1. Proton:
    has a positive charge, found in nucleus
  2. Neutron:
    has no charge, found in nucleus
  3. Electron:
    has a negative charge, found in orbit around nucleus
  4. mass for proton?
  5. mass for neutron?
  6. mass for electron?
  7. What is a series circuit?
    In series circuit, each component follows the previous one without any breaks
  8. if the north poles of two magnets come close what happens?
    they repel from each other
  9. what happens if a south pole of one magnet comes close to a north pole of another magnet?
    they attract to one another
  10. What are materials than can be magnetised called?
    magnetic materials
  11. what do magnetic materials contain at least one of?
    Iron,nickel or cobalt
  12. how many elements are there according to the last check?
  13. what group are the alkaline earth metals?
    group 2
  14. what group are the Halogens?
    group 7
  15. what group are the Noble gases?
    group 8
  16. What is the big number on an element?
    the mass number, it is the amount of protons+ neutrons in an element
  17. what is the small number on an element?
    the atomic number, it is the amount of protons or electrons in an element
  18. what is the maximum number of electrons in the first shell?
  19. what is the maximum number of electrons in the second shell?
  20. what is the maximum number of electrons in the third shell?
  21. what is the maximum number of electrons in the fourth shell?
  22. what is a bond between a metal and non metal called?
    ionic bond
  23. What is an atom called when it gains or loses electrons?
    an ion
  24. what is a bond between non metal and a non metal called?
    covalent bond
  25. what is a bond between two metals called?
    metallic bonding
  26. what are microbes?
    Microbes are very small organisms which make up the groups Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi
  27. Bacteria:
    Bacteria are single celled organisms. They are different from plants and animals because they do not have a nucleus.
  28. Viruses:
    Viruses are extremely small and cannot be seen on a regular microscope. Viruses cause diseases like Flu,cold,AIDS and chicken pox. They are smaller than a single cell.
  29. Fungi:
    Fungi ranges from single celled organisms like yeast to large multi cellular organisms like Mushrooms.Fungi likes dark, damp, warm conditions.
  30. what is the word equation for respiration?
    Gluecose + Oxygen to Carbon dioxide + water + energy
  31. what is the word equation for anaerobic respiration IN YEAST?
    Glucose to carbon dioxide + ethanol + energy
  32. what is the word equation for anaerobic respiration in our muscles?
    Glucose to Lactic acid + energy
  33. what does lactic acid cause?
    cramps in our muscles
  34. what two ways can microbes cause diseases?
    • Destroy living tissue
    • poisoning food
  35. How do you kill microbes?
    • HeatingĀ 
    • disinfections
    • anticeptics
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