1. I love Jim
    I love Jim but he does have a habit of always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time
  2. Who doe she
    Who does she think she is?
  3. He always likes
    He always likes doing things on his own
  4. Even as a baby
    Even as a baby, he would never let me feed him
  5. He just shouts
    He just shouts at me every time I open my mouth
  6. All those letters
    All those letters of the alphabet didn’t make any sense to me
  7. I tried to
    I tried to do my best, but every time I wrote a word I just made a mess on the page
  8. The other kids
    The other kids started to make fun of me and call me stupid
  9. I got really
    I got really bad and I started to hate school
  10. I had to make
    I had to make a real effort just to get out of bed in the mornings
  11. My mum
    My mum got quite worried and took me to an educational psychologist
  12. The psychologist made
    The psychologist made some tests and found out that I was dyslexic
  13. Finding this out
    Finding this out made a huge difference
  14. Once my teacher
    Once my teacher knew what the problem was, she could start to help me
  15. Although my writing
    Although my writing was still bad, I made a lot of progress
Card Set