DI review 1

  1. MRI Alignment
    Disruption of bone, ligament, tendon, nerve
  2. MRI Bone signal
    Bone bruise
  3. MRI eDema
    inflammation of bone or soft tissue (tendinopathy)
  4. MRI soft tissue
    disorders of synovium, fat pad, bursa, tendinopathy
  5. MRI advantages
    • 1. multiple planes
    • 2. no known health hazards
    • 3. Good contrast for inflammation
    • 4. Good for soft tissue
    • 5. Good for neurologic tissue
  6. MRI disadvantages
    • 1. Expensive
    • 2. claustrophobic
    • 3. limited availability
    • 4. bad for bone trauma compared to CT
  7. MRI contraindications
    • 1. pacemaker
    • 2. Iron intracranial clip
    • 3. non iron metal cause distortion
    • 4. cochlear implant
    • 5. large tattoos
    • 6. 1st trimester
  8. MRI red flags
    • 1. incontinence
    • 2. pain below knee
    • 3. constitutional symptoms
    • 4. major trauma
    • 5. Hx of CA
    • 6. unrelenting agony
    • 7. pain worse at night
    • 8. pain > 6 wks age <18 or >50
  9. What can a CT myelogram dx?
    • Excellent pre-op
    • SC compression
    • NR injury
    • Stenosis
    • Ruptured disc
    • Intervertebral tumor
  10. Common causes for stenosis
    • 1. disc lesion
    • 2. spondylolisthesis
    • 3. osteophyte
  11. CT advantages
    • 1. Good for anatomy and pathology cross section (fx, stenosis, loose body, arthritis)
    • 2. less time
    • 3. less expensive
    • 4. less claustrophobic
  12. CT disadvantages
    • 1. radiation
    • 2. bad for soft tissue
  13. CT search patterns
    • A: Alignment
    • B: Bone density
    • C: cartilage, canal space
    • S: soft tissue
  14. CT alignment
    • 1. Congenital deformity
    • 2. Fx
    • 3. Spur
    • 4. Sublux/dislocations
    • 5. Supernumerary or absent bones
Card Set
DI review 1
DI review 1