Expanding Vocab

  1. Insouciant
    free from concern, worry, or anxiety; carefree; nonchalant
  2. Accolade (ák'e-làd)
    • 1. an expression of approval
    • 2. a special aknowldgement such as an award
  3. Acrimony (ák're-mò'nè)
    Bitter, sharp animostiy, especially in speech
  4. Angst (ängkst)
    A feeling of anxiety or apprehension
  5. Baroque (be-ròk')
    Extravagant, complex, or bizarre, especially in ornamentation
  6. Boondoggle (boon' dô'gel)
    An unnecessary or wasteful activity.
  7. Bourgeois (boor-zhwä')
    Relating to or typical of the middle class, especially in espoising respectibility and conventional middle-class values
  8. Brusque (brúsk)
    Abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously blunt.
  9. Byzantine (bíz;en-tèn')
    Highly complicated; intricate and involved
  10. Cacophony (ke-kóf'e-nè)
    Jarring, discordant sound
  11. Capricious (ke-prísh'es)
    Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable
  12. Cloying (kloi)
    Causing distaste or disgust because of an excess of something orginally pleasant
  13. Dichotomy (dì-kót'e-mè)
    The division into two constrasting things or parts
  14. Dilettante (díl'í-tànt')
    • 1. A person with a superficial interest in an art or field of knowledge; a dabbler
    • 2. Superficial; amateurish
  15. Élan (à-län')
    • 1. Enthusicastic vigor and liveliness
    • 2. Distsinctive style of hair
  16. Ennui (ón-wè')
    Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom
  17. Esoteric (és;e-tér'ík)
    Intended for or understood by only a restricted number of people
  18. Faux pas (fò pä')
    A social blunder
  19. Euphemism (yoo'fe-míz'em)
    • 1. A mild, indirect, or vauge word used instead of one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive
    • 2. The use of such words
  20. Gregarious (grí-gâr'è-es)
    Seeking and enjoyinig the company of others; sociable
  21. Glib (glíb)
    • 1. Performed with a natural offhand ease
    • 2. marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficialty, or deceitfulness
  22. Hedonist (hèd'n-íst)
    A person who is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses
  23. Harbinger (här'bín-jer)
    Something that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; a forerunner
  24. Idiosyncratic (íd'è-ò-sìng-krát'ík)
    Peculiar to a specific individual or group
  25. Indelicate (ín-dél'í-kít)
    Marked by lack of good tast or consideration for the feelings of others; tactless or improper
  26. Kitsch (kích)
    Art or other objects appealing to popular taste, as by being gaudy or overly sentimental
  27. Litany (lít'n-è)
    a repetitive recital or list
  28. Lurid (loor'íd)
    Characterized by vivid description or explicit details that are meant to provoke or shock
  29. Machiavellian (mák'è-e-vél'è-en)
    Characterized by cunning and deceit
  30. Malaise (má-làz')
    A general sense of unease
  31. Maudlin (môd'lín)
    Excessively sentimental
  32. Misnomer (mís-nò'mer)
    a name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object
  33. non sequitur (nón sék'wí-ter)
    a statement that does not follow logically from what precedes it
  34. nouveau riche (noo'vò rèsh'
    characterized by newly acquired wealth, especially when it is flaunted
  35. Ostentatious (ós'tén-tà'shes)
    characterized by showiness meant to impress others; pretentious in display
  36. Ostracize (ós'tre-sìz')
    to exclude from a group
  37. Panacea (pán'e-sè'e)
    a remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all
  38. Peevish (pè'vísh)
    Discontented or irritable
  39. Perfunctory (per-fúngk'tk-rè)
    done routinely and with little interest or care
  40. Philistine (fíl'í-stèn')
    a person who is smugly indifferent or antagonistic to art and culture
  41. Precocious (prí-kò'shes)
    displaying or characterized by unsually early development or maturity, especially in intelligence
  42. Propriety (pre-orì'í-tè)
    conformity to prevailing customs and usages
  43. Quintessential (kwín'te-sén'shel)
    being the best or most typical example of its kind
  44. Rhetoric (rét'er-ík)
    language that is intended to persuade, especially when viewed as pretentious, insincere, or without intellectual merit
  45. Scintillating (sín'tl-à'tíng)
    lively and exceptionally intelligent; animated and brilliant
  46. Spartan (spär'tn)
    • 1. rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained
    • 2. having a simple or severe manner or appearance
  47. Stoic (stò'ík)
    seemingly indifferent to pleasure and pain; showing little or no emotion
  48. Svengali (své-gä'lè)
    a person who manipulates or controls another for malicious purposes, especially by force of personality
  49. Sycophant (sík'e-fent)
    a person who attempts to gain advantage by flattering influential people or behaving in a submissive way
  50. Tirade (tì'ràd')
    a long, angry speech, usually of a critical nature
  51. Tryst (tríst)
    an agreement, as between lovers, to meet at a certain time and place
  52. Tête-à-tête (tàt'e-tàt')
    a private conversation between two people
  53. Ubiquitous (yoo-bík'wí-tes)
    being or seeming to be everywhere a the same time
  54. Unrequited (ún'rí-kwì'tíd)
    not given, rewarded, or flet in return
  55. Untenable (ún-tén'e'bel)
    • 1. impossible to maintain or defend, as against criticism
    • 2. impossible to tolerate or endure
  56. Vicarious (vì-kâr'è-es)
    experienced or felt by empathy with or imaginary participation in the life of another person
  57. Waft (wäft)
    to move or cause to move gently and smoothly through the air
  58. Apotheosis (uh-poth-ee-oh-sis)
    • 1. the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god
    • 2. the ideal example; epitome; quintessence
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Expanding Vocab
vocabulary words