Medical terms ch.3 part 2

  1. cyt/o
    • -- = cell
    • -cyte = cell
  2. gen/o
    • -- = beginning, origin (sometimes genes)
    • -genic = produced by or in
    • -genesis = producing or forming
  3. gram/o
    • -- = to record
    • -gram = a record
    • -graph = instrument for recording
    • -graphy = process of recording
  4. kinesi/o
    • -- = movement
    • -kinesia, -kinesis = movement, motion
  5. leps/o
    • -- = seizure
    • -lepsy = seizure
  6. lys/o
    • -- = destruction, dissolving
    • -lysin = that which destroys
    • -lysis = process of destroying
    • -lytic (note change of s to t) = capable of or producing destruction
  7. malac/o
    • -- = soft, softening
    • -malacia = abnormal softening
  8. megal/o
    • -- = large, enlarged
    • -megaly = enlargement
  9. metr/o
    • -- = measure, uterine tissue
    • -meter = instrument used to measure
    • -metry = process of measuring
  10. path/o
    -pathy = disease
  11. phag/o
    • -- = eat, ingest
    • -phagia, -phagic, -phagy = eating, swallowing
  12. phas/o
    -phasia = speech
  13. pleg/o
    -plegia = paralysis
  14. schis/o, schiz/o, schist/o
    -schisis = split, cleft
  15. scler/o
    • -- = hard
    • -sclerosis = hardening
  16. scop/o
    • -- = to examine, to view
    • -scope = instrument used for viewing
    • -scopy = process of examining visually
  17. troph/o
    -trophic, -trophy = nutrition
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Medical terms ch.3 part 2
Selected Combining forms and related suffixes