92. HB
  93. HbA1c
    glycosylated hemoglobin
  94. HCG
    human chorionic gonadotropin
  95. Hct
  96. HEENT
    head, ears, eyes, nose, throat
  97. HF
    heart failure
  98. Hgb
  99. HIV
    human immunodeficiency virus
  100. HJR
    hepato jugular reflex
  101. H/O
    history of
  102. HSM
  103. HSV
    herpes simplex virus
  104. HTN
  105. IBD
    Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  106. Hx
  107. IBW
    ideal body weight
  108. ICF
    intracellular fluid
  109. ICU
    intensive care unit
  110. IDDM
    insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  111. IGF
    insulin-like growth factor
  112. IGT
    impaired glucose tolerance
  113. IM
  114. I & O
    intake and output
  115. IV
  116. LAD
  117. JVD
    jugular venous distention
  118. IVDA
    intravenous drug abuser
  119. LFT
    liver function test
  120. MAR
    medication administration record
  121. LH
    luteinizing hormone
  122. MDI
    metered dose inhaler
  123. mEq
  124. MF
    myocardial fibrosis
  125. mg
  126. MI
    myocardial infarction
  127. MULEPAK
    • methanol, uremia, lactic acidosis, ethylene glycol, paraldehyde,
    • aspirin, diabetic ketoacidosis (cause of metabolic acidosis)
  128. NDA
    New Drug Application
  129. MVI
  130. NE
  131. NGT
    nasogastric tube
  132. NIDDM
    non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  133. NKDA
    no known drug allergies
  134. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  135. NS
    normal saline
  136. OB
    occult blood
  137. N/V
    nausea and vomiting
  138. OC
    oral contraceptive
  139. OCD
    obsessive-compulsive disorder
  140. pc
    after meals
  141. OGTT
    oral glucose tolerance test
  142. PCOS
    polycystic ovarian syndrome
  143. PERRLA
    pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accomodation
  144. PMH
    past medical history
  145. po
    by mouth
  146. PPB
    parts per billion
  147. PPD
    • packs per day
    • purified protein derivative (of tuberculin)
  148. PPM
    parts per million
  149. PUD
    peptic ulcer disease
  150. pr
    per recturm
  151. prn
    as needed
  152. q
  153. PWP
    pulmonary wedge pressure
  154. q4h, q8h
    every hours
  155. qid
    four times daily
  156. RA
    Rheumatoid Arthritis
  157. QS
    sufficient quantity
  158. RBC
    red blood cell/count
  159. REM
    rapid eye movement
  160. ROM
    range of motion
  161. ROS
    review of systems
  162. RR
    respiration rate, respiratory rate
  163. RUL
    right upper lobe
  164. s
  165. RXN
  166. SAD
    seasonal affective disorder
  167. SCr
    serum creatinine
  168. SE
    side effect
  169. SH
    social history
  170. SOAP
    subjective, objective, assessment, plan
  171. SOB
    shortness of breath
  172. S & S
    signs and symptoms
  173. stat
    immediately, at once
  174. SWFI
    sterile water for injection
  175. Sx
  176. T1/2
    Half life
  177. Sz
  178. TB
  179. TdP
    torsades de pointes
  180. TG
  181. TIA
    transient ischemic attack
  182. tid
    three times daily
  183. TNF
    tumor necrosis factor
  184. TPN
    total parenteral nutrition
  185. tsp
  186. UA
  187. tbsp
  188. ULQ
    upper left quadrant
  189. ung
  190. URI
    upper respiratory tract infection
  191. VLDL
    Very Low Density Lipoprotein
  192. UTI
    urinary tract infection
  193. WA
    while awake
  194. VZV
    varicella zoster virus
  195. WBC
    white blood cell/count
  196. WNL
    within normal limits
  197. y.o.
    Years Old
  198. w/o
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abbrevs flashcards.txt