milton model

  1. Mind Read:

    Claiming to know another’s thoughts or feelings without specifying the how you came to that knowledge.
    “I know that you believe ...” or “I know you're thinking ...”

    "I know you are wondering how much you will learn from this training."

    "You may be curious about how you will use these patterns."
  2. Lost Performative:

    Expressing value judgments without identifying the one doing the judging.
    “Breathing is good.”

    It's important to learn language patterns.

    It's essential to have fun learning all this stuff.

    It's good that we are all here tonight.
  3. Cause & Effect:

    Implies one thing leads to or causes another; that
    there is sequence of cause/effect and a flow in time. Includes phrases
    such as: “If ..., then ...; As you ...., then you ...; Because ... then ...”
    “If you can hear my voice, then you can learn many things.”

    "The occasional sounds and noises from outside make you feel more and more relaxed."
  4. Complex Equivalence:

    Attributes meaning to something that may or may not have a 'cause' capability.
    “Being here means that you will change easily.”
  5. Presupposition:

    The linguistic equivalent of assumptions.
    “Will you be changing your attitude now or later today?” It is assumed the person will change their attitude, the only unknown is when.

    • "Have you realized how common it is to be in a trance?"
    • "Have you noticed how often you go into a trance, even by yourself?"

    • "What have you enjoyed thevmost about driving the new RX-7?"
    • "Are you excited aboutvmakingthis purchase?"
    • "How easily can youvbegin to relax?"
    • "Fortunately we havevplenty of opportunity to practice this material."
  6. Universal Quantifier:

    Universal generalizations without referential index.
    “Everyone; No one; All; Every”
  7. Modal Operator:

    Words that refer to possibility or necessity or that
    reflect internal states of intensity tied to our rules in life.
    “You should care for others.” or “You must resolve this issue.”
  8. Nominalization:

    Words which are formed as nouns and which are shorthand for processes.
    • “People can come to new understandings.” Here 'understandings' is used
    • as a noun and is shorthand to describe the on-going experience of
    • 'understanding' or 'making sense of something'.

    • "So close your eyes and think for a moment about some recent
    • learning, one that may have given you much surprise and
    • enjoyment."
  9. Unspecified Verb:

    Implies action without describing how the action has/will take place.
    “He caused the problem.”

    "So take a moment and enjoy remembering some of the things you learned and did at the seminar."

    "People can learn easily under hypnosis."
  10. Tag Question:

    A question added at the end of a statement/question,
    designed to soften resistance. It is used to ratify to the listener
    that he has or will actually manifest the action. It has the structure
    of a question and often the tonality of a statement.
    “Your perception of life is changing, isn’t it.”
  11. Lack of Referential Index:

    An expression without specific reference to any portion of the speakers/listeners experience.
    “People can change.”

    can relax."
  12. Comparative Deletion (Unspecified Comparison):

    A comparison is made without specific reference to what or to whom it is being compared.
    “You will enjoy it more.” or “That one is better.”
  13. Pace Current Experience:

    Using sensory-grounded, behaviorally specific information to describe current experience.
    “You are reading this article.”
  14. Double Bind:

    Invites choice within a larger context of 'no choice'.
    “Do you want to begin now or later?” or “Do you want to go into trance before or after you sit down?”
  15. Embedded Commands:

    This is a command that forms part of a larger
    sentence that is marked by using italics or a subtle change in voice
    tonality or body language and is picked up by the reader’s or listener’s
    “I will not suggest to you that change is easy.” or “Do you think this article should be sent to your friends?” or “You can learn this material easily.
  16. Conversational Postulate:

    Are questions that operate at multiple levels. Although they require only a simple yes or no answer, they invite you to engage in an activity in some way. Often they contain an embedded command.
    “Can you open the door?” or “Can you choose to change?”
  17. Extended Quote:

    Is a rambling context for the delivery of information that may be in the format of a command.
    • “Many years ago, I remember meeting a wise old man who taught me many
    • useful things. I cherished all of his advice. I remember one
    • particular day when he said to me "Change is easy and can be fun".”
  18. Selectional Restriction Violation:

    Attributing intelligence or animation to inanimate objects.
    “Your chair can support you as you make these changes.” or “Your diary tells interesting tales.”
  19. Ambiguity:

    Lack of specificity
    • a. Phonological: “your” and “you're” - same sound, different meaning.
    • b. Syntactic: More than one possible meaning. “shooting stars” or
    • “leadership shows” - the syntax is uncertain within the context, i.e.
    • adjectives, verbs or nouns?
    • c. Scope: “Speaking to you as a changed person ...” (Who is the
    • changed person?) or “The old men and women ...” - the context does not
    • reveal the scope to which a verb or modifier applies.
    • d. Punctuation: is unexpected and does not 'follow the rules', i.e.
    • improper pauses, rambling sentences, incomplete sentences - all of which
    • ultimately force the listener to 'mind read'.
    • “Hand me your watch how quickly you go into a trance.”
  20. Utilization:

    Takes advantage of everything in the listeners experience
    (both internal and external environments) to support the intention of
    the speaker.
    Client says: “I don't understand.” Response: “That's don't understand, yet, because you've not taken that one deep breath that will allow the information to fall easily and comfortably into place.”Or perhaps while working with a client, one of your colleagues mistakenly opens a door. Instead of getting frustrated and annoyed with your colleague, you could say to your client, “You may have heard a door opening and let this be an opportunity to invite new ideas and thoughts into your life.”
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milton model
summary of milton model of hypnotic trance inductions